This Week in Summer Worship
Sunday, August 31
10:30am in the Parish Hall
Worship Leader: Rev. Hank Peirce
Labor Day
Labor Day is almost upon us, which for many has become the signal that summer is coming to an end. A last chance to get a few more hours of sun and family time, maybe even a chance to grab the final back to school items at the store. But Labor Day is much more important than that. It is a day set aside to recognize the work that we do, your work, my work, the work of the woman at the factory and the man at the store, from sea to shining sea.
We have been reminded of the importance of good labor practices as we witness the strike by the workers of Market Basket. We live in a time when good labor practices made less important though what they do is all the more important, with immigrants becoming scapegoats while their labor is being exploited. There is unregulated corporate growth around the world, while those who do the work are seen as parts of a machine rather than as people.
So do me a favor, don’t go shopping Monday. I know that for many of us, our time is at a premium and Monday may be the only time when you can get what you need to get. However, if you can avoid doing so, don’t go to the store on Monday. Even if it is open, skip it for the day, if folks have to work on Labor Day, let it be an easy day for them. And if you do go, thank them for working on Labor Day and maybe even by leaving a big tip.
Rev. Hank
Yes there is worship this Sunday; it is still “in process.” But it will be fun and fulfilling and I hope to see you there.
News and Announcements
Ingathering is just 10 days away and you know what that means…PANCAKES!
Sunday, September 7, 8:30am – 10:00am
Come join us for pancakes, real maple syrup, bacon of all kinds and fellowship before the worship service!
Choir members are encouraged to have a pancake in the Parish Hall at 8:30 and then gather for rehearsal at 8:45 am in the Meetinghouse to prepare for Morning Worship music.
This yearly event is put toghether by the Youth Group.
And with Pancakes comes BACON!
Don’t forget that a pound of bacon is donated by every every committee.
Please bring your COOKED pound of bacon to breakfast Sunday morning.
Thank you!
September is just around the corner, so get your calendars out and save the Date!
- Saturday, September 6 – Youth Group Lock-In
- Sunday, September 7 – Pancake Breakfast followed by Worship in the Meetinghouse
- Sunday September 14 – RE Teacher Training
- Sunday September 14 – Dinner & Singing at Lucy Stone Coop (Meet at 6 pm at the church)
- Sunday, September 21 – Religious Exploration Classes Begin
- Friday, September 26 – All Church Council (6:30 pm)
- Friday, October 24 – Halloween Party
- Saturday, November 15 – Harvest Supper and Silent Auction (please note change of date)
Youth Group Registration and Religious Exploration class registration is available HERE.
Youth must be registered to be able to participate in the Lock In.
CLICK HERE to view our new RE Newsletter. It’s a great way to stay up-to-date on everything RE.
Choir rehearsals are at 8:45 on Sunday morning beginning on September 7th. The choir will be singing for three Sundays each month this year, and Tim Steele will be leading the charge (he can be contacted HERE). Come anytime and give it a try. No audition needed.
REMINDER! Items for The Link are due Tuesday at 5 pm. Please email both Miriam and Kiki at the office to make sure your item is included.
The Link is a primary way to communicate to the congregation. If you have announcements for The Link, it needs to be submitted by Tuesdays at 5 pm. Items generally should be church related, or an event to be held on the church campus. Please add a title and offer a graphic if possible. Brevity is a good thing.
Dinner & Singing at Lucy Stone Coop
The Lucy Stone Coop is an intentional community of people committed to living UU values in shared housing in Roxbury. On Sunday, September 14, a group of us from First Parish will visit Lucy Stone to share food and song, and also to learn more about the coop, plans for future growth, and some of the exciting new ways Unitarian Universalism is being lived out in greater Boston. We will leave Milton at a bit after 6 and return at appx. 9:20. If you’re interested, or for more details, contact Tony Dutzik via email or at 617-291-4685.
Interest in forming a book group to read The Bankers New Clothes by Anat Admati & Martin Hellwig. If this is something you would be interested in please contact Walt Hagenbuch
Kiki’s Corner
Office Hours:
We are CLOSED Monday, September 1 for Labor Day.
Week of August 31: Tuesday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm
Committee Chairs and Members. You are invited to attend the All Church Council on Friday evening, September 26. Please mark your calendars! There are several committees that have already arranged their meeting schedule for this coming year. Please let the office know when you are planning to meet so we can put it on the calendar (even if you meet offsite).
The link to SignUp Genius is located HERE.
Lots of openings the first Sundays in September. Please consider taking on an important volunteer position.
Facebook Users: Please “like” First Parish Milton UU. We expect to have more activity on the page as we begin our year.
Follow First Parish on Facebook! “Like” our page and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!