Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 9/16/2021

Weekly Link 9-16-2021

This Week in Worship

September 19, 2021

September theme: Embracing Possibility

“The Hold of Habits “

Facilitated by: Rev. Lisa Ward

Worship Associate: Amy Kavadlo

Faith Reflection: Brother George Richardson

Music: Tim Steele

Audio Engineer:  Brynne Mershon

This will be a hybrid service. You are welcome to join us in the Meetinghouse (masks required for those over 5 years old and childcare will be available). If you prefer, you are welcome to join us via Zoom.

Please see the zoom link below. Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.

The newly expanded Third Sunday Donation program—now Share the Plate-kicks off this coming Sunday with FairFoods. Some of you know FairFoods(FF) well as you have lent a hand (and muscle!) to assist with weekly food distribution. Representing FF, Brother George Richardson will provide information about FF’s ongoing contribution to the Dorchester community and where our gift may be directed specifically.

According to the CDC’s covid-19 vaccine tracker today, Massachusetts has the 4thhighest percentage of a vaccinated population (66.96%). Three New England states with smaller populations have higher percentages (Vermont, Connecticut and Maine, in that order). We are quite fortunate to be living in New England during this pandemic. We are in no way out of the woods: disparities of support due to race and poverty exist, medical personnel are stretched beyond limits, and the highest percentage still hovers under 70%. However, there is a general consensus in trust in science, a leaning toward civic mindedness, and a political will to serve the health of all as a way toward freedom for all.

It was uplifting to witness our gathered congregation willingly wear masks, honor physical distance and lovingly acknowledge one another as we live into these times. It is an act of faith. It is a humility toward the larger reality. It is an opening of heart to the newly formed avenues of hope.

Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote interdependence, our seventh principle. This is a time when we can deepen our understanding and strengthen our practice of this principle. It is hard to observe the astoundingly large numbers of citizens, pundits and politicians who either willfully or ignorantly defy interdependence, thereby endangering us all. What we need to do is keep on deepening and strengthening our knowledge and way toward interdependence. Wisdom toward justice, equity and the common good will arise and guide our ways of being with one another. Honor your health and each other.

This I pray. Rev. Lisa

Religious Exploration

Our Religious Exploration program begins this Sunday!

To celebrate this opening and the beginning of the school year we will be doing two things in worship this Sunday. People who work with our young people carry the hopes and support of our entire congregation. The congregation will help commission our RE teachers. If you will be teaching this year, please be sure to attend worship this Sunday. If think you might like to teach or volunteer with our children and youth, please contact me at

We also want to celebrate the beginning of the new school year and our best wishes for this school year by Blessing the Backpacks! Children and Youth are invited, if they wish, to bring backpacks to church this Sunday. We will have a brief blessing and a gift to proclaim our belonging to Unitarian Universalism and to First Parish.

We will repeat both blessings outside for those who do not wish to bring children inside.

And there is a lot going on this Sunday!

Registration opens this Sunday. Everyone participating in Religious Education must register each year. Please fill out the registration form and photo permission forms and return to Bridget, or me before or after worship.

When families with children arrive, please sign the RE Contact Tracing List for your children. Whether children go into the Sanctuary for the first part of worship, please sign your children on the RE Contact Tracing list.

Whether your children will be going into the Sanctuary for the first part of worship or not, please Check your child into RE class. At the end of worship, please pick up your children and Check them out of RE class.

Tent Team volunteers needed

We need 4 people to put up the RE tent and when requested the Hospitality Tent. Arrive at 9:00 to get tents out to the courtyard and set them up by 10. If you can help with this vital service, please contact Molly at

Religious Exploration Teachers please choose your Sundays

Sign Up

If you have a child or youth in our program, or eligible to be, I would like to talk to you about your family’s needs and plans for the coming year. Please use the link below to schedule a time that is convenient for you.


Molly B. Nolan, Transitional Director of Religious Education


This Sunday a small ensemble from the choir (Grace Allendorf, Penny Knight, Guy Pugh, and Steve Yakutis) will be singing a delightful arrangement of “This Little Light of Mine” by Ken Berg. Our new Hunsaker soloist, tenor Daon Drisdom, will be offering “This River” by Dr. Uzee Brown, Jr. Dr. Brown is chair of the music department at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA and is a distinguished American singer, performer, composer, choir director, and educator.

WELCOME TO OUR NEW HUNSAKER SOLOIST, DAON DRISDOM. Tenor Daon Drisdom has agreed to be our new Hunsaker soloist. Daon, a Georgia native, is a versatile singer and teacher, known for his expertise in performing gospel, jazz, and classical music. He is a recent graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music where he completed his Masters Degree and studied with Carole Haber. Based in Boston, he works as a free-lance singer and public school teacher in the area, and last year served as Minister of Music for the Union Church in Waban.

Safety Guideline Reminders 

• All members of the congregation are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated . The science indicates that this is the most important action we can take to keep ourselves and our community safe.

• Updated mask recommendations for Sunday worship :

  • Masks are required in the meetinghouse for all , regardless of vaccination status ; please continue to wear your mask when sitting in your pew .
  • Masks are optional for children 5 years and under .
  • Worship leaders may remove masks when speaking in the front of the meetinghouse; each worship speaker /soloist should have a dedicated microphone and podium ; social distancing between worship leaders should be maintained throughout the service .

• Social distancing ( at least 6 feet) will be required in the meetinghouse ; seating will be limited to alternate pews .

• Special requirements for choir members: because of the close proximity among singers in the choir , vaccines will be required for all active choir members , including soloists. Special mask s for vocalists will be provided by the church and will be required f or all singing performers in the meetinghouse.

• We are asking everyone attending worship to sign in for every worship service . This will facilitate contact tracing if needed.

• All worship participants are asked to leave the meetinghouse directly after the service. Social hour will be held outdoors in the courtyard until further notice.

Table of Contents

For Events, News and Announcements 

1. Meditation

2. Yoga

3.Volunteers Needed


5. SJ&E Action Committee News


All are welcome to join for 30 minutes of silent meditation/prayer on:

Thursday evenings at 6:45 pm-7:15 pm 

Sunday mornings at 8:30am-9:00am

Newcomers and friends welcome.

Please contact Tracey at if you have questions or want to join us!

Classes with instructor Elyse Siegmann! 

We welcome Elyse back this week after her maternity leave, and offer gratitude to Jayne Ogata for subbing in Elyse’s place these past few months.

Online via Zoom (see link below) till further notice

This is a NEW Zoom link!

6:30 pm Monday evenings

Volunteers Needed

What an uplifting Ingathering Sunday!

The Meetinghouse is made holy by your presence each Sunday….and we need people to make coffee!

Each Sunday, First Parish relies on the help of many to make the shared experience of worship happen.

We need help with the following:

Hospitality: Due to Covid complexity , First Parish is providing grab and go snacks, and beverages after services. We do not need volunteers to bring food this year, unless you’d like to.

We need volunteers to:

  • Set up table outside for coffee and snacks
  • Brew coffee and tea- and bring outside on our new bussing cart!
  • Clean up afterwards!

Greeters: Greeters welcome folks into the Meetinghouse and help us fill out Covid contract tracing sheets.

Ushers: Ushers hand out Orders of Worship, help folks find their seats and fill out the offering collections sheet at the end of service.

To sign up, please use sign up genius.

We need volunteers for this Sunday and beyond.

If you’ve never volunteered for these jobs before, we can provide instructions!

Thank you for your commitment to First Parish!

Parkway United Methodist Church & Whittier Street Health Center


Tuesday, September 21st

12:00pm – 6:00pm

Parkway United Methodist Church

158 Blue Hills Parkway, Milton




From S & EJ : Social Action Committee News

UU Monthly Action Hour

Do current news headlines overwhelm you? Do you find it challenging to make time to DO SOMETHING, like signing petitions, calling your legislators, or sending emails about issues you care about?

UU Mass Action’s monthly action hour is for you! Some members of First Parish’s Social and Environmental Justice Committee have taken part in past months. Justice issues include immigration, climate, economic, indigenous people’s, and more… all aligned with front line community partners and Mass P.


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.