Table of Contents
- This Week in Worship
- This Week in Religious Exploration
- Events and Meetings
- News and Announcements
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Beyond First Parish
This Week in Worship
“The Power of Place”

Worship Assistant: Lisa White
Audio: Atticus D’Allesandro
Social Hour Hosts: Didi Emmons and Henry MacLean
Please note this is a NEW Zoom Link for Fall Services.
Sunday’s offering will be given to the the Syrian family we are supporting through the MICA Refugee Settlement.
Masks are optional ifor vaccinated people in the meetinghouse; masks are stil required for those who have not been vaccinated. Respect and consideration should be given to all regardless of their masking choice.

One beautiful thing about congregational life is the age range of humans who belong. From newborns just entering this world to elders, some close to leaving this world. And all ages in between. I would imagine it is safe to say that First Parish Milton has people occupying every decade of human life, at least through the ninth decade. Aside from our families, they aren’t many institutions one can belong to and have a chance to come to know people, possibly know them well, across the full life span.
That came home to me while serving a congregation that had a long-standing Coming of Age program. Coming of Age programs in the UU tradition, as you probably know, affirm young people’s faith lives and spiritual searching. Young people (usually age 12 and up) are paired with an adult member, and those two meet regularly through the year. The whole group meets at times as well. In this particular congregation, a young person whom I call Anton met with Irving, who was in his mid 80’s. They really hit it off. The relationship meant a lot to both of them, and though the focus was on Anton’s spiritual questions, interests, and wondering, Irving said it brought forth his own questions, his own spiritual growth. They stayed close once the year long program was finished. So close that when Irving died, Anton spoke about him at his memorial service.
If this sounds like encouragement for adults at FPM to consider being a mentor in this year’s Coming of Age program- you’re right, it is. You can become an important person to one of the five young people who have signed up, and you may find your own spiritual life deepened.
I’ve never had a chance to be a Coming of Age mentor, but I did have a chance to teach RE. I wasn’t a parent yet, and hadn’t started seminary. It was the comment of Steve, an RE teacher whom I respected that prompted me to teach. He said that to his surprise, teaching RE to the children of his congregation became a significant spiritual practice. That made me curious, and I volunteered, and I loved it. Not long after I started seminary. Who knows if teaching RE was part of the nudge I needed to start seminary at age 39? If this sounds like encouragement to consider becoming an RE teacher this year so you that you’ll end up a minister- you’re wrong! But do hear that you may be surprised at how meaningful teaching RE can be. Elsewhere in the Link you will find more info about teaching and mentoring the children and youth of your community, and how you can sign-up.
I loved being in and leading worship with you last Sunday, and look forward to continuing to meet more of you in the weeks ahead.
Rev. Tricia

Music For Sunday
This Sunday the Meetinghouse Choir will be offering one of our favorite anthems, “Love is the Spirit of This Church” by Paul Ayres. The text is by James Vila Blake, a Unitarian minister from Brooklyn who attended Harvard and served several churches in Massachusetts and Illinois in the early 20th century.
Daon Drisdom will also be singing a solo titled “The Refused”, by African-American composer Mark Fax. Mr. Fax taught at the Howard University School of Music from 1947-1972 and served as music director at the Asbury Methodist Church in Washington, D.C.
Religious Exploration

