Summer Worship
Slowing down is one of the special gifts of summer. Coming to summer worship allows you to slow down and savor the relationships we usually need to speed by during other times of the year – church staff, fellow congregants and even ourselves.
Summer worship will also offer some new ways of being together in celebration and prayer – something a little different from our beloved traditional liturgy and just right for the sense of freshness and possibility that summer brings.
Summer Worship will be held from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall.
All children are welcome to attend Summer Worship. Nursery available for children 4 and under.
This Week in Summer Worship
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Worship Leader Jennie Mulqueen
Religious Exploration
RE classes will resume in mid-September.
On-Line Registration is open!
Register your child(ren) for Religious Exploration classes for the coming year. It helps us greatly in planning the number of adults needed as well as which space we’ll use if you sign up early. Go to the members page on our website. Please feel free to contact the office with any questions or concerns contact the office.
VOLUNTEER! Sign up to teach a Religious Exploration unit in the fall or spring of next year.
You can lead a single workshop, sign up for an ongoing class, be a mentor to a youth in Coming of Age, chaperone a youth sleepover. The sky is the limit! We especially need folks who do not currently have kids at home to sign up. If you are interested please contact Miriam.
News and Announcements
Blessingway & Potluck
Sunday, July 27, 5pm to 7pm in the Parish Hall
Come for a final good-bye and blessing of our dear Parisa as she makes this big transition from leading our congregation to working as a multicultural guru. A Blessingway ritual comes to us from Native Americans and is more or less a “crunchy granola” fete during which each person is given an opportunity to bless the honoree.
Whether you have had a chance to say a formal goodbye or not, this is an opportunity to embolden and inspire…. Parisa is especially looking for wisdom and blessings for balance and crossing borders for the Blessingway. We would love for the blessings to come for the whole family as they make this adventure together, please bring a poem, reading, song, dance that speaks to this wondering and vulnerability.
Also, this lovely ritual ends with a pot luck feast of favorite foods. Parisa’s family favorite foods include watermelon, guacamole (or anything with avocado), summer salads, fruit, beans and rice.
We mourn the loss of Frances (Fra) Field
With sadness we share the news that Frances (Fra) Field passed away on June 2 at the age of 93. A longtime First Parish member, Frances had not been active in recent years, but raised her family here. She kept close track of the goings on in the church at was a wonderful conversationalist. She will be missed. Messages of condolence may be sent to Judith Laing t 987 Canton Ave., Milton, MA 02186.
Summer Office Hours:
Monday, July 14 – Thursday, Aug 28 Hours 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (Monday – Thursday)
Committee Chairs:
Please Communicate with the church office early and often about your committee or group’s plans and needs for the coming year, especially important dates that should go on the church calendar – events you want to schedule, meeting dates and times, and big plans you might need office support to carry out. Miriam will be gathering this information.
Wednesdays evenings and Sunday mornings
Meditation continues every Wednesday evenings at a new time 6:00pm-6:30pm as well as Sunday from 9:00am to 9:30am both meet in the Children’s Church. All are welcome to join us and enjoy some peaceful, restful quiet.
Photographers Wanted
Social media is all about photographs and graphics. We are looking to update our website this summer. We will also be looking for up-to-date photos of the congregation as we begin the search process. If you have pictures you want to share, please email Miriam. If you are willing to take photos during church activities, please let Miriam know that as well.
Kiki’s Corner
Summer Cleaning: During July and August, we plan to do some clean up and purging in the office and around the campus. If you have something you have left behind, check the lost and found box or check where you might have left it. Otherwise, it will either be donated or thrown away.
Greeters Needed: Looking for greeters all summer long. If you have been an usher before, you are likely ready to be a summer greeter. Send an email to Miriam if you can do this for our church community.
Follow First Parish on Facebook! “Like” our page and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!