Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 8/19/2016

Weekly Link 8/19/2016


This Week in Worship

When: Sunday, August 21, 2016 @ 10:30 am in the Parish Hall

Palestine-Israel— Why Is This Issue So Difficult for UUs?

UUs are justifiably proud of our social justice legacy. From the rescue of Jewish children in World War II to the civil rights struggles of Selma and Birmingham to the feminist and gender battles of the nineties, UUs have not shrunk from stepping out on the front lines. But on Palestine, we are way behind our co-religionists. Why? As a multi-faith tradition, what do we have to offer the current debate on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) that aims to change U.S. and Israeli support for the occupation of Palestine? And how do we respond to the growing intersectionality of Black Lives Matter and Palestine?

Diana Digges, a local UU and editor of the UUJME News (Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East) will offer ways we can best move forward on this issue.

A brief coffee hour and informal Q and A will follow the service.

No nursery services are provided during the summer but you are welcome to bring your child(ren). We have art materials and books available to keep them occupied.

Message from Rev. Lisa

One thing that I love to do when I can, in coming to work at First Parish Milton, is to spend 20 minutes in the sanctuary. The spirit that emanates from that place is palpable, and the stillness within a quiet sitting echoes generations of solace. There is, of course, hope coursing through the pews and longing finding place in the air. There is history giving room for the unknown and sounds of life abundant just outside the walls. It is a lovely place to center in, a spiritually nourishing gift.

Stillness. This is something that is often missing in our lives and definitely discouraged in our culture. The “must get”, “must be”, “must improve”, “must have” messages that are constant in our competitive, consumerist society keep the pulse of “not enough” alive so that we spend our time and money on the “more” that we do not yet have. There’s no time for stillness in this kind of life, and so we run ourselves ragged wondering how we can fit it all in. Ironically, even five minutes of stillness, of intentional breathing, of letting things be each day, can contribute to our wellness far more than that one more thing that has to be done. There are countless studies that also point to the physical health gained by consistent meditation, mindful breathing or centering prayer.

The next time you are in the sanctuary of First Parish Milton, see if you can sense the calls for stillness and deepening of spirit that will nourish your soul and bring you vibrantly back into your lives.

Blessings, Rev. Lisa

Summer Services Schedule

When: Through September 4, 2016

Where: Parish Hall @ 10:30 am

  • August 28 – Leslie MacPherson Artinian ~ “A Very Good Friday” – Leslie is the Chair of the Worship Committee at First Parish. Her service will investigate the issue of topic of “holy days” and weeks. She asks: Our roots are Christian, so what does that mean for UUs?
  • September 4 (Labor Day weekend) – Rev. Patty Hatch ~ “Gathering Coconuts” Rev. Patricia Hatch is the Minister of Christian Education at First Parish of Westwood, UCC. In her service, she will answer the question: How is practicing mindfulness similar to gathering coconuts? Rev. Patricia will invite you to reflect on mindfulness and to experience mindful practices during the worship service.

Religious Exploration

Now is the Time to Register your Child or Youth for RE

This may be done electronically on the Members Page. The form is the first menu pick under Religious Exploration.

Sunday Morning Nursery Care (Teenagers/Youth)

Please email if you are interested in being part of the Nursery Care team on Sunday mornings. Hours are 10 1m – 12 noon. We also may have some opportunities for other babysitting assignments at church other than Sunday mornings. In your email please give us your first and last names, email address, cell number, and confirm you have completed a babysitting certification program.


Kiki’s Corner

Preparing for the Fall

As we edge closer to our Ingathering Worship on September 11, 2016, here is a short First Parish to-do list:

  • Update information with the office – new email?, phone?, home address. Please email it to me. We will be posting an updated directory on the website shortly.
  • Register your child or youth for RE programs this fall. (See the Religious Exploration announcement above.)
  • If you are involved with committees or First Parish events, submit your calendar of events so it becomes part of the church master calendar.

Summer Schedule:

Office Hours: 10:30 – 2:00 Monday – Thursday
No staff on-site Sundays


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse

Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!