Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 8/12/2016

Weekly Link 8/12/2016


This Week in Worship

Sunday, August 14, 2016 @ 10:30 am in the Parish Hall

“The Game”

Worrship Leader Matt Weinstein

An ordination-track, second-year MDiv student at Harvard Divinity School, Matt will explain how a simple child’s game could help you live the life you want to live.

No nursery services are provided during the summer but you are welcome to bring your child(ren). We have art materials and books available to keep them occupied.

Message from Rev. Lisa

It was a beautiful day and a time of rich sharing. The Worship Committee gathered in retreat on August 7th, engaging in the work of Sunday morning logistics and the shaping of meaning. We explored how worship nourishes, edifies and energizes our lives; and how, through preparation and intention, we come into the place of gathering that is holy ground. It is good to be together and to gather in worship. First Parish has a strong team to assist and collaborate in this endeavor.

We have an overarching concept for this worship year that will be explored through monthly themes. The year-long arc of worship will touch on: “Embracing Our Covenant to Grow Deep Faith”. Each month we will tease out a part of the covenant to explore the depth of its meaning. Here are our scheduled themes:


Some interest has been expressed in creating a small group to discuss and share resources in exploring the monthly themes. We would meet once a month for two hours. If this is of interest to you, please contact me at Let’s take this covenant out for a spin! Who knows what abundance we will find.

Blessings, Rev. Lisa

Summer Services Schedule

When: Through September 4, 2016

Where: Parish Hall, 10:30 am

  • August 21 – Mallory and Diana Digges ~ Israel, Palestine and the spiritual aspects of UU activism
  • August 28 – Leslie MacPherson Artinian ~ “A Very Good Friday” – Leslie is the Chair of the Worship Committee at First Parish. Her service will investigate the issue of topic of “holy days” and weeks. She asks: Our roots are Christian, so what does that mean for UUs?
  • September 4 (Labor Day weekend) – Rev. Patty Hatch ~ “Gathering Coconuts” Rev. Patricia Hatch is the Minister of Christian Education at First Parish of Westwood, UCC. In her service, she will answer the question: How is practicing mindfulness similar to gathering coconuts? Rev. Patricia will invite you to reflect on mindfulness and to experience mindful practices during the worship service.

Religious Exploration

Now is the Time to Register your Child or Youth for RE

This may be done electronically on the Members Page. The form is the first menu pick under Religious Exploration.

Sunday Morning Nursery Care (Teenagers/Youth)

Please email if you are interested in being part of the Nursery Care team on Sunday mornings. Hours are 10 1m – 12 noon. We also may have some opportunities for other babysitting assignments at church other than Sunday mornings. In your email please give us your first and last names, email address, cell number, and confirm you have completed a babysitting certification program.

News and Announcements

We are currently in search to fill two part-time (20 hour a week) positions: Director of Religious Education and Administrative Assistant.

Detailed descriptions have been posted on our website. Please share with your friends and professional contacts. Cover letter and resume should be emailed to the following addresses:

The new stoves have been installed! – They are functional and look great.

Boston Area Gleaners needs volunteers!


Want to help feed the hungry? Want to help reduce food waste? Join the growing group of volunteers at Boston Area Gleaners (BAG) to harvest locally grown crops that would otherwise be plowed under. BAG has been distributing this high quality, local produce to food pantries and hunger relief programs in eastern Massachusetts since 2004. Most volunteer opportunities are on farms within a 1-hour drive of Boston and BAG coordinates carpools to the farms. You can volunteer once, weekly, or as often as you like. Gleaning trips are scheduled during the week and on the weekends throughout the growing season. For more information and to sign up to volunteer or donate, please visit To the harvest!


Kiki’s Corner

Preparing for the Fall

As we edge closer to our Ingathering Worship on September 11, 2016, here is a short First Parish to-do list

  • Update information with the office – new email?, phone?, home address. Please email it to me. We will be posting an updated directory on the website shortly.
  • Register your child or youth for RE programs this fall. (See the Religious Exploration announcement above.)
  • If you are involved with committees or First Parish events, submit your calendar of events so it becomes part of the church master calendar.

Summer Schedule:

Office Hours: 10:30 – 2:00 Monday – Thursday
No staff on-site Sundays


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse

Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!