Summer Services
Revised: 5/30/2024
Summer Services begin on 6/16 at 9:30am. Services will be in the Meetinghouse and on Zoom unless noted. If you need the Zoom link, please find it in the weekly Link or email for the link.
7/21* Elise Henricks Labyrinth (In person only)
7/28** Penny Partridge & Tracey Robinson “Share a Poem”** No No n/a
8/4 Tasha Bello- “Burying the Hatchet and Mending
My Fences”
8/11 Amy Kavadlo- “Unexpected & Unexplainable Miracles”
8/18 Tony Dutzik “I Listened to the Bible So You Don’t Have To”
8/25 Leslie MacPherson “Yoda: Do or Do Not, There is no Try.”
9/1* Chris Clifford Blue Hills Forest Bathing* (in person only)