This Sunday, children and youth start in the Meetinghouse and will be sung out to enjoy a multi-age workshop from Wee the People entitled, “Wear Your Resistance: Exploring Images of Protest.”
From the raised fist to the peace sign to the simple word “NO,” symbols of protest have played a big role in protesting injustice and ushering in change. Learn about different images of resistance then choose one to make a t-shirt of your own.
Next Sunday, children start in the Meetinghouse and will be sung out to our first day of RE classes. Youth participating in Coming of Age will meet in the youth room at 4pm.
Still need to register your child? The registration form can be found here.
For anyone interested (parent or becoming teacher in the RE program, you are invited to a Religious Exploration Ingathering on Zoom on Monday, September 19th 7:00 pm
The first half of the gathering will provide information on schedule, curricula, as well as special events, and more. After plans are shared for the upcoming year, teachers will have an opportunity to meet with their teaching teams and review class schedules and lessons with one another.
Events and Meetings
Yoga classes have returned in person with instructor Elyse, on Mondays 7:00pm in Parish Hall!
Invitation to Weekly Meditation
Creating a peaceful space, a few minutes each week, is a quiet and powerful way to maintain balance in these hectic and challenging times.
Every week a small group “gathers” for silent meditation/prayer. We meet on Sunday morning 8:30am-9:30am and Thursday evening 6:45pm-7:45pm. We meet via Zoom for the convenience of those who live at a distance and for those who prefer to join from home. All are welcome. Contact Tracey at for more info.
Peace is this moment without judgement. That is all. This moment where everything that is, is welcome.
News and Announcements
COVID Safety Guidelines
(Effective 9/18/2022)
The Parish Committee has approved the following new set of COVID safety guidelines starting September 18, 2022.
Hybrid worship will continue indefinitely and will enable congregants to choose between in-person and remote worship experiences – based on individual preferences.
For Sunday worship services, masks will be optional for vaccinated individuals. If you are unvaccinated, masks are stil required. Respect and consideration should be given to all individuals, regardless of their masking choice.
Please see the Updated policies for Sunday worship by clicking link below:
FPM COVID safety policies_9.13.2022.pdf

Artwork in the Link
We tend to have about five sets of artists put up artwork in the link at our church in Milton every year. There’s been artists exhibiting photography, watercolors, poetry, art made with reclaimed/found objects, collage. The link is a great place to show work- the lighting is fabulous!
Please come view the creativity of Kevin Harnden and Andy Strang.
Staying Safe Online
As a new church year begins, online scammers are doing their best to target churches.
We ask you to keep in mind the following to avoid being taken advantage of:
- If an email appears out of character from First Parish staff, check that the email address matches ours- ending in If it’s not, it’s likely a scam.
- Never send money or gift cards to anyone at church who claim to be in hardship and cannot speak on the phone. This is a common scam.
- Never give out personal info such as SS # or credit card number through email. Know that First Parish will never ask for this information in an email.
If you are in doubt about the validity of the email, do call the individual personally rather than responding to the email. Please make the office aware of email.
Potluck Extravaganza

It’s a new church year ! We have a sabbatical minister to get to know and what better way to kick it all off than with a fabulous First Parish brunch ? On September 25th, we will be brunching together. Please respond to the Evite that went out on Monday 9/12. The Hospitality and Membership Committees can’t wait to see you again!

Milton Community Concerts is currently holding its Fall Fundraiser. For the first time you can view videos from five different concerts over the past two years on the MCC website: We hope you will enjoy these concerts and consider donating to support the series by visiting the website. And keep an eye out for the 2022-23 season announcement coming up during the month of September.
Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday Service
First Parish is in need of volunteers for ushers, greeters, and social hour hosts.
If interested in signing up please use Signup Genius link.
We have appreciated your help in the past and hope you can help again.
Thank you in advance.

Fair Foods
Fair Foods is a non-profit program that rescues fresh produce that wwould otherwise be wasted and uses it to feed our communities. We volunteer together unloading and sorting food and packing bags once a month.
The next volunteer date is Saturday, September 24th.
If you want to volunteer, please sign up on Sign up Genius by Thursday
evening before the event. Start time and locations vary depending on Fair Foods’ needs, but typically start at 8:30 a.m. at their warehouse at 70 Amory Street in Roxbury.
Other volunteer opportunities are also available at Fair Foods on weekdays from early morning until mid-afternoon.Any questions or for more information contact Tony Dutzik at or 617-291-4685.

We are starting up our First Parish lunch preparation & deliveries to MainSpring in Brockton later this month. The Sign-up Genius will be in action very soon.
We hope you all had a nice summer and that you will consider joining us in this volunteer project again this year.
The first delivery day will be on Wednesday Sept. 28th and then every other Wednesday throughout the year. We will meet in the lower parking lot between 12:40 and 1:00 PM.
Thanks everyone.
Pat Gallivan
Social & Environmental Justice Committee
Beyond First Parish
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Stay Connected
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.