This Week in Summer Worship
Sunday, August 24
10:30am in the Parish Hall
Worship Leader: Rev. Hank Peirce
Music: Tim Steele
Rev. Hank Peirce has arrived.
02186, 02186, 02186, a simple example of a change in my life but one I will struggle to remember. Even though I will only have to remember them for two years, it will really be a chore for me to learn them. Now I grew up in Fairhaven (02719) and my family and I have lived for close to fourteen years in Medford (02155.) And for the last two years I served The First Parish in Westford (01886.) Now I am here with all of you. I am really excited to spend this transition time with you, and I realize that I have to get used to not only a change in zip codes, but many other changes as well.
Here are a few things that I will have to figure out pretty quickly. Do you all sit to the end of the prelude before you move to coffee hour? When do you rise to sing, is it at the first note of the organ or just before the first word? Where should I stand to greet people at the end of the service, by the door to the link or to the door to the front of the church. So much change, and those are just the easy things. I would speculate that the change I will experience will be nothing compared to that which many of you will experience. All of a sudden trying to remember a new zip code doesn’t seem that hard.
This Sunday please join me as I lead worship at 10:30. This will be a way for me, and you to get used to the idea of change in an easy way, think of it as the pre-season. Don’t forget that September 7th is Homecoming Sunday, you won’t want to miss that!
See you in church,
Rev. Hank
News and Announcements
September is just around the corner, so it is time to SAVE THE DATES!
- Saturday, September 6 – Youth Group Lock-In
- Sunday, September 7 – Pancake Breakfast followed by Worship in the Meetinghouse
- Sunday, September 21 – Religious Exploration Classes Begin
- Friday, September 26 – All Church Council (6:30 pm)
- Friday, October 24 – Halloween Party
- Saturday, November 1 – Harvest Supper and Silent Auction
Youth Group Registration and Religious Exploration class registration is available online HERE. Youth must be registered to be able to participate in the Lock In.
We have been shuffling some spaces around during the course of the summer and have done some clean up and clean out. Where was the picture above taken? Thanks goes to Kathy Fagan, Brian Bauer and Judith Darrell Kemp for helping out with the process. First one to identify above location to Kiki gets a prize!
Office Hours:
- Week of August 24: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm
- Week of August 31: Tuesday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm
- We are closed Monday, September 1 for Labor Day.
Kiki’s Corner
Committee Chairs and Members. You are invited to attend the All Church Council on Friday evening, September 26. Please mark your calendars! There are several committees that have already arranged their meeting schedule for this coming year. Please let the office know when you are planning to meet so we can put it on the calendar (even if you meet offsite).
The link to SignUp Genius is located HERE.
Lots of openings the first Sundays in September. Please consider taking on an important volunteer position.
Facebook Users: Please “Like” First Parish Milton UU. We expect to have more activity on the page as we begin our year.
Must be claimed and moved by Monday, August 25 at 5 pm. We are having things removed from parsonage and office Tuesday morning. Please contact me if you are interested.
REMINDER! Items for The Link are due Tuesday at 5 pm.
The Link is a primary way to communicate to the congregation. If you have announcements for The Link, it needs to be submitted by Tuesdays at 5 pm. Items generally should be church related, or an event to be held on the church campus. Please add a title and offer a graphic if possible. Brevity is a good thing.
Follow First Parish on Facebook! “Like” our page and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!