This Week in Worship
Sunday, June 30th, 2019
9:30am- 10:30am in the Children’s Church
“Unitarian Universalist Humor”
What kinds of jokes are told about Unitarians? We’ll explore what they reveal about how Unitarians are perceived outside their faith.
Facilitated by Jeff StoodtMusician performed by Peter Smith
Rev. Lisa Ward

And so I begin my summer link column series on Spiritual Practices. Each week I will offer a suggested practice that could accompany your days. Choose what resonates. Keep in mind that spirituality is a life companion, not a goal. Spiritual journeys are not about reaching a destination but about navigating the flow and gift of our interdependent lives.
Spiritual Practice Opportunity #1 MINDFUL BREATHING
Every cell of our bodies needs oxygen. It is our breath that ultimately supports strength of life. It would do us and the world well to be intentional about our breath now and again, to feed the body with the oxygen it needs to function well.
I remember when the term “24-7” became a common phrase, even amongst children. Busy-ness in our culture is lifted up as valuable. We are constantly on the run, adding to stress, which causes shallow breathing, which in turn causes more stress. We pile things on our busy schedules, using technology not to free our time but to fill it with more things to do. We rarely stop to simply breathe. Might we even be, as a culture, oxygen deprived?
Breathe mindfully – at least three breaths at a time, at least once a day. Perhaps when you wake up before your busy-ness rushes into your mind. Perhaps at a stop light or traffic jam. Perhaps right before you eat a meal. Notice and honor your breath.
Benefits: Calming effect, pausing before rushing to conclusions or reactions, body sense of interdependence (breathing with trees), expansiveness of being, practicing taking in and letting go.
Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Summer RE and Youth Break: Formal youth and religious exploration programming will resume on September 8 when regular worship services start again. Enjoy your summer, and remember to make time for spiritual practices – especially practicing gratitude!
It is time to register your child or youth for classes next fall! The Religious Exploration Committee requests all families to register your child or youth before attending classes. Please use this link to our online form: Online registration form (or paper registration forms are available on the RE bulletin board in the Link hallway).
Events, News and Announcements

A mesage from Our Neighbors at First Congregational Church of Milton
Volunteers Needed: Moving Day for the Youth Center
As we move forward with our Youth Center, he’s an opportunity for you to help support this project with your time and energy.
We are looking for volunteers this weekend. We need volunteers to come help us clear the basement to make room for construction to begin. We will be loading a truck of items that are going to storage for the duration of the project, as well as relocating other items to different locations within the church building.
This work will take place:
Friday June 28 1pm – 7pm
Saturday June 29 9am – noon
If you are able to come during any of these times, please do stop by and lend a hand. Every bit of help will make the job easier even if its an hour or two.
Thank you!

Courageous Conversations
Public Reading of Frederick Douglass
When: TONIGHT!!! 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM,Thursday, June 27th
Where: Forbes House Museum (215 Adams St, Milton, MA 02186).
Sign up to attend on the courageous conversations website.
At this event, we will take turns reading the Frederick Douglass speech, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”
We will have a moderated discussion, addressing topics such as how the impacts of slavery are still felt today and the ways in which race plays a role in our current lives.
Sign-up for Church Directory Photos!

First Parish members: More information will be coming about our new church directory but you can sign up for your photo session *now*. Each group will need about a half-hour for their session and we currently have three dates that we will be taking photos: August 6 and September 13 and 14.
Please use this link to choose your spot:
You can reach out to Leslie with your questions:
Green Gleans

Click on the link below to learn about Izzy Goodrich’s recent climate action event.
A Whale of A Problem: Youth Climate Activits Construct Mosaic in Boston,
Demand Action

Social Justice: Faith in Action
From the MA Community Action Network…
This last weekend we held our breath as headlines first warned of upcoming ICE raids and then reported a two week delay from the White House. This “will they, won’t they” uncertainty is nothing new to the men, women, and families living under the cloud of deportation. In this harsh and unwelcoming climate, we need to help those living life in the balance to remember they are not alone.
Action to take: come out and join us this Sunday for a monthly Interfaith Prayer Vigil held at the ICE Detention Center at the Suffolk County Jail in Boston.
For more details call or contact Tracey Robinson

Rev. Lisa Ward, Minister
In the office Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Out the month of July and August 11-19 on study leave
Susan DeMinico, Office Manager
Out of office June 26
Megan Benders, Administrative Assistant
In the office on Tuesday-Thursday 11:00am-2:00pm
Laurel Whitehouse, Director of Religious Education
Normal hours until June 30th
Sara Elizabeth Santa Cruz, Youth Advisor
Back in the Fall
Tim Steele, Music Director
Back in the Fall