This Week in Worship
Sunday, September 21, 2014
10:30am in the Meetinghouse
I went into ministry for many reasons. I spoke a little bit about my Call last Sunday, and how I went into ministry to serve our beloved faith. I imagined that as a minister I could go and speak out for justice, that I could rally others to good causes. That as a minister I could serve various Unitarian Universalist congregations. That I would be a minister who understood Unitarian Universalist youth having been one myself.
And I knew that I would be minister for a bunch of other folks who would never think of themselves as Unitarian Universalists. I knew that my role as clergy would come in handy for my friends who needed someone who they knew and trusted to perform those rituals of life passages – weddings, child namings and even funerals. Having married most of my friends decades ago, celebrating their children’s lives over the last few years and performing funerals for old friends since I was still an undergrad.
In a few weeks I’ll be celebrating the life of a friend’s father who died at the end of last month. Now I have had the honor of burying the parents of friends, but this one, in a few weeks, is someone I knew well. Why am I telling you all this? Because this Sunday I’ll be preaching about why you have an interim minister.
And one of my tasks is to help you get a bigger view of what ministry is, what it can be, who owns that ministry and for whom that ministry is for. I feel so blessed to be a minister in this tradition and to be able to share my gifts with others, and so blessed to be with you as we grow to understand the extent and power of our ministry.
Rev. Hank
Religious Exploration News
Sunday, September 21, 2014
First Day of Religious Exploration
We will start the morning with a Welcome Back coffee for RE parents in the Parish Hall at 9:45am. This will be a great opportunity to find out what class your child is in, meet the RE committee, ask questions and register if you haven’t done so.
Class Schedule for Sunday, September 21
Spirit Play – Children pre-k through second grade go directly to the activities room.
Small Group Ministry – Third through sixth graders will begin in the Meetinghouse before being dismissed to their Religious Exploration Class.
Neighboring Faiths – Seventh graders go directly to the library.
Youth Chat will meet in the youth room.
The Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger
We are excited to see you Sunday morning!
News and Announcements
Please do not park in the office parking lot Saturday, September 20. The tree at the end of the lot is scheduled to be removed.
The First Church in Sterling Invites You to Join us to Celebrate the Installation of The Reverend Robin Bartlett on Sunday, October 26, 2014 @ 4PM at 6 Meetinghouse Hill Road in Sterling, Massachusetts.
Reception to Follow
Please RSVP to:
Or by calling 978-422-6657
Saturday, September 20th 7:00 PM
Join the Great Blue Hill chapter of CUUPS(Covenant of UU pagans) as we gather in circle and ceremony at the home of Pam Dorsey, 27 Gibbons Street in Milton to celebrate Mabon, the Fall Equinox
As always we will share a potluck feast…please let Mark Whall know if you think it likely you will attend 617 282 4075)…see ya!…blessed be!
Friday, September 26 @6:30 pm
All parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend. We are particularly looking for at least one representative from each Committee to be present.
Please RSVP (yes only) if you are planning to attend. We have not gotten any request for child care so if you are planning on joining us and need childcare for the evening, please let Miriam Febres know as soon as possible.
Walt Hagenbuch. Parish Committee member, gives us food for thought for our time together on Friday night.
“WHO WE ARE. Perhaps the most difficult part of seeking our next settled minister is knowing who we are. Are we tired, or self-satisfied? Is our world bounded by Milton? Talk about it at the All Church Council meeting on September 26 at 6:30 pm.”
November 15,2014
Save the date!
The First Parish Fun Raiser of course.
Your chance to bid on and win fabulous vacations, exquisite works of art, delectable gourmet items and highly sought after services. Or just come to marvel at the offerings, share a libation with friends and support our faith community. We are really hope you will come!
Mark your calendars
- Saturday, September 20th – Mabon Equinox Celebration
- Sunday September 21st
9:45am – Parent Coffee
10:30am – Religious Exploration Classes begin
12:00 noon – Parish committee meeting
- Friday, September 26 – All Church Council (6:30 pm)
- Sunday, October 5 – Celebrate Milton (Membership will be an exhibitor)
- Friday, October 24 – Halloween Party and Haunted House
- Saturday, October 25 – Haunted House
- Saturday, November 15 – The First Parish Fun Raiser
A sad note from former parishioner, Alta McDonald. Sunday, October, 19 at 2pm Memorial Service for Laurie McDonald at First Church, Jamaica Plain
My daughter, Laurie McDonald, died suddenly on June 4, 2014. She attended church school and was a member of the youth group at First Parish. There will be a memorial service to honor Laurie at First Church, 6 Eliot St., Jamaica Plain on Sunday, October, 19 at 2 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
Thank you,
Alta McDonald
REMINDER! Items for The Link are due Tuesday at 5 pm. Please email both Miriam and Kiki at the office to make sure your item is included.
Kiki’s Corner
I am away this Sunday. I will be out of the office September 21 – 23. There is nowa small white board between my office door and the Membership bulletin board. Feel free to leave a short note if you think of something on Sunday when you are here. I, of course, can always be reached by email.
If you skipped over it above, we are having the tree removed in the office parking lot on Saturday, September 20. Please do not park there Saturday.
Thank you to those of you that have signed up as Social Hour Hosts this fall. Check the Announcements in the Order of Worship on Sunday to see what dates are still available. Ushers, Greeters, Chalice Lighters and Flowers still needed as well.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!