This Week in Worship
Union Sunday at First Congregational Church
May 28 at 10:00 AM
A combined service of First Congregational and First Parish is held annually, known as Union Sunday. This year the service will be at First Congregational with Rev. Lisa leading worship.
Please note their service begins 30 minutes earlier than ours!
First Parish Milton UU building will be closed that day.
Message from Rev. Lisa
As I write this link article, at least 22 people, including children as young as eight, were killed in a suicide bombing after a concert last Monday in Manchester, England. This was the most deadly attack in Britain in a decade. With news such as this now having reached commonplace occurrence, it is hard to steady ourselves on hope for humanity. Violence, cynicism and greed seem to reign in our daily choices as a species.
We respond in vigils, we respond in outpouring of care, we respond in increased security measures and we believe a wholeness can yet be found. We fear our despair will make us numb, we fear our hope for life will make us patsies, we fear our losses cannot be overcome. That is all part of the terror – the aftermath of violation.
The genius of our lives and the resilience therein lies in interdependence. It is good that we care for one another. It is good that we take notice to work to recover from violation and name what is harmful. It is good that we get up in the morning and recognize abundant wisdom in the signals of life and love all about us. Transformation occurs in increments; let us add to the healing in this world with acts of compassion, let us strengthen the power of love in the world by deepening it in our lives, let us seek the wholeness we believe in by welcoming the stranger in our midst. And breathe. Enter each day grateful for each other.
In Faith,
Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Laurel Whitehouse
Director of Religious Education
The Our Whole Lives Lifespan Sexuality Education class for grades 8 and 9 concluded on Friday, May 19 with a joint celebration of students and parents. The class members narrowly beat their parents during a spirited Our Whole Lives quiz game. Each student graduate received an owl led key light, complete with realistic hoot. The campus reverberated with owl hoots at the conclusion of the evening, possibly confusing any local owl residents. