This Week in Worship
Sunday, September 27 Worship @ 10:30 am in Parish Hall
I grew up in the First Unitarian Church in New Bedford which at the time had a very humanist centered theology. Unlike some religions which stress the importance of God above all things, humanism focuses primarily on the importance, authority, and potential of humankind. Which is wonderful, however, it left me lacking in some of the tools with which to practice religion. Especially in the area of prayer.
For some of you prayers were something that were written down and which you learned by rote, like the Lord’s Prayer or the Mourner’s Kaddish. Other of you may have grown up in a faith (maybe even as Unitarian Universalists) where prayers came easily and were extemporaneous. Almost everyday I turn to prayer as a way to reorient myself in the universe, to help prioritize the things that are in my heart over the concerns that fill my e-mail box.
I’m pleased that this church provides a place where you can let me know if you have a prayer concern. At the front of the Meetinghouse there is a table with small tea light candles and a form where you can leave a concern to be held in prayer, you even have the option to have your message included in the spoken prayers of the service. If you are not going to be in church you can send them to me.
See you in church,
Religious Exploration
Sunday, September 27 — First Day of RE Classes
Calling all Babysitters!
We are putting together our 2015 – 2016 babysitting team and we are looking for youth who are interested in babysitting one to two Sunday mornings a month. If you are interested in babysitting and have taken the babysitting course please email me. We will be having an informational meeting Sunday, September 27th at 9:30am.
Thank you,
Miriam Saavedra
Religious Educator
News and Announcements
ALL CHURCH COUNCIL – Sunday, September 27 @ 12 noon
The Parish Committee invites Committee Chairs and their members to the next All Church Council Sunday September 27 from noon till 2PM. This is a great event if you are new to committee work, want to know what is ahead for First Parish or have recently become a Committee Chair. We would like to focus on what an “ideal” budget might look like for your committee so please bring and share your ideas. Please share with anyone interested in getting to know others who do so much for FP Milton.
THE RETURN OF THE HARVEST SUPPER!! – Saturday, October 3 @ 6:00 pm
In one of the best First Parish traditions, the Hospitality Committee is bringing back this time-honored event on Saturday, October 3rd, from 6-10PM. The dinner will be pot-luck. Let Hospitality know what you will be bringing to the potluck today during Social Hour. Also bring a bottle of wine to share. (A bartender will be on duty to do the serving.)
The plans are coming together: Door Prizes, Special Sing-along, and Jazz Piano by Joel. Childcare will be available onsite from 6 – 9 pm with a special children’s yoga class at 6:15. Good food and drink, good company, good times.
Please come, we want you there!!
On Sunday, October 18th at 4:00 pm Milton Community Concerts presents “Right on Your Doorstep”, a free benefit concert to support music in the Milton Public Schools. Milton resident Pauline Wells and MHS grad Brandon Grimes headline a wonderfully eclectic program of songs in a variety of styles. They will be joined by pianist Timothy Steele and others right here at First Parish Church. Free admission; a free-will offering will be taken. For more information visit
The Search Is On!
What comes after your participation in the survey? Please plan to participate
Sunday, October 18, 2015, 12-3 PM – Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop.
Significant parish participation is important in attracting the best ministerial candidates. Look for an EVITE soon with more details.
Look for more information about the Search Process at Church this Sunday – a new bulletin board is being populated.
Two-way communication between the MSC and the congregation is essential to the success of our search. Please contact any of us if you have thoughts to share or questions.
I did it! Did you?
Please complete the Congregational Survey. We ask that each member and friend of First Parish and youth who have completed Coming of Age please put aside some time to complete the survey now. The survey will close October 4th.
We want EVERYONE to participate: we are asking you to respond to 45 questions (including six open-ended questions), which will take approximately 30-60 minutes. Your responses to the survey are a critical component for the congregational profile that will be viewed by ministers seeking to lead a new congregation. This is your chance to be heard. All survey responses are anonymous.
Your Ministerial Search Committee: Debbie Alsebai, Charlie Franich, Franc Graham, Elise Henricks, Jim May, Brigitte Miller, and Tracey Robinson.
Kiki’s Corner
Sunday, October 4th, a half marathon will be run to support the Council on Aging. The race will begin and end at Town Hall. They will have volunteers stationed around our parking lot so that our spaces will not be used by spectators and supporters of the event. The race begins at 8 am and most participants will come in around 9:30 but there will be stragglers. If you are arriving early for choir or other church related activities, just let the volunteer know you attend First Parish and you will be able to get in to the lot with no problem.
Last Call! Our fabulous Hospitality Committee has done their annual kitchen clean up and cleans out. They have found a variety of items that do not belong to the First Parish kitchen. The items are in the back corner of the kitchen. Please take your items home. We will do this for a couple of weeks and then recycle.
Notice the Ministerial Search Committee’s new bulletin board? As you leave the meetinghouse through the Stebbins Parlor, you will see it directly in front of you.
There is so much happening these days, the Information Table will be in the Parish Hall each Sunday. Some of the items on the table are listed below. This week’s encouragement is to complete the Social Media Release Form and take information about the Congregational Survey.
- Full message from your Ministerial Search Committee about the Congregational Survey
- First Parish All Church Events Calendar with staff and committee chair listing
- Social Media Release Form
- Schedule for Sunday Volunteer Services (Flowers, Social Hour Hosting and Ushering)
- Pledge Payment Information Sheet and Electronic Authorization Form
- Religous Exploration Registration for the children and youth and CORI forms for teachers and chaperones.
All completed forms should be placed in the gray box just outside the office. It is the most convenient way for us to handle the paper on Sunday mornings at our very busy church.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!