This Week in Worship
October 2, 2016 @ Meetinghouse, 10:30 am
Worship Leader Rev. Lisa Ward
October Worship Theme: Truth — Message from Rev. Lisa
So I’m looking forward to this Sunday’s “Celebrate Milton” event. It will give me a chance to learn more about the town of First Parish and its people. It takes awhile to settle into a new place and learn its context. I appreciate how Milton congregants have been sensitive to the slow learning curve of the why’s and how’s and wherefore’s of our ways and walking together. Let’s do take advantage of introducing First Parish Milton to me, both for my edification, but also to challenge you to consider who you are, why you gather and what gifts you give to the world.
I’m also looking forward to the in-house Harvest Supper on October 15th. It will be our first social gathering together, which, again, helps me get a feel of the place and learn more about you. I’m grateful for such opportunities to break bread together and hear your stories of and aspirations for First Parish. Not to mention how great you are with food! Bit by bit a solid message of who we are as a faith community will emerge: a message that we can share with the larger community. It takes time and intention.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with thoughts, ideas, feedback and suggestions about your vision of First Parish Milton and your aspirations of engagement with this lovely, vibrant, friendly and creative faith community.
Blessings Be,
Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Laurel Whitehouse
Director of Religious Education
There will be no Youth Chat or Youth Group activities this Sunday, October 2. All youth are encouraged to take part in the worship service this Sunday, October 2.
Mandatory Our Whole Lives Parent Orientation Session
When: Sunday, October 2 from noon to 1:30 pm in the Parior
All custodial parents of 8th and 9th graders must attend an orientation session and sign an Our Whole Lives permission form in order for their youth to participate in the program.
Religious Education classes will begin meeting on Sunday, October 2
Preschool through grade 1 will be enjoying the Spirit Play program in the Activity Room. Grades 2 through 5 will be piloting an older version of the Spirit Play approach called Spirited Adventure, meeting in the downstairs classroom wing. Grades 6 and 7 will be piloting a curriculum called Friends and Neighbors which will combine social justice projects with portions of the Neighboring Faiths program. This group will also meet in the downstairs classroom wing. Grades 8 and 9 will be joining the congregation for the entire service in the Sanctuary.
Register your Child or Youth
Unfortunately, the online registration form had a technical glitch and did not capture data entered over the summer and early fall. The Religious Education Committee is asking all families to complete a paper registration form instead. Thank you for your understanding as we work to construct our registration database.
Nursery and Toddler Care Team – Teenagers and Young Adults
Please email if you are interested in being part of the Nursery Care team on Sunday mornings. Hours are 9 am – 12 noon. We also may have some opportunities for other child care assignments at church other than Sunday mornings. In your email please give us your first and last names, email address, cell number, and confirm you have completed a babysitting certification program.
News and Announcements
The Harvest Supper Returns!
Saturday, October 15th, 6 pm
Remember how much fun we had last year?
The Hospitality and Membership Committees are hosting this time-honored event for the second year. A time to renew old friendships and make new ones. A treat for the whole family! Bring a dish for the potluck and a bottle of wine to share. There will be a cocktail hour from 6-7, followed by a pot luck dinner and dessert.
Door prizes and games are all part of the fun! Good company, good conversation, good food and drink. Join us! Onsite childcare available from 6 pm – 9 pm
A Task Group is forming with an eye toward the living legacy of First Parish Milton.
There are artifacts, historical records, boxes of writings, and gifted treasures squirreled away in closets, nooks and crannies about the church building. There are files and furniture collecting dust that may no longer speak to our living legacy. The Heritage Task Group will work together to locate and catalogue what is of historical significance, then propose to the Parish Committee to either store (in a designated area for archives), display (on walls and/or alcoves) or pass on (to museums, etc) the materials. In this way, we will utilize the treasures we have to intentionally teach about who we are now, which includes where we have come from. Scott McIsaac has agreed to chair the task group. Please contact the office ( if you are interested in being a part of this adventure. Meeting times will be established by the group.
