This Week in Worship
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Worship at 9:30 am in the Children’s Church
Rev. Lisa Ward
Rev. Lisa’s s vacation schedule:
Out of the Office: June 25th -July 8th
Out of the Office:
- July 30th -August 20th
- Pastoral coverage is available. Contact Amanda Tobey, Caring Committee chair, for assistance.
Religious Exploration
Laurel Whitehouse, Director of Religious Exploration
Religious exploration programming for children will resume in September. Enjoy your summer, and remember to take time to enjoy the boundless beauty of nature!
Youth programming will resume in September. Youth room painting will be continuing on August 18 and 19 – helpers needed! Please email if you’d like to volunteer on this much-needed project.
Events, News and Announcements
This upcoming Sunday 9:30am in the Children’s Church
July 1 – Israel Buffardi (HDS) – “Setting the Communal Table”
Guest preacher Israel Buffardi shares an experience of finding connection and a call to justice in a humble pot of zucchini soup; he will also lead us in a celebration of community, connection, and interdependence through story, song, and ritual.
Our full summer services schedule is available on our website.
Click to view:
TONIGHT!!! – Mattapan Milton Neponset Community Celebration
June 28th – (7:00 – 9:00pm): Two Communities and a River: The Story of the Neponset Greenway Extension. An interactive community storytelling event with True Story Theater. All are welcome. Foley Senior Residences, 249 River Street, Mattapan.
The MMNC gathers as neighbors along the Neponset River to explore how to make the Greenway Trail Extension an opportunity to forge stronger relationships among residents of Mattapan and Milton based on mutual respect, understanding, and a common love of the beautiful river and greenway we share. The long-term goal is to understand, confront and eliminate structural racism and other forces that divide and disempower our Neponset Valley Communities.
First Parish Yard Sale Update
We had a great day at the First Parish Yard Sale on Saturday. First Parish Volunteers and staff came out in full force for this event: donating items, organizing and pricing, setting up the sale and then managing the day. The enthusiasm for this event was evident and we had a lot of fun working together. This event could not have happened without the great collaboration of so many people.
At the sale, we raised over $3,600 with the potential for more as we’re consigning some high-end donations. We’ll keep you updated with the final number. In addition, we donated what didn’t sell:
· Books to the Milton Public Library book shop.
· Women’s clothing to Rosie’s Place
· Blankets and sheets to the Animal Shelter
· Other clothing, games, toys, kitchen and home goods to Big Brother Big Sister
· Sporting Goods to children in the Philippines and the Dominican Republic, as well as Play It Again Sports.
· Everything else to Savers.
So our church has truly acted on our principle of “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence” by ensuring that all this wonderful “stuff” will have another life.
Thank you, thank you to everyone in this wonderful community. It was truly a team effort.
Thank you especially to the following people who donated their time to collect, sort, price, advertise, organize and sell:
Allison Zippay, Tracey Robinson, Jim Kelly, Ann Hallett, Anita Penta, Dianna Wilson, Glenn Pavlicek, Laurie Macintosh, Jen Pinkus, Brigitte Miller, Jay Beaulieu, Steve Kruskall, Lynne Stack, Franc Graham, Lisa White, Dean Graham, Jeff Stoodt, Christa Ayoub, Ellen White, Tasha Bello, Tom White, Mark Whall, Andy Strang, Deb Alsebai, Pat Gallivan, Carolyn Newman, Susan Batson, Chris Clifford, Paul Casaz, Dave Leggett, Marie Brown, Cynthia Guise, Sophie Brown, Kim Perez-Gern, Quentin Brown, Guy Pugh, Amanda Tobey, Katie Collins, Patricia Ostrem, Dan de Angeli, Elizabeth Menne, Myrtle Flight, Amy Kavadlo, Dale Golembeski, Jennie Mulqueen, Mary Blanchette, Susan DeMinico, Megan Benders, Laurel Whitehouse, Lisa Ward, (Sincere apologies if we missed anyone!)
Yoga will resume this upcoming Monday July 2, 2018
Parish Hall 7:30pm – 8:30pm
The Church office is closed Wednesday July 4th, 2018 in observance of Independence Day.
Susan DeMinico, Our Office Manager, will be out on vacation Thursday June 28, 2018 and will return Tuesday July 10, 2018.
Join our summer book discussion: WAKING UP WHITE by Debby Irving
An initiative of the First Parish Social Action Committee
in collaboration with Courageous Conversations Toward Racial Justice
Debby Irving grew up in Winchester, Massachusetts, a predominantly white, upper middle class community. In this book, she shares her journey toward recognition of white privilege. This is an accessible book that invites deeper knowledge of our culture and our way through toward clarity, which is a necessary step toward transformation of our society at large.
We will meet every other Tuesday from 7- 8 pm in the library. Our next meeting is July 10th. The reading assignments will offer an easy pace through the summer. We will create opportunities for zoom conferencing for an option to call in for the discussion.
Please contact the office if you are interested, or speak with Debbie Alsebai. Debbie has copies of the book that you can purchase.
Thursday, July 26th, 6-8:30pm, Milton Public Library, 476 Canton Ave., Milton. Join us for a screening and discussion of the award-winning documentary I am Not Your Negro. Directed by Raoul Peck and narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, the award-winning documentary is based on an unfinished manuscript by James Baldwin and recounts the lives of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, and Medgar Evers.
We found a pair of eyeglasses in a meetinghouse pew. Could they be yours? Please contact us via email at the office 617-698-6329.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
- Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00 pm in the Children’s Church (Note new time)
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.