Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 9/5/2024

Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 9/5/2024

Table of Contents

  • This Week in Worship
  • Message from Rev. Lisa Ward
  • RE Registration Info
  • News and Announcements
  • Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC)
  • Beyond First Parish

This Week in Worship

Reminder: Service Starts at 10:30am!

September Worship Theme: Friendship

“Seeking Connection”

Seeking Connection

Worship Assistant: Steve Yakutis

Greeter: Leslie MacPherson

Audio: Nicholas Miller & Sofia Nitolo

Social Hour: Rev. Lisa Ward

Please join us for service at 10:30am.

Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.

This week’s offering will go towards the service and ministry of First Parish.


On my office door hangs a birdhouse artistically painted by participants of our summer UU fun camp. This was Louise’s last endeavor before moving on to their chaplaincy work. There is a lovely parting column from Louise in last week’s LINK. We will miss them as we wish them well on their journey.

I had the privilege of covering two of the days of the camp week, already well organized, lovingly planned and supported by a great youth staff (Nate and Nicholas Miller and Liza Bowden). Many thanks to all the member volunteers who offered support and craft expertise. Much fun was had and friendships deepened.

At this time, our RE Programming will be led by the RE Committee, with administrative support from the office. This is a time for us all to continue the welcome of families and support of RE that has been growing each year. We have the wiggle pews, wonderfully introduced by Louise last year, and new curricula which is flowing from the UU Association as we embark on religious exploration of our UU values voted on at the General Assembly last June.

A search committee is working closely with the RE Committee for the Family Ministries position. In church life, most positions have been filled by the summer. We will stay on this path until we find what works best. There are so many creative people in this community. I have no doubt we will shape a vibrant program.

I look forward to seeing all of you in these next weeks, full of stories and wisdom to bring to the life of our faith, dazzling in its diversity, heartening in its affirmation. See you soon!

Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa

A Note of Sorrow and Exasperation

Once again a school shooting, this time at Apalachee High School in Winder, GA. Four killed, nine wounded, the suspect arrested. A 14 year old, wielding an AR-15-style rifle, committed this all-too-common atrocity. There are localized blames lifted up: failure to productively respond to warning signs and unsafe access to an AR-platform weapon, but the larger issue, clouded by immediate finger pointing, is our society’s lack of moral courage to say and orchestrate “Enough!”

What happened to the proverbial societal village that raises a child? A village that honors freedom and responsibility, relational power and accountability. The stress, the rage, the isolation, the despair that we all ingest daily is manifesting in senseless violence and the devaluing of life. We are doing this to each other. We must stop. The dead, the wounded, the grieving loved ones, the perpetrators…they are all us. May we see clearly, act diligently and claim resolve to transform our ways of being toward healthy relating. The danger will not pass without our resolve. Sending love, Rev. Lisa

Music This Week

Music This Week

This Sunday the Meetinghouse Choir will be singing an anthem called “Take Care of This House” from a musical called 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, by Leonard Bernstein and Alan Jay Lerner. This musical premiered in 1976 and was Bernstein’s last score for a Broadway show. Three of our Hunsaker soloists will join in a lively trio by William Boyce called “Alleluia Round”. 

This fall we are happy to welcome two new Hunsaker soloists: soprano Carina Digianfilippo and baritone Juan Suarez. Carina (a familiar guest soprano over the past year) will be joining us this Sunday, and Juan will be joining us for the first time on September 15. For photos and more information about them, please check the bulletin board in the LINK. We were sorry we were not able to give proper farewells to our departing soloists Elaine Daiber and Michael Aoun. Each of them had some significant life changes over the summer which caused them to step aside. Each of them hopes to return as guest soloist when the opportunity arises, so we look forward to hearing them again down the road. 

MCC concert coming soon, on Sunday, September 15 at 3pm!

Religious Exploration

Religious Education Registration for 2024-25

Welcome to a new year of Religious Education! We will be gathering for all-ages worship on September 8th and our first day of RE programming will be September 15th. Please register and learn more about our programs with this link.

If questions reach out to Rev. Lisa at

Volunteer with Religious Education

Come teach RE this year! Teacher volunteer for 1-3 Sundays a month (not every week, scheduling flexible), are paired with a co-teacher, and receive the material ready to go. If interested in subbing or teaching later in year, please contact us! All teachers and substitutes must have a backgound check done before teaching.If you are interested, please contact Susan at for more information!

