Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 8/3/2018

Weekly Link 8-3-18


This Week in Worship

Sunday, August 5th, 2018
Worship at 9:30 am in the Children’s Church

Rev. LisaMinister

Rev. Lisa Ward

Several months ago, upon recommendation of the Committee on Ministry, in recognizing an increased need to be up-to-date with building security, the Parish Committee formed an ad hoc security committee to research church security systems. Feedback from renters, including our social worker and nursery school, police recommendations, staff, and incidents in the news made it clear that we need to update our systems and take mindful precautions.

Through a thorough research and vetting process, we are in the process of updating our system. It is scheduled to be finished in September. We will now have an intercom/camera for several doors that allows staff to see and ‘buzz in’ visitors, and we will be switching to electronic key systems. More details to follow near the completion of the work.

In observing this process amongst our Parish leadership, I was moved by the thoroughness, the due diligence in research, and the care for the safety and security of staff, congregants and families who use our facility during the week.

It is hard to wrap our heads around a world where churches need to lock doors, vet visitors and plan for emergency response to unsafe behavior, but that is the world we live in. This does not take away from the spirit of beloved community or the welcome in gathering and the wealth of encounter. It simply says we care about who enters here. We want people to thrive and feel the invitation to do so without harming others.

So may it be. In Faith, Rev. Lisa

Rev. Lisa will be out of the office until Tuesday, August 21.

Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration

Laurel Whitehouse, Director of Religious Exploration

Religious exploration programming for children will resume in September. Enjoy your summer, and remember to take time to enjoy the boundless beauty of nature!

Youth programming will resume in September. Youth room painting will be continuing on August 18 and 19 – helpers needed! Please email if you’d like to volunteer on this much-needed project.

Events, News and Announcements

Summer Worship

This upcoming Sunday 9:30am in the Children’s Church

*August 5 – Chloe Briede (HDS) – “The School of Masters”

We will explore the life and death of the conductor Viktor Ullmann and ask ourselves how we make art in our own lives.

Our full summer services schedule is available on our website.

Click to view:

The Membership Committee is looking for greeters to welcome newcomers and regulars alike to church services in the coming year. You will be assigned 3 Sundays to arrive early, don a “Greeter” tag, greet visitors warmly as they arrive, and engage in friendly conversation with any newcomers following service. If you like meeting new people and sharing the joys of this church, this is for you! You don’t have to know everyone in the church, but it’s a good way to get to know them. Contact Richard Venable to sign up.

Join our summer book discussion: WAKING UP WHITE by Debby Irving

An initiative of the First Parish Social Action Committee in collaboration with Courageous Conversations Toward Racial Justice

Debby Irving grew up in Winchester, Massachusetts, a predominantly white, upper middle class community. In this book, she shares her journey toward recognition of white privilege. This is an accessible book that invites deeper knowledge of our culture and our way through toward clarity, which is a necessary step toward transformation of our society at large.

We will meet every other Tuesday from 7- 8 pm in the Parish Hall. Our next meeting is August 7th. The reading assignments will offer an easy pace through the summer. We will create opportunities for zoom conferencing for an option to call in for the discussion.

Please contact the office if you are interested, or speak with Debbie Alsebai. Debbie has copies of the book that you can purchase.

Worship and Meditation at First Parish

Sunday Worship Weekly:

Worship, 9:30 am in the Children’s Church

Weekly Meditation Offerings:

Thursdays, Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00pm in the Children’s Church


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
  • Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00 pm in the Children’s Church (Note new time)

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.