Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 9/23/2021

Weekly Link 9-23-2021

This Week in Worship

September 26, 2021

September theme: Embracing Possibility

“The Growing Edge “

Facilitated by: Rev. Lisa Ward

Worship Associate: Amy Kavadlo

Faith Reflection: Adaptive Change Group

Music: Tim Steele

Audio Engineer: Brynne Mershon

This will be a hybrid service. You are welcome to join us in the Meetinghouse (masks required for those over 5 years old and childcare will be available). If you prefer, you are welcome to join us via Zoom. 

Please see the zoom link below. Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.

Sunday’s offering will be dedicated to the services and ministry of First Parish.

I came across this quote the other day by Jewish mystic, Abraham Heschel: “The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments.”

This is a good reminder for me in these times. Information is, of course, very important, especially in terms of science. Strategies and ways of navigating these times can be well informed by scientific observation and data. Gaining information about others’ lives is also important for deepening in the wisdom of interdependence, equity and justice.

What gives all this information gathering and data analysis depth and breadth is the heart and soul connection. Why do this at all? What’s the point? That information comes from body data – the feeling of life’s worth and wonder.

I want Covid information because I’ve experienced sacred moments of joy in life and of love. I value the science of climate change because I’ve known sacred moments in nature’s majesty. I care about the context of other lives because I’ve sensed the sacred urging of justice.

Sacred moments, small and grand, nourish our reaching for the information we need to build a just and healthy world.  Give your lives room for these sacred moments. All you need do is listen and look.  

Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa

Religious Exploration

Our first week of Religious Exploration classes for Children and Youth went well. We had 11 children who broke into two groups, Spirit Play for the youngest and Soul Matters for the elementary aged children. This week the 8th-1oth graders will begin Heeding the Call at 3PM in the courtyard. They will pivot to Our Whole Lives in November.

We got a good start on registrations, but most were incomplete. And no one returned a photo permission form. Bridget will have the partially completed forms and blank forms during the morning worship and RE class time as well as during coffee hour. Jeff and Laura will have the needed forms during class in the afternoon. Every child or youth who is participating in our program must register each year. To complete registration parents must complete both the registration form and the photo permission form. If you will be at First Parish for worship and your young person will be at church for Heed the Call, you can register them in the morning.

Creepy Carriage House has been discussed informally. If we are going to make it happen we need to get started planning. If you and/or your young person are interested in participating in Creepy Carriage House, please email me at Youth Group will launch after Creepy Carriage House concludes.

Last week we blessed the backpacks of our children and youth. If your child(ren) did not get a tag (or left theirs at the meetinghouse- 2 out of 11 did not make it off the grounds), the tags will be available at coffee hour and during Heed the Call class. 

Molly B. Nolan, Transitional Director of Religious Education


This week a vocal ensemble of Jennifer Sgroe, Pat Neves, Claudia

Wellington, and Jeff Stoodt will be singing an inspirational anthem called

“Love is Stronger Than Fear”. Also Jennifer Sgroe will be making her debut

as a guitarist with her unique arrangement of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.

Safety Guideline Reminders 

• All members of the congregation are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated . The science indicates that this is the most important action we can take to keep ourselves and our community safe.

• Updated mask recommendations for Sunday worship :

  • Masks are required in the meetinghouse for all , regardless of vaccination status ; please continue to wear your mask when sitting in your pew .
  • Masks are optional for children 5 years and under .
  • Worship leaders may remove masks when speaking in the front of the meetinghouse; each worship speaker /soloist should have a dedicated microphone and podium ; social distancing between worship leaders should be maintained throughout the service .

• Social distancing ( at least 6 feet) will be required in the meetinghouse ; seating will be limited to alternate pews .

• Special requirements for choir members: because of the close proximity among singers in the choir , vaccines will be required for all active choir members , including soloists. Special mask s for vocalists will be provided by the church and will be required f or all singing performers in the meetinghouse.

• We are asking everyone attending worship to sign in for every worship service . This will facilitate contact tracing if needed.

• All worship participants are asked to leave the meetinghouse directly after the service . Social hour will be held outdoors in the courtyard until further notice.

Table of Contents

For Events, News and Announcements 

1.Volunteers Needed

2.First Parish Connections

3.All Church Council Meeting



6. S & EJ Committee News

The Meetinghouse is made holy by your presence each Sunday….and we need people to make coffee!

Each Sunday, First Parish relies on the help of many to make the shared experience of worship happen.

We need help with the following:

Hospitality: Due to Covid complexity, First Parish is providing grab and go snacks, and beverages after services. We do not need volunteers to bring food this year, unless you’d like to.

We need volunteers to:

• Set up table outside for coffee and snacks

• Brew coffee and tea- and bring outside on our new bussing cart!

• Clean up afterwards!

Greeters: Greeters welcome folks into the Meetinghouse and help us fill out Covid contract tracing sheets.

Ushers: Ushers hand out Orders of Worship, help folks find their seats and fill out the offering collections sheet at the end of service.

Tent Crew: help us put up the tent for RE/social hour before church. 

To sign up, please use sign up genius.

We need volunteers for this Sunday and beyond.

If you’ve never volunteered for these jobs before, we can provide instructions!

Thank you for your commitment to First Parish!

Ever wish you had a way to connect with everyone at First Parish to . . .

find a babysitter, pet sitter, or house sitter?request recommendations?make an announcement?extend an invitation?share information (recipes, etc.)? Do you have something to give away ? (a la Buy Nothing pages)

Introducing First Parish Connections!

First Parish Connections is a new Facebook group that allows us to connect directly with each other for community support and service coordination.

This is a private group, open to members and friends of FPMU.

To join, log into your Facebook account and in the search box, type “First Parish Connections.”

You’ll need to answer a security question, and then wait for your membership to be approved. Once you’re a member of the group, please read and adhere to the guidelines—then get started connecting!

Questions? Please contact the office at, Leslie MacPherson at or Lisa White at

All Church Council Meeting

Friday, Oct 15th

6:30 pm-8:00 pm

Several times a year, we gather for our All Church Council. All committee chairs or representatives are encouraged to attend. The gathering is open to all church members and friends. This is an opportunity for church leadership to connect and discuss goals and challenges for the year. 

We will be holding the meeting over Zoom


All are welcome to join for 30 minutes of silent meditation/prayer on:

Thursday evenings at 6:45 pm-7:15 pm 

Sunday mornings at 8:30am-9:00am

Newcomers and friends welcome.

Please contact Tracey at if you have questions or want to join us!

Classes with instructor Elyse Siegmann! 

Online via Zoom (see link below) till further notice

This is a NEW Zoom link!

6:30 pm Monday evenings

From S & EJ Committee

“Calling all Father Bill volunteers! “

Bagged Lunch program returns MONDAY, September 27th!

Effective September 27, 2021 we are preparing lunches on every other Monday. Volunteers acquire food and pack 10-20 lunches and deliver to the church between 12:45 pm-1:00 pm on Delivery day (every other Monday).

One team lead drives all the lunches to the shelter in Brockton.

Sign up on our Mainspring Sign up-please indicate number of lunches you will bring.

If you require more information or have questions please contact Peter Schneider at

Sign up Genius

Stay Connected

Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.