This Week in Worship
Sunday, June 5 @ 10:30 am in Meetinghouse
Last Sunday’s Union Service lead by Rev. John Allen was wonderful. However, the best part occurred at the Milton Cemetery. There Rev. John and I recognized the ministers that our two congregations share and then we placed a wreath at the grave marking those ministers. After that we took turns finding the graves of ministers and sharing a little bit about minister.
My favorite minister, from our neighbors across the Green, was the Rev. Henry Huntington who served during the early years of the 20th century. Rev. John told us that there is a very large collection of Rev. Huntington’s writings at Yale Divinity School, the reason why was surprising. It seems as though Rev. Huntington was one of the leading religious voices in the movement against moving pictures. I can’t sum up his reasoning, but I assume it had to do with frivolous entertainment drawing people into sinfulness, or something like that.
I discussed Rev. Huntington’s ideas with my eight year old as we drove home. She didn’t quite understand all of the theological reasoning, but she did have a great idea. An idea so wonderful that I have passed it on to John, in hopes that he and perhaps their youth group can implement it. She said seven little words, “someone should make a movie about him.” And someone should.
I look forward to seeing all of you this Sunday,
p.s. Please remember to send me the name of your graduating High School Senior, Wee want to make sure that we recognize them at the service on June 12th. We are hoping to have as many of them at that service as possible.
Religious Exploration
- June 5 – Regular Class Schedule and Nursery available for children 4 and under
- Next Sunday, June 12 is Children’s Sunday
News and Announcements
Friday, June 3 – 6pm
The Parish Committee invites Committee Chairs, committee members and everyone with in interest in our shared future to the next All Church Council Friday June 3, 2016 from 6-8:00PM. This is a great event if you are new to committee work or would like to participate in a single project. If you want to know what is ahead for First Parish in the exciting months to come, this is the one forum not to miss. We will take time for each hard working group to update the community on activities, successes, goals and yes, dreams. Please share with anyone interested in getting to know others who do so much for FP Milton. We will have a light supper available but unfortunately will not be offering childcare.
Sunday, June 5th ~ 11:30am-2:00pm
It’s time to celebrate Hank and all of his gifts he’s given to our community during our transition. Please join us for a covered dish Sunday supper, which will happen inside or out. Please bring something yummy to share (if you are able) according to this guideline:
- A-P: Entrees, hearty salads, sandwiches, hot or cold
- All others: appetizers or dessert side dishes (fruit, cookies, etc; we’ll have a cake already!)
We realize that this is Milton High School graduation weekend, and are so sad there is a conflict — hope as many folks as possible can attend to have a great end of our transition celebration, to send Hank off with great appreciation, and in true FP style.
Jen Erbe-Leggett and the Transition Team
“Sing For Their Supper II”
Many thanks to all who attended “Sing For Their Supper II” this past
Saturday evening and gave so generously to the Milton Food Pantry and the Milton Residents’ Fund. This year $2001 was raised and every penny will be passed on to these organizations. An amazing total indeed!
Annual Church Picnic – Sunday, June 19
Enjoy our traditional picnic on Father’s Day. Our Building and Grounds Committee will be grilling and the Membership Committee will be providing the hot dogs, etc, drinks, and other good stuff. Feel free to bring something to share. It is also Flower Communion Sunday and our last service in the Meetinghouse until after Labor Day. Contact Richard Venable or Deb Larson Venable for more information or if you want to help out that day.
Kiki’s Corner
Harvard Study: Women Who Go to Church Live Longer, Healthier Lives (CBS)
(Thanks to Tracey Robinson for passing this along)
Going to church regularly may have benefits that are more than just spiritual, according to new research. A study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health concluded that women who attend religious services at least once a week have a lower risk of dying than women who never go to church.
Harvard Study: Women Who Go To Church Live Longer, Healthier Lives
Office Closings: June 8, June 27, July 4
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!