This Week in Worship
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Worship at 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
Welcoming the Stranger
Rev. Lisa Ward
On Sunday, August 19th, a dozen or so congregants attended the gathering to formally remove the cross from the pulpit. It was a heartfelt gathering, full of gratitude and honor for worship life, past, present and future. As the cross was a gift from Edith Stebbins, wife of the Rev. Rodderick Stebbins (served 1886-1924), to Rev. Vivian Pomeroy (served 1924-1954), the choice for temporary placement of the cross is in the Stebbins parlor, the room connected to the Meetinghouse toward the Link hallway.
This Sunday, September 23rd, we are placing the cross above the mantelpiece of the Stebbins Parlor within a short ceremony following the worship service (around 11:45 am).
Edith Stebbins’ gift, offered after Robert Stebbins died , was a gesture of good wishes and goodwill for Rev. Pomeroy’s pastorate. From archival research, it appears that the cross was not positioned behind the pulpit until 1943.
For more information on the congregation’s discernment and process, there is a link on the website, through the member portal, under congregational leadership, entitled “Conversation Data/Cross Behind Pulpit”.
I have been impressed by the thorough, respectful engagement in this discernment process. The dialogue of our living faith continues. May it be so.
Blessings, Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Laurel Whitehouse, Director of Religious Exploration
Nursery care will be available from 10:15 to 11:45 am in the Link hallway for infants and toddlers up to age 3.
On Sunday, September 23, all children from preschool through grade 8 will begin in the Meetinghouse and then move to their classrooms.
Register your child or youth! The Religious Education Committee requests all families to register their children and youth before classes begin on September 23. Paper registration forms are available on the RE bulletin board in the Link hallway.
Religious Exploration classes will begin meeting this Sunday, September 23. All classrooms are located downstairs. Preschool through grade 5 will focus on World Religions this year. Preschool through grade 2 will be enjoying the Spirit Play program in the Preschool classroom. Grades 3 through 5 will be exploring the Holidays and Holy Days curricula, meeting in the Juniors classroom. Grades 6 through 8 will be continuing a curriculum called Friends and Neighbors which is based on both the Crossing Bridges and Neighboring Faiths programs. This group will meet in the Activity room.
Our Whole Lives Program: The 8th and 9th grade Our Whole Lives class will begin meeting on Sunday, September 23, from noon to 1:30 pm in the Children’s Church. Our Whole Lives is a sexuality education curriculum jointly developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ.
A parent orientation session for the Our Whole Lives will be held from noon to 1:30 pm in the Chase Parlor. It is mandatory for all custodial parents to attend an orientation session and complete registration and permission forms for their youth.
Child care opportunities at FP Milton: Please email us if you are interested in being part of the child care team. We have occasional opportunities during the year for child care assignments after the service on Sundays or on afternoons/evenings throughout the week. In your email please give us your first and last names, email address, cell number, and confirm that you have completed a babysitting certification program.
Youth Chat, 10:30 – 11:30: Join us for our annual covenant process as well as discussion on exciting things coming up this year!
CAT, Community Activity Time, 12 – 1:30: Come decorate your own mug to be used for our youth room’s new Keurig machine! Games and fun will be available to be had on top of our crafty activity.
Our music this week is being provided by two soloists, Jennifer Sgroe and Pat Neves. Jennifer will be offering “Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown”, a Scottish melody set to a text by Charles Wesley, arranged by K. Lee Scott.
Pat will be singing “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” by Jimmy Holiday, Randy Myers, and Jackie De Shannon.
Events, News and Announcements
Grief Support Group
Four Tuesdays: October 2, 9, 16, 23
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
When we lose a loved one through death, the world is different, our lives shift in meaning, our ground is shaken. We can feel isolated by our grief. We can also feel a lack of strength or initiative to find a way through. One way to help adjust to the new reality and find our inner resources is to share our journey with others who welcome time together devoted to the jorney of loss and recovery. There are many ways that we grieve and many kinds of losses. This group is focused on loss due to the death of a loved one. We ask participants to commit to at least three of the sessions, no new participants after the 9th.
Please contact the office if you can attend.
Evening Service of Centering, Starting October 3rd
Wednesdays, Children’s Church 7:00 – 7:30 pm
Give yourself some time, in this busy and distracting world, to replenish your spirit in meditative community. This half hour of centering will include one meditative reading, time for meditation and the sharing of insight. Attend when you can.
Second Wednesdays, 7:30 – 8:30, Children’s Church
Beginning on October 10th
The UU Book Study Group will explore the nature of Unitarian Universalism through the frames of UU authors. Our first Book Study will be Our Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by the Rev. John A. Buehrens and F. Forrester Church. The 2nd edition is named A Chosen Faith (with different preface authors). Both and the UU Bookstore have copies. We will cover Part One (through p.38) at our first meeting. Feel free to contact Rev. Ward ( if fiscal assistance is needed to purchase the book.