News & Announcements

Hospitality Committee Meeting

Hello! Our first Hospitality Committee meeting for this fall will be Monday, September 9th, 8:00pm via Zoom. We will plan for the upcoming Welcome Back Brunch (Sept. 15th ) and Harvest Supper (late fall), and social hour hosting throughout the year. AND welcome our new members.

We look forward to seeing you then. Enjoy the weekend.

Allison, Anita, Marie-Laure, committee co-chairs.


Please consider getting involved:

First Parish is in need of volunteers for worship assistants, greeters, and social hour hosts.

If interested in signing up please use Sign up Genius link.

We have appreciated your help in the past and hope you can help again.

Thank you in advance.

First Parish Welcome Back Brunch

First Parish Welcome Back Brunch

September 15th

Members and Friends ~ It’s Brunch Time! Soon we will be back in regular community at First Parish. Save the date for our annual brunch. Presented by Hospitality and Membership, we will have a delightful array of treats for you to enjoy as you catch up with each other after church. September 15th is the date; mark it on your calendar!

The Imaginarium

The Imaginarium is Coming Back!

The Imaginarium is a group that explores our monthly worship themes through discussion, stories and creative play. We meet once a month for two hours (time TBD), crafting ideas and experiences inspired by the themes. Perhaps an interactive reading or story for all ages will show up at worship now and then.  Come, enjoy the shared wisdom, creativity and connection. Each meeting stands on its own. No previous experience necessary.

Interested? contact the office:

Questions? contact Rev. Lisa:



On Sunday, September 15 at 3pm Milton Community Concerts will collaborate with White Snake Projects on a timely concert called “Sing Out Strong: Voting As Freedom”. Original songs are based on texts written by students, immigrants, and other local community members in response to: “What do voting and freedom mean to you?”. Performers are vocalists Aurora Martin and Chihiro Asano, pianist Jamie Lorusso, and speaker/host Cerise Lim Jacobs, founder of White Snake Projects. Admission is PAY AS YOU CAN, with suggested donation of $25 general/$15 senior/free for 18 and under.  You are invited to visit MCC on Facebook and share these videos, and even watch the complete concert videos at where you also make a donation if you wish. 

First Parish is Hiring!

Family Ministries Director

The Family Ministries Directory position presents an opportunity to work with our congregation developing our religious exploration model for multi-generational engagement. Current goals are to maintain the RE program for children and youth as well as exploring family ministry and multi-generational community building. 

We are seeking an individual with demonstrated experience and/or training as an educator, strong relational skills, a collaborative spirit, and interest in program development. The  successful candidate will align with Unitarian Universalist values, but prior affiliation with  Unitarian Universalism is not required. Dedicated to equity, diversity, pluralism, accessibility,  and inclusion, we welcome applicants of any identity and ability. 

The FMD will report to the Minister, our staff team leader, and will collaborate with our RE  Committee and volunteers. The position affords the opportunity to create and engage in a  professional development plan.

A detailed job description can be found here. Cover letter and resume should be sent to Please forward this posting to anyone in your network who may be interested!

Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC)

Update on the migrant crisis in Quincy

Thank you all for responding so generously with donations for the migrants in Quincy. We have provided blankets, sleeping bags, toiletries, backpacks, clothing, diapers, wipes, baby formula, strollers, snacks and more. It is wonderful to see such generosity and compassion for these individuals and families in crisis.

Last week after publicity, the state administration responded. The people who were sleeping at Wollaston Station were transported to shelters. I don’t have a recent update though we know this situation won’t go away soon. We’ll stop collecting donations for now until we find out more about what is needed. Thanks again for generously responding to help those in need.

Mary Blanchette for The Social and Environmental Justice Committee.

Event being held on September 8, 2024

Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC)

Beyond First Parish


Join us for world-class jazz music on the beautiful UUUM green space. We’re happy to announce The Makanda Project will have three concerts this summer at the Urban Ministry. Join us under the summer sky for these free shows in the heart of Roxbury.

Saturday, September 14th from 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Events are free! | All are welcome | Bring a lawn chair

Click here for more information

Stay Connected

Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.