When: Sunday, October 23 at noon
More details soon
Halloween Dance Party
When: Friday, October 28th
Time: 7pm – 9pm
The RE Committee is hosting its 7th annual Spooktacular Dance Party
It’s a Halloween Party you’re in for a scare, our treats will delight you, be there if you dare! A night for all ages, much fun is in store, so put on a costume and don’t be a bore.
If you would like to help setup, cleanup or providing Halloween-themed desserts, please email Laurel Whitehouse, Director of Religious Education, at
“Save the Date: Milton Community Concert Presents . . . .”
The first Milton Community Concert of this year will be on Sunday, November 6th at 6pm in the Meetinghouse. The title of it is: “Connections: An Operatic Celebration”.The performers, who come from St. Petersburg, Russia, Korea, and the United States are all connected through the music as a reflection of the need for all parts of the world to feel connection to each other.
The artists are Maria Lyudko, soprano; David Won, tenor; Georges Devdariani, clarinet; and Tim Steele, piano. This will be a ticketed (non-benefit) concert: $20 general admission, $10 seniors, 18 and under free. Hope you can come!
- Sunday, October 2 OWL Orientation Celebrate Milton
- Saturday, October 15 Harvest Supper
- Sunday, October 23rd All Church Council
- Friday, October 28th Halloween Dance Party
- Sunday, November 6th Milton Community Concert
- Sunday, November 13th Bring a Friend to Church
- Friday, December 2 Holiday Craft Night
- Saturday, December 3 Holiday World Market Fair & Brunch
Kiki’s Corner
The activity level at church is high and there are a variety of activies planned in October and November. Remember the deadline for The Link is Tuesday afternoons. The rest of the details for submission are at the bottom of each Link.
We are all learning together this year. Our current staff team has been in place for just over three weeks. There are lots of learning curves and things may take a little longer right now than in the past. So continue to be patient with us.
We are always looking at a variety of ways to provide information on happenings connected with First Parish. The Link is sent as an email blast to individuals on the mailing list, posted to our Facebook page and twitter. It is also posted under News on our website, We try to post on the bulletin boards on the Link. We also have two Information Tables. The Stebbins Parlor as you come out of the Meetinghouse and the table in the Parish Hall foyer. Those are prime spots for bulletins, flyers and our newcomer materials.
Social Action Opportunities
We have a Social Action bulletin board in the link which provides information and flyers on various social justice opportunities: in Milton, with the UU Urban Ministry and the wider world. We also summarize events here.
MILTON DIALOGUES: Building Race Relations
Share your thoughts, feelings and experiences around ethnicity, race and community and hear those of others.
People who live or work in Milton are invited to register now to participate in a four-session dialogue series conducted by experienced co-facilitators. We will gather on four Monday evenings in October and November: October 17 + 24, and November 7 + 14. All sessions will be held from 6:30 to 8:30pm at Milton Public Library, 476 Canton Avenue, Milton MA 02186.
A commitment to attending all four sessions is requested as each session builds on the prior one, enabling participants to build understanding.
Register Now at or 617-922-0191.
Please provide us with Your Name; Email Address; Phone Number; Whether You Live or Work in Milton; the Racial Group you most closely identify with (to help us assemble a diversely balanced group of participants as mentioned above).
To register or for information: or 617-922-0191
Flyers about this event are on the Information Tables in the Stebbins Parlor and Parish Hall Foyer
On Saturday October 1st from 9:30 to 2pm, UU Mass Action and All Soul’s Church in Braintree are hosting an early church year Justice Conference. The Fair Share Tax Amendment and Criminal Justice issues will be highlighted.
Lunch, information, and the opportunity to collaborate with other UU’s are on the menu. Please consider attending.
All Souls Church is at 196 Elm St. Braintree, MA 02184. Please call Rev. Steve Wilson for more information. (617) 852-2292
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!