The Office will be closed in observance of Labor Day on Monday September 2nd.
Table of Contents
- This Week in Worship
- A Note from Susan DeMinico, FP Administrator
- RE Registration Info
- News and Announcements
- Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC)
- Beyond First Parish
This Week in Worship
“Blue Hills Forest Bathing”
Forest bathing is the practice of immersing yourself in nature in a mindful way, using your senses to derive a whole range of benefits for your physical, mental, emotional, and social health. It is also known as Shinrin-yoku. ‘Shinrin’ means forest and ‘Yoku’ stands for bathing. The idea originated in Japan in the 1980’s and is believed to be an effective tool to overcome the ill effects of a hectic life and stressful work environment. That said people have been finding peace and solace in open spaces for a long time.
Many believe that forest bathing in nature allows the stressed portions of the brain to relax. Positive hormones are released in the body. You feel less sad, angry and anxious. It helps to avoid stress and burnout, and aids in fighting depression and anxiety. A forest bath may boost immunity and lead to fewer illnesses and faster recovery from injury or surgery. Nature can have a positive effect on the mind as well as body and help to increase focus, concentration and memory.
Today can be just a quiet walk in the woods or an opportunity to experience a deeper connection with the natural world. To keep with summer worship schedule, we will walk for about 45 minutes.
Many believe that to achieve the full benefit of forest bathing one should dedicate at least two hours at a stretch and work with a trained guide. This is not that. Please feel free to linger and roam about in the Blue Hills, an incredible resource in our own backyard after the formal “service”.
We can talk about some of the interesting things in the landscape including stone slab bridges, the cellar hole of an old homestead, a pond and the remains of a CCC camp.
But mostly we can be together in a slice of the protected natural world for a moment in time and together is good. Hope to see you there.
Come and consider the possibilities of effort.
Lay Leader: Chris Clifford
Meet at the start of Ridgewood Rd at 9:25AM park on the side of the road.
Ridgewood is off Randolph Av. (Rt28.) across from the entrance to the Wollaston Golf Club.
I suggest long pants, sturdy footwear, sunscreen, bug spray and water.
No Zoom Option this week.
Summer Projects Update
by Susan DeMinico
While the pace of church life slows a bit in the summer for members, the pace in the office always seems to ramp up! The summer is the best time for us to work on bigger and more complex projects and this summer was no exception. We have our routine summer maintenance that we do annually- cleaning the furnaces, deep cleaning the carpets, getting the fire extinguishers certified, degreasing the Meetinghouse clock, and checking the fire and alarm systems. If you happened by the Meetinghouse this summer, you may have seen scaffolding right down the main aisle. It was the only way to reach the 32 foot ceilings to change out aging heat detectors.
We spent a lot of time thinking about water mediation, and preventing future water damage. To that end, we had a sump pump and small drain installed under the Meetinghouse (some of you will be shocked to learn it is the first sump pump ever to be installed there). We also installed a more powerful sump pump system, with a french drain, in the basement of the Link, near the nursery school main doors. This area has been a source of water incursion for many years. Additionally, we’re regrading the land by the kitchen entrance, to prevent water from pooling in that area.
With water remediation handled, we were able to work on stage 2- replacing all 3,200 square feet of flooring. The existing floor was removed, cement leveled, resealed for water prevention, new flooring installed, sealed and waxed. It took several weeks of playing tetris with our renters to get this project done over 3 weeks- we are extremely grateful for their understanding and partnership during this process. After that, we needed some carpentry work done to replace rotted wood, build a new bench, cover the new sump pumps; everything was repainted. The final steps are happening next week- the entire basement getting a final deep clean, the POD (which stored all the basement furniture for the past three months) will be picked up, and then we are ready for fall.
We hope you also notice the painting we did in Chase parlor and in the Narthex. Both rooms look so much brighter and more welcoming with fresh paint.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on In gathering Sunday on 9/8- we hope you enjoy the campus improvements.
Religious Education Registration for 2024-25
Welcome to a new year of Religious Education! We will be gathering for all-ages worship on September 8th and our first day of RE programming will be September 15th. Please register and learn more about our programs with this link.
If questions reach out to Rev. Lisa at
Volunteer with Religious Education
Come teach RE this year! Teacher volunteer for 1-3 Sundays a month (not every week, scheduling flexible), are paired with a co-teacher, and receive the material ready to go. If interested in subbing or teaching later in year, please contact us! All teachers and substitutes must have a backgound check done before teaching.If you are interested, please contact Susan at for more information!
News & Announcements
Regular Sunday service resumes on September 8th at 10:30am and please consider getting involved:
First Parish is in need of volunteers for worship assistants, greeters, and social hour hosts.
If interested in signing up please use Sign up Genius link.
We have appreciated your help in the past and hope you can help again.
Thank you in advance.
First Parish Welcome Back Brunch
September 15th
Members and Friends ~ It’s Brunch Time! Soon we will be back in regular community at First Parish. Save the date for our annual brunch. Presented by Hospitality and Membership, we will have a delightful array of treats for you to enjoy as you catch up with each other after church. September 15th is the date; mark it on your calendar!
The Imaginarium is Coming Back!
The Imaginarium is a group that explores our monthly worship themes through discussion, stories and creative play. We meet once a month for two hours (time TBD), crafting ideas and experiences inspired by the themes. Perhaps an interactive reading or story for all ages will show up at worship now and then. Come, enjoy the shared wisdom, creativity and connection. Each meeting stands on its own. No previous experience necessary.
Interested? contact the office:
Questions? contact Rev. Lisa:
On Sunday, September 15 at 3pm Milton Community Concerts will collaborate with White Snake Projects on a timely concert called “Sing Out Strong: Voting As Freedom”. Original songs are based on texts written by students, immigrants, and other local community members in response to: “What do voting and freedom mean to you?”. Performers are vocalists Aurora Martin and Chihiro Asano, pianist Jamie Lorusso, and speaker/host Cerise Lim Jacobs, founder of White Snake Projects. Admission is PAY AS YOU CAN, with suggested donation of $25 general/$15 senior/free for 18 and under. You are invited to visit MCC on Facebook and share these videos, and even watch the complete concert videos at where you also make a donation if you wish.
First Parish is Hiring!
Family Ministries Director
The Family Ministries Directory position presents an opportunity to work with our congregation developing our religious exploration model for multi-generational engagement. Current goals are to maintain the RE program for children and youth as well as exploring family ministry and multi-generational community building.
We are seeking an individual with demonstrated experience and/or training as an educator, strong relational skills, a collaborative spirit, and interest in program development. The successful candidate will align with Unitarian Universalist values, but prior affiliation with Unitarian Universalism is not required. Dedicated to equity, diversity, pluralism, accessibility, and inclusion, we welcome applicants of any identity and ability.
The FMD will report to the Minister, our staff team leader, and will collaborate with our RE Committee and volunteers. The position affords the opportunity to create and engage in a professional development plan.
A detailed job description can be found here. Cover letter and resume should be sent to Please forward this posting to anyone in your network who may be interested!
Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC)
Drop off box located in narthex
There is a crisis for immigrants here in the local area. Every evening at the Wollaston T station several families wait for volunteers to provide them with supplies or rides to temporary shelter. They may have spent the day at the Quincy Welcoming Center. They don’t know where they will go or if they will be spending the night at the T station.
This crisis is exacerbated by the shortage of shelters and the Governor’s new ruling closing the airport to people sleeping there and the new 5 day shelter rule.
Please see pdf for list of items needed
The Social and Environmental Justice Committee have been involved and will accept and deliver anything collected. Mary Blanchette also can arrange for pickup and delivery. You can also drop off items in the collection box located in the narthex when you come to service on Sunday morning.
Thanks so much for whatever you can do.
Event being held on September 8, 2024
Beacon Hill Standout
Two First Parish Milton members of the Social and Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC) stand up for shelter/housing justice this Monday on Beacon Hill. They joined others from many interfaith, housing, and social service organizations to sing, chant, and speak out. “Gov. Healey feel the heat! Get these children off the street!”
Beyond First Parish
Join us for world-class jazz music on the beautiful UUUM green space. We’re happy to announce The Makanda Project will have three concerts this summer at the Urban Ministry. Join us under the summer sky for these free shows in the heart of Roxbury.
Saturday, September 14th from 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Events are free! | All are welcome | Bring a lawn chair
Click here for more information
Stay Connected
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.