Parenting As A Spiritual Practice: Parenting Teens
Third Friday of the Month, Parish Hall
First Gathering: October 19th, 6 – 8:30 pm, Pizza and salad provided
Suggested donation toward dinner: $5. Do not let cost prohibit you from attending.
Facilitator: Rev. Lisa Ward
Parents encounter many issues living with teen children that surprise, delight and challenge us. We all need support, encouragement and a chance to explore ways to navigate these precious years. We will enjoy a simple meal then share wisdom in a format that invites conversation, workshopping ideas, and hearing each other’s stories.
Please contact the office if you can attend. We need at least six people to attend.
Story for All Ages Troupe Forming
Rev. Lisa invites those who would like to render a story for all ages as a story troupe. We will find ways to express meaning through acting, movement, sound. This year we’ll tell a story together every two months. This requires at least one midweek rehearsal (1 ½ hours) and coming in early on the given Sunday. Our first story telling will be September 30th., rehearsal 7 pm Thursday the 27th. All ages and abilities welcome. Please contact the office if you are interested.
A recommendation from UU Church in Wayland on helping those displaced in Andover and Lawrence communities by the gas explosions:
Rev. Lee Bluemel, of the North Andover UU congregation, writes: “Those most at risk of having their lives truly ruined are lower-income folks in Lawrence who lost homes, and may be at risk of becoming homeless once FEMA funding runs out.”
Below is an organization that Rev. Bluemel recommends sending donation to:
Emmaus House, for Rapid Rehousing Funds
Emmaus House administers the Rapid Rehousing funds from the Department of Transitional Assistance for Lawrence and the surrounding communities. These funds are used for short term rental assistance and security deposits to rapidly rehouse persons in shelter. As with most government funds, there are restrictions on income; those low to moderate families that fall just outside of the DTA limits are left on their own to find other resources. Emmaus can use DONATED funds to supplement the government funds, to assist those families that don’t meet the very low income levels for the federal funds, or to assist with needs that are not eligible- such as furniture.
As this disaster unfolds and short term care runs out, people will need help and funds to find affordable apartments and resettle their lives. We are grateful for all who will help in the process.
To donate, click here.
Meal Delivery
The Caring Committee is looking for some parishioners to sign up for meal delivery for one of our parishioners and his family. Robert Johnson has found a weekly meal drop off to be a blessing as he supports his wife Sandra, his twin daughters Annie and Susie, and his son Spencer. Sandra has been battling cancer and continues to undergo treatment. If you can help out, click on the link above to sign up. Thanks so much for the ways you care for one another.
Courageous Conversations is a monthly series of dialogue-centered programs on racism and privilege designed to address racial healing and justice in our town. Each month the Courageous Conversations leadership team in partnership with the Milton Interfaith Clergy Association brings together a diverse group of people representing a wide array of life experiences, circumstances, and choices. All events are open to the public—anyone can attend a meeting whether or not they have attended in the past.
Saturday, October 13, 10-3pm First Parish Milton (535 Canton Ave, Milton). Workshop with artist, activist and musician, Soyinka Rahim on articulating our journey with race and racism through storytelling, music and user friendly embodiment exercises.
Monday, November 19th, 6-9pm, Milton High School (25 Gile Rd., Milton). Conversation with Debby Irving author of “Waking Up White.”
New Members Needed
The Caring Committee is looking for several new members! This committee facilitates care giving within the First Parish Community, providing such services as meal delivery, rides to appointments or to church, emergency child care, and hospital visits. While there are times when committee members complete these tasks themselves, it is equally important to extend these opportunities to the larger FP community – the committee serves as the facilitator of that process.
If you are interested, please contact Amanda Tobey.
Our Neponset Community Celebration
Saturday, September 29, noon-3pm (rain date Oct 6)
Between Mattapan Square and Central Avenue at the Harvest Bridge and Ryan Playground.
Please join Mattapan Milton Neponset Community to celebrate the Neponset Greenway Extension of the path joining Milton and Mattapan. We have a beautiful river and pathway and it is time to come together as one community and claim it.
Festivities include:
· A family friendly 2 mile bike ride.
· Live musical acts and spoken word.
· Community sponsored displays and food.
· Make your own tree ornament and other arts and crafts for kids/adults.
A Samsung stylus was found near the copier in the library. If you know who it belongs to, please contact the office.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
- Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00 pm in the Children’s Church (Note new time)
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.