Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 8/23/2013

Weekly Link 8-23-13

This Week in Worship & Religious Education

Sunday, August 25

Jeff Stoodt and Lisa White

Music Joel Hiller

Worship theme: Home

It’s a physical structure. Yet a house seems to only become a home when lives are lived in it. In this service, we will reflect upon the spiritual dimensions of home. Why does it always seem to be calling to us? What needs are met there?

Summer Service held in the Parish Hall

Religious Education

Nursery care will be available for children under the age of 5.
Prayer & Meditation Every Sunday 9:00-9:45am.

News & Announcements

Julie Baker and Ruby Baker-Poveromo will be participating MS Challenge Walk September 7-8

Julie Baker and Ruby Baker-Poveromo

We are hosting a yard sale at 80 Central Avenue on Saturday, 8/31 to raise funds for the MS Challenge and we’d love First Parish folks who are cleaning out closets, basements, or storage units, to drop off donations for the sale at our house prior to the 8/31 sale. They can just leave them at the end of our driveway under the deck.

Contact info: and for donations you can go to: my Challenge Walk donation page or Ruby’s

Dear First Parish Members and Friends,

As the formal church year is fast approaching please take a moment and visit sign up genius.

Here you will be able to sign up to be a chalice lighter, donate Sundayflowers, sign up to be an usher during Sunday service, and also sign up to host social hour.

Many hands are needed to assist with our vibrant church services at First Parish in Milton and we can not do it with out your help!

Thank you!

Choose or be Chosen


Dear friends– We on the RE Committee are so excited for the year ahead. We have a problem though: only a SMALL number of people have registered their kids so far, and we need this information ASAP to plan for classes and teacher pairings. PLEASE save us the trouble of having to reach out to you individually by using this link to register any child or youth that will be involved in RE and Youth Programming this coming year, ASAP! This is also your chance to honor the coop-nature of our program and raise your hand to volunteer to help out. With staff positions unfilled, we are doing as much as we can to fill the gaps, and as a result, we need your help more than usual!!! Thanks in advance! Any questions? Contact Jen Erbe Leggett, RE Chair, at

Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Meetinghouse Choir Rehearsal, 8:45am in the Parish Hall
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church

Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice.