This Week in Worship & Religious Education
Sunday, June 23
The Invisible Bonds of Visible Saints
Rev. Parisa Parsa preaching,
Joel Hiller musician
As we work to embrace intercultural competency, we are met with powerful ghosts of our Calvinist past. Surprisingly, they are not entirely friendly. How can naming the culture of our faith tradition free us to more effectively serve the multicultural world we represent and inhabit? This morning’s worship service is based on one Rev. Parsa led earlier this week for the annual gathering of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association before the UUA General Assembly.
Worship Service will be held in the Meetinghouse this coming Sunday and will be moving into the Parish Hall Sunday, July 7th.
Religious Education
Nursery care will be available for children under the age of 5.
Prayer & Meditation Every Sunday 9:00-9:45am
Events and News
Solo Recital by Grace Allendorf this Friday, DON”T MISS IT!!
Friday, June 21
Grace Allendorf accompanied by the fabulous Yukiko Oba on piano
Schumann’s “Frauenliebe und Leben”, Rossini’s “Una voce poco fa”, a lovely set of spirituals, and the world premiere of “To Autumn” by New England composer Josh Hummel
First Parish in Milton (535 Canton Avenue)
Grace would love to see you there!
First Parish’s Earth-Centered Spirituality Group
Saturday, June 22
Invites you to celebrate the solstice with them: we will be going to America’s Stonehenge in Salem, New Hampshire for our solstice celebration on Saturday, June 22nd. We will meet at church to car-pool up together, leaving from church at 1:30 pm (timing is important, so don’t be late!). The website is and there’s an $11 admission fee for a self-guided tour which we will take after a brief private ceremony…we’ll gather for food and drink at villa Rosa in Quincy when we return home.
What is America’s Stonehenge?
Built by a Native American Culture or a migrant European population? No one knows for sure. A maze of man-made chambers, walls and ceremonial meeting places, America’s Stonehenge is most likely the oldest man-made construction in the United States (over 4000 years old).
Like Stonehenge in England, America’s Stonehenge was built by ancient people well versed in astronomy and stone construction. It has been determined that the site is an accurate astronomical calendar. It was, and still can be, used to determine specific solar and lunar events of the year.
Various inscriptions have been found throughout the site including Ogham, Phoenician and Iberian Punic Script. Dr. Barry Fell of Harvard University did extensive work on the inscriptions found at the site. They are detailed in his book America B.C.
The Solstice is about the fullness of expression and that is what we come to celebrate. The outer world reflects the inner world and this ritual is about honoring the outer and inner worlds. As much as we feed our own soul we also are here to extend that feeding to the Mother who feeds us all.
Please contact Mark Whall to co-ordinate for this event at or 617-282-4075.
Blessed be.
See ya!
The Sunday Planner is up for the upcoming Church Year 2013/2014 which begins in September. If you do not want to be stuck with dates that don’t work for you , please take a few moments to sign up here.
For our Worship Service to run smoothly it is advised you pick one date for ushering, flowers, hospitality and chalice lighting during the church year!
Beyond First Parish
Milton Art Center to Stage Workshop and Concert with Mission of Burma Singer
By Jeffrey Stoodt
What makes Roger run? A relevant question when one considers the activities of Roger Clark Miller, who will appear on Saturday, June 22 at the Milton Arts Center. Primarily known as the co-founder and lead singer of the influential indie rock group Mission of Burma, Miller is also a short-story writer and a Frottage artist.
From noon to 2 pm, Roger Miller will discuss Frottage. In this technique (named from the French frotter, meaning “to rub”) the artist uses a pencil or other drawing tool to make a “rubbing” over a textured surface. The drawing can then be left as is (for a surrealistic effect) or used as a basis for further creative development. During his workshop you can learn this simple and inexpensive technique from an artist who’s a master at it. (Admission to the workshop is $30.)
Roger Miller’s artwork will be on display at the Milton Art Center throughout the weekend, with select pieces available for purchase.
Then there is Roger’s music in the evening. He first hit the scene in a big way from 1979 to 1983 as a member of Mission of Burma, a local group whose ferocious, cerebral sound had a powerful effect on a generation of alternative rockers such as R.E.M., Blur, and Moby. The group reunited in 2004 and still perform throughout the United States and Europe.
You may also have heard of the other musical group Roger Miller co-founded: the Alloy Orchestra. This trio creates original music for silent films. But Roger’s range doesn’t end there – he also performs psychedelic music (with Sproton Layer) and composes viola sonatas and movie soundtracks.
At 7 pm, Roger Miller will give a rare solo musical performance at the Milton Art Center. Tickets are $22 and available at the door or through the Center’s website ( Sponsored by the Blue Hills Brewery, the evening promises to be a celebration of the beginning of summer and the Milton Art Center’s newly redesigned musical space. The center, the former East Milton Library branch, is located at 334 Edge Hill Road, next to the post office in East Milton Square.
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Meetinghouse Choir Rehearsal, 8:45am in the Parish Hall
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice.