This Week in Worship
Sunday, September 22, 2013
10:30am WORSHIP
“The Heart that Understands”
Rev. Parisa Parsa
Music by Emma Jean Moultan and the Meetinghouse Choir
Our faith community’s vibrant religious exploration program is the heart of our shared spiritual life. Have you ever wondered how our Children’s Church came to be, and why? As children and teachers begin classes this Sunday, the whole church community will reflect on the power of this shared spiritual journey we undertake each week in worship and religious exploration. After worship and RE, we will have a Children’s Church Open House to celebrate the wonderful work done to preserve and beautify it this summer.
Choir practice in the Meeting house at 8:45am-10:00am
Religious Exploration
Nursery care will be available for children under the age of 5.
RE classes begin today Sunday, September 22, 2013
Child dedication ceremony Sunday, October 20
Would you like to have your infant or child formally welcomed into this faith community with the commitment that we will be there to support you in the challenges of parenting and your child in the challenges of growing up? If so, please let Rev. Parisa know by October 13 by sending her an email:
Would you like to offer a testimonial in worship?
This year, we are asking members to give a brief, 3 minute reflection on some aspect of their spiritual journey or beliefs. If you would be interested in offering a testimonial in worship, please let the worship committee know by sending an email to Joe Ayoub:
Religious Exploration News
Sunday, September 22
9am-10am Mandatory parent meeting in the Parish Hall
10:30-11:30 Religious Exploration Classes begin
Mandatory Welcome back/ RE orientation for parents with children attending the program including youth group will take place Sunday morning from 9am – 10am. Coffee and goodies will be served!
News & Announcements
All Church Council
Friday, September 20, 2013
Dinner: 6:30 pm Meeting: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
The first All Church Council of the church year will be held Friday,
September 15. All committees should be represented by two members, including the chair.
At the ACC we will be looking ahead to the coming year, including how we will engage with our Leap of Faith mentee congregation during their upcoming visit. Please respond to the Evite invitation if you are able to attend.
Small Group Ministry Information Session
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Curious about Small Group Ministry?
Join us Sunday 9/22 in the Parlor for a 20 minute information session.
Hear about how meetings run, typical topics covered, the format and rewards of setting aside this special time for yourself and your fellows.
No need to be a member. All are welcome!
Follow the link to sign up:
Milton Community Food Pantry urgently needs your help.
The Food Pantry is seeking adult volunteers Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. until noon. They are looking for a commitment of one Saturday a month. If you are want to help, please call their hotline at 617-696-0221.
First Parish Earth-Centered-Spiritualiy Group
Saturday, September 21
Parish Hall at 7:00pm
Mabon, The Autumn Equinox, the second harvest, marks the time of year for thankfulness, equality and harmony. We enjoy a wealth of good, fresh food and weather that is neither too hot nor too cold, but like the day and night, it is in balance.
It is a time to appreciate and enjoy the fruits of our labors after the warm, lush summer. Beauty surrounds us as autumn colors begin to blaze. We reap the bounty of Mother Earth and we also reap the fruit of the seeds we have symbolically sewn in our lives this year.
It is a time to consider which aspects of our lives we wish to preserve and which we would prefer to discard. The dark half of the year brings a greater emphasis on reflection, rest and planning.
Join us as we pull our wild spirits back into ourselves and plan for our future.
Potluck social hour following ritual; all are welcome.
Caring Committee News
Please consider joining the Lotsa Helping Hands website set up to provide care for India Ennis as she recuperates from back surgery. India will be discharged from the hospital soon and will need meals, some light household help, and some visits during her recuperation. Paste this link to sign up:
On behalf of the Caring Committe, thank you to this wonderful community!
Kiki’s Corner
We have a basket with lost and found items in the Stebbins Parlor. We currently have several pairs of glasses and sunglasses in the basket. Please check the basket on your way to Parish Hall after the service each week to see what you might have inadvertently left behind.
Members should have received their copy of Fall 2013 edition of UU World.. There are a variety of reasons your copy may not have arrived. If you did not receive a copy and want my help getting your subscription back on track, please e-mail me at
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Meetinghouse Choir Rehearsal, 8:45am in the Parish Hall
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice.