This Week in Worship
Sunday, June 1, 2014
10:30am WORSHIP
True Life, True Worth
Rev. Parisa Parsa
with Tim Steele and First Parish Singers
More senseless violence, more cries of outrage, and the loss of a prophetic poet and national treasure haunt our hearts as we also prepare for the lightness and pray for the ease of summer to lift our spirits. This morning we will share in a meditation on the ways we find truth in community, and celebrate our covenant in the ritual of communion.
Religious Exploration
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Last RE class of the year
Spirit Play students will meet in their classrooms.
Passages will go directly to their class room.
Youth chat will gather in the youth room.
Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger.
All other Children will start in the Meetinghouse before being dismissed to their class.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office.
Do you enjoy spending time with kids?
Are you interested in exploring your own faith in a new context?
Do you want to engage with young people at First Parish as they ask big questions, think deeply, and grow spiritually?
Please consider leading a Religious Exploration class next year. You don’t have to be a parent, and you don’t have to have taught before – everyone has something to offer to our young people! We provide all curriculum materials, training and support for teacher. Leaders are needed for all age groups, in a variety of formats with different time commitments. We’ll do our best to find the place where program needs meet your gifts and passion. Please contact contact the office today!
REMINDER: We all love being outside in this wonderful spring weather. It’s great we have space for the children to play. If your child is outside, you need to be outside too to make sure everyone stays safe. Climbing trees and tipping over benches are safety hazards.
News and Announcements
End of the formal church year is fast approaching.
Here are a few things coming up:
- June 1st RE Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
- June 1st last day of RE
- June 8th End of the formal church year, multigenerational worship, Passages graduation, flower celebration and church picnic!
- June 25-29 UUA General Assembly Providence, RI
Annual Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
Sunday, June 1st, 2014 from 9 to 10:15 a.m
The RE committee will be hosting the annual Teacher Appreciation Breakfast to honor everyone who has been involved with Religious Education at First Parish this year. Breakfast will be served to the teachers, substitute teachers and their families and all teachers will receive a gift of appreciation from First Parish. Please consider thanking a teacher by dropping off a warm or cold breakfast item in the Parish Hall by 9:00 on June 1st. You can contact Miriam at the church office to let her know what you are bringing.
Summer Solstice in the Parish Hall
Saturday, June 14th at 7:00pm
The heat makes the earth shimmer under our feet, and the rain steams as it hits the ground. The hot breath of the sun fills our lungs; and the fertile smells of blossom, decay and growth are the bouquet of life.
All are welcome to join the FP Great Blue Hill CUUPS* (formerly known as the Earth-Centered Spirituality Group) as we celebrate the Summer Solstice in the Parish Hall on Saturday, June 14th at 7:00pm (Yes it’s a week early).We share a pot-luck feast after ritual.
Questions? Contact Mark Whall or call him: 617 282 4075.
*Covenant of Unitarian Univeralist Pagans, the national UU organization, to which our ECSG has submitted an application for a FP chapter
Organ Fundraising Coming to an End
The fundraising efforts to repair our organ are coming to an end. Thank you so much to all of you who have given to this effort! For those of you who would still like to contribute, please send in your checks as soon as possible. We will be wrapping it all up by June 1st. Let’s keep the music going!
Kiki’s Corner
Photographers wanted. Social media is all about photographs and graphics. We are looking to update our website this summer. Of course, the first question asked is do you have more photographs or other images. Let Miriam or I know if you would be part of a group that would be willing to take pictures at the upcoming church picnic and other FP events. If you have pictures you want to share, please email Miriam.
Very specific needs for the next two Sundays to photograph services, picnics, and other year end gatherings.
Yeah to all our Religious Exploration Committee Members, Sunday morning RE teachers, Youth Advisors and YAC adults, OWL teachers and workshop leaders. You do wonderful work with the children and youth.
We are having some intermittent problems with our email system. Call the office if you think you should have heard from one of us on a particular issues.
Come for a wonderful service and stay for the annual picnic on Sunday, June 8th. Thanks to Membership and Building and Grounds for putting this together.
Follow First Parish on Facebook! “Like” our page and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. The link to SignUp Genius is: