Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 9/23/2016

Weekly Link 9/23/2016


This Week in Worship

September 25, 2016 — Meetinghouse @ 10:30 am

Worship Leader Rev. Lisa Ward

September Worship Theme: Covenant

Message from Rev. Lisa

Rev. Hall Kirkham, Rector of St. Michael’s Church in Milton, was swift in responding on behalf of the Milton Interfaith Clergy Association, to the vandalism of “Miriam’s Memorial”, a symbolic grave in the Milton Cemetery , of a girl killed in the Holocaust. “We as faith leaders seek to nourish and lift up a community of embrace, and reciprocal trust,” he wrote, “for all who visit or live here, and we extend that commitment to the monuments and memorials of our citizens.”

This act of violence, whether out of harmful ignorance or directed malice, speaks to a brokenness in society that can only be remedied through intentional recognition that we are all in this endeavor of life together. Our actions create who we are for one another, and the ripple effect of the values we claim shape our patterns of behavior. This includes saying “yes” and “no” to what we might witness, lifting up violation as well as affirmation to what is before us; finding ways to diffuse hatred, ever deepening and widening our understanding of interdependence and peace. May our Jewish brothers and sisters feel ever embraced in the community at large.

In this time when the rancor of national elections ramps up and media hype encourages us to fall into “us” and “them”, let us find ways to speak of our differences without violent overtones in our actions, our language and our inferences. It starts with each of us and ripples out into the world.

So may it be.


The Milton Interfaith Clergy Association in partnership with Milton Selectmen and the Trustees of the Milton Cemetery invite the entire community to attend


When: Thursday, Sept. 22, @ 5:45 – 6:30 pm
Where: The Holocaust Memorial site by the Cemetery Pond

A statement by Fred Manassa, Holocaust Survivor and the artist who created the Memorial, will be read

News and Announcements

Meditation Group Continues on Sundays.

Please note schedule change for Thursdays.

All are invited to join a small mediation group in the Children’s Church on Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 9:30am.

Please note that normal Thursday 7 – 7:30 pm meditation session is on break for three weeks and resume on October 13.

“Save the Date: Nov. 6 Milton Community Concert Presents . . . .”

The first Milton Community Concert of this year will be on Sunday, November 6th at 6pm in the Meetinghouse. The title of it is: “Connections: An Operatic Celebration”.

The performers, who come from St. Petersburg, Russia, Korea, and the United States are all connected through the music as a reflection of the need for all parts of the world to feel connection to each other. The artists are Maria Lyudko, soprano; David Won, tenor; Georges Devdariani, clarinet; and Tim Steele, piano.

This will be a ticketed (non-benefit) concert: $20 general admission, $10 seniors, 18 and under free. Hope you can come!

Worship Theme “Think Tank”

5 Participants Needed: This group would brainstorm ideas about the following theme of the month. We will engage our own stories and musings, along with sharing resources that might inform upcoming sermons and discussions.

Please contact the Kathy Tracey if you are interested. We will need at least 6 participants for a viable group.

Interactive Bulletin Board

We have created an interactive bulletin board in the hallway outside our offices for people of all ages to add a thought or image as a visual musing of our monthly worship theme. Please stop by to see the Children’s Poster’s and various thoughts that are shared.

Information Tables

Looking for visitor materials, registration forms or other church flyers? Check our two Information Tables. One is locataed in the Parish Hall foyer and the other in the Stebbins Parlor (the small area when you leave the meetinghouse and go towards the link.

We also keep visitor materials in the narthex. Please check with an usher or greeter on Sunday morning.

Religious Exploration

RE Classes Start September 25th, 2016

  • Adults and children start in the Meetinghouse.
  • Children grades Pre-K through Grade 8 will leave for their classses from the Meetinghouse.

September 25, 7 – 8:30 pm
OWL (Our Whole Lives) Parent Orientation @ Parish Hall

  • Sunday, September 25 RE Classes Begin
    OWL Parent Orientation
  • Sunday, October 2 Celebrate Milton
  • Thursday, October 13 Thursday Meditation Resumes
  • Saturday, October 15 Harvest Supper
  • Friday, October 28 Halloween Party
  • Sunday, November 6 Milton Community Concert


Kiki’s Corner

The Membership Committee and Rev. Lisa will be at Celebrate Milton festivities on Sunday October 2. Please look for the First Parish Milton exhibit table if you are at the event.

All Church Council has been postponed. Check soon for the rescheduled date.

You are starting to see that our calendar is indeed beginning to unfold. More details will follow as the events get closer.

We have a small lost and found on the coat rack in the Parish Hall foyer. Jackets and scarves mostly. Please claim before October 3. We will donate any items that remain.

Upcoming Community Events

On Sunday, September 25th @ 4pm, the Blue Boat Coffee House is teaming up with the national Concert Across America to End Gun Violence and the South Shore Women’s Resource Center.

This FREE concert will highlight our incredible local talent and include a special guest from Chicago. Through live online coverage of the national concert and through hundreds of concerts in towns (just like ours!) and cities across the country, we can reach millions of people on one day–all to raise awareness and save lives from gun violence as well as bring attention to domestic violence here on the South Shore.

For more information about this event:

This alcohol-free, substance-free event is open to the public and any donations or proceeds will go to the South Shore Women’s Resource Center to support victims of domestic violence. You can learn more about SSWRC at
Refreshments will be available.

First Parish is handicapped accessible and is located at 330 First Parish Rd., Scituate, MA (near Lawson Tower), 781-545-3324. For more information, please check our website:

MILTON DIALOGUES: Building Race Relations

Share your thoughts, feelings and experiences around ethnicity, race and community and hear those of others.

People who live or work in Milton are invited to register now to participate in a four-session dialogue series conducted by experienced co-facilitators. We will gather on four Monday evenings in October and November: October 17 + 24, and November 7 + 14. All sessions will be held from 6:30 to 8:30pm at Milton Public Library, 476 Canton Avenue, Milton MA 02186.

A commitment to attending all four sessions is requested as each session builds on the prior one, enabling participants to build understanding.

Register Now at or 617-922-0191.

Please provide us with Your Name; Email Address; Phone Number; Whether You Live or Work in Milton; the Racial Group you most closely identify with (to help us assemble a diversely balanced group of participants as mentioned above).

To register or for information: or 617-922-0191

Flyers about this event are on the Information Tables in the Stebbins Parlor and Parish Hall Foyer

On Saturday October 1st from 9:30 to 2pm, UU Mass Action and All Soul’s Church in Braintree are hosting an early church year Justice Conference. The Fair Share Tax Amendment and Criminal Justice issues will be highlighted.

Lunch, information, and the opportunity to collaborate with other UU’s are on the menu. Please consider attending.

All Souls Church is at 196 Elm St. Braintree, MA 02184. Please call Rev. Steve Wilson for more information. (617) 852-2292


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse

Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!