Table of Contents
- This Week in Worship
- This Week in Religious Exploration
- Events and Meetings
- News and Announcements
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Beyond First Parish
This Week in Worship
“Experiences With Creativity”

“Creativity is present in all of us – to one degree or another – in everyday activities and in the arts. I will focus on my experiences with creating in photography and music. I will include some examples of my own compositions and photographs as well as examples from Bach and painters.”
Facilitated by: Owen Hartford
Worship Assistant: Penny Partridge
Music: Liz Alvarez
Audio: Colin Glazer
Worship Services are hybrid.
Join us in person or on Zoom.
Please see the zoom link below. Please log in at 9:20, to give some lead time for the service at 9:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.
Sunday’s offering will go to the service and ministry of First Parish.
Religious Exploration

If you have not yet registered your child for next year’s RE program, please click below to do so. If you are interested in volunteering with the RE program, please contact the office.
Events and Meetings

In person yoga on Monday’s at 6:30 pm in Parish Hall. There will be a zoom option as well. If you need the Zoom log-in info, please contact
The room is large and airy and feels Covid-safe, so please join us!
Social & Environmental Justice Committee
11th Hour Calling
Our Monthly Stand Out for Climate Action & Justice
Thursday, August 11th 6-6:30 p.m, 535 Canton Avenue (next to Town Hall)
We say we care about the climate emergency, environmental justice, elimination of fossil fuels from our lives, and municipal response planning locally wherever you live. Let’s practice it: all welcomed. Show up, drum, chant, sing, learn. Coming together in community will energize you, especially with the Mulqueen/D’Alessandro family in lead roles. BYO posters and percussion (saucepan/spoon work well). This is an invitation to come and come again.
News and Announcements
Worship Committee – SUMMER SERVICES Schedule
An hour earlier – 9:30am! – in the Meetinghouse and on Zoom. The Zoom Link is for summer services, so please make sure to see the info above.
7/31 Lisa White and Elise Henricks- Spiritual Lessons from Nature
8/7 Joe Ayoub and Amy Kavadlo- Lessons from Basketball
8/14 Katie Vhay and Tracey Robinson- Joy
8/21 Leslie MacPherson and Jonah Beukman- What Membership Means to Me
8/28 Tom Kemp and Chris Clifford- “I’ll pick door #2, no, no, #3!”
9/4 Elise Henricks and Penny Partridge- Our Labyrinth
Please contact for more information: Penny ( and Katie (

As a reminder, some staff hours change over the summer.
Lisa Ward- on sabbatical until 11/15.
Rev. Tricia Brennan serving First Parish 8/15-11/15.
Sherri Moldaver- Monday-Wednesday, 8:30 am-1:30 pm –Vacation 7/21-7/27
Kevin Harnden- Vacation week of July 18-July 24
Tim Steele- off for summer, returning to First Parish in Fall
Susan DeMinico- in July and August- Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-4 pm at First Parish, Wednesdays 9-3 pm working remotely.
Volunteer Opportunities

Fair Foods
Fair Foods is a non-profit program that rescues fresh produce that wwould otherwise be wasted and uses it to feed our communities. We volunteer together unloading and sorting food and packing bags once a month.
The next volunteer date is Saturday, August 13th.
If you want to volunteer, please sign up on Sign up Genius by Thursday
evening before the event. Start time and locations vary depending on Fair Foods’ needs, but typically start at 8:30 a.m. at their warehouse at 70 Amory Street in Roxbury.
Other volunteer opportunities are also available at Fair Foods on weekdays from early morning until mid-afternoon.Any questions or for more information contact Tony Dutzik at or 617-291-4685.
Beyond First Parish

Courageous Conversations Towards Racial Justice – Book Club
We are so excited that for our next Book Club we will be reading Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s book “How to Be an Anti Racist” and offering tickets to see him in person where he will be talking about his new book “How to Be an Anti Racist”.
Next Book Club date: Tuesday July 26th and will be on ZOOM.
His book tour event is on Monday, June 27th from 7:30-9:00 at the Wilbur Theater in Boston. Tickets are $35 for orchestra seats and include a signed copy of his book. (1/2 price scholarships are available.) If you can not make the book tour you are more than welcome to join the book group and if you can’t make all the book club dates you are still welcome to attend the book tour event. (Car pooling is available.)
Please sign up for the Book Club and/or Book Tour at the following link
Stay Connected
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.