
We aspire to a holy generosity.
We want to offer our time, our talent and our treasure to what matters most to us.
We work together to do that in this community, which is entirely dependent on its members for its finances and function, and is also committed to offerings to other organizations doing good work in the world.
On the third Sunday of each month (September – June), we devote the entire Sunday morning offering to an organization doing work we want to support.
Make Secure Contribution via EFT or Credit Card
Each year we ask our members and friend to make an annual pledge to support the life of the church. Make your Annual Financial Commitment (Pledge) here.
If you’re interested in setting up a recurring payment through VANCO, you can print out this form and return to the church office. You can leave with office staff or drop in the locked grey box outside the office door.
Solar Panel Project
If you’d like to contribute to our Solar Panel Project, please print out this form and return it to the office.