Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 7/22/2016

Weekly Link 7/22/2016


This Week in Worship

Sunday, July 24 @ 10:30 am in the Parish Hall

“Walking a Labyrinth”

Elise Henricks ~ Worship Leader

Elise will lead a discussion and a walk around First Parish’s portable labyrinth.

No nursery services are provided during the summer but you are welcome to bring your child(ren). We have art materials and books available to keep them occupied.

Summer Services Schedule

Through September 4, 2016 – Parish Hall @ 10:30 am

  • July 31 – Rev. Hank Peirce ~ “Endings”. This will be Rev. Hank’s final service as interim minister at First Parish.
  • August 7 – Erica Long ~ “We Are Lonely” Erica, a recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School and ordination- track UU describes her service this way: “Loneliness has a way of creeping into our lives no matter where we are or how many people we have around us. Together, let’s explore loneliness, acknowledging that it is an active agent in our spiritual lives.”
  • August 14 – Matt Weinstein ~ “The Game” An ordination-track, second-year MDiv student at Harvard Divinity School, Matt will explain how a simple child’s game could help you live the life you want to live.
  • August 21 – Mallory and Diana Digges ~ Israel, Palestine and the spiritual aspects of UU activism
  • August 28 – Leslie MacPherson Artinian ~ “A Very Good Friday” – Leslie is the Chair of the Worship Committee at First Parish. Her service will investigate the issue of topic of “holy days” and weeks. She asks: Our roots are Christian, so what does that mean for UUs?
  • September 4 (Labor Day weekend) – Rev. Patty Hatch ~ “Gathering Coconuts” Rev. Patricia Hatch is the Minister of Christian Education at First Parish of Westwood, UCC. In her service, she will answer the question: How is practicing mindfulness similar to gathering coconuts? Rev. Patricia will invite you to reflect on mindfulness and to experience mindful practices during the worship service.

News and Announcements

Rev. Hank is on vacation from July 8 – 25. If there is a pastoral care emergency, please contact Kiki Giatis at 617.216.2218.

Helping Beth Israel Deaconess/Milton Hospital on Friday, July 29 with parking

If you are driving by First Parish on Friday, July 29, our parking lot will be full. We are helping out BID/Milton Hospital with overflow parking that day. They are doing a parking lot paving project (sounds familar?) and have asked us for any extra spaces we have. As a good neighbor, we have agreed to help them out. We are saving some spaces for Hank & Kevin plus what Music Together usually needs. So if you were planning to visit the office on that Friday let Kiki or Hank know ahead.

Choose or Be Chosen – An Update

We thank the Worship and Hospitality Committees for completing next year’s calendar for Sunday volunteers. The Worship Committee has been and will continue to update Sign-Up Genius with the complete schedule. In addition to Ushers, Flowers and Social Hour Hosting, the additional category of Chalice Lighting has been added this year. The Worship Committee is responding to multiples request by members to get back to that First Parish tradition. According to our Worship Committee Chair, Leslie Macpherson Artinian, “Some people signed up their children and when we drew names for all the slots, we included individuals and families in this category. “ So, if you received a notice about being a Chalice Lighter next year, it is not a mistake, we are reviving and putting a twist on an old tradition. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie at


Attention Committee Chairs/Members and other Church Event Planners

We have received little information for the coming program year calendar. So if you or your group has events on your committee calendar, please share with the office.Send to both and We would like to publish an events calendar at the end of August so everyone can update their calendars, electronically or the old fashion way.

Rev. Lisa Ward joins us in August

Rev. Lisa Ward joins us in August. Her email address is The email is currently functional but you will most likely not get a response until August. August 1 is Rev. Lisa’s official start date. She has arrived in the Boston area. She is working on getting settled in her new home and getting familar with the area the rest of July. Thanks.

The new stoves have been installed!

They are functional and look great.

The Revival: A Time for a Moral Revolution of Values

When: Monday, August 1st – 6:30 p.m.


Bethel AME Church
38 Walk Hill St.
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

The Revival is co-led by the Rev. Dr. James A Forbes Jr. and the Rev. Dr. William Barber II, architect of the historic Moral Monday Movement in North Carolina. They will be joined by national social justice leaders, ithe Rev. Dr. Traci Blackmon, acting executive minister of the United Church of Christ’s Justice and Witness Ministries, and Sister Simone Campbell, leader of the “Nuns on the Bus” and executive director of the Catholic social justice lobby NETWORK in Washington, DC.

Rev. Barber spoke at GA 2016 in Columbus, Ohio and Sister Simone Campbell was a featured speaker at GA 2014 in Providence, RI.

To learn more about this movement visit:

To see The Revival we had at General Assembly – go to

(Rev. Barber comes on at about 58 minutes in)

To see The Revival in Cleveland with Rev. Peter Morales – see


Kiki’s Corner

Staff Comings and Goings

Rev. Hank, Kevin and I are all here the week of July 25 on our scheduled office days. Hank finishes on July 31 and will lead summer worship that day.

How to Submit to the Link: (Nothing has changed) Deadine for submissions is Tuesdays at 2:30 pm. You need to address email to both and to assure your announcement will be included in the weekly Link. And as always brevity matters.

Summer schedule:

The Link will continue to be sent out weekly via email.

Written announcements for the Sunday service
are discontinued until September 11.

Office Hours: 10:30 – 2:00 Monday – Thursday

Office Closed: July 4, July 18, July 20

No staff on-site Sundays


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse

Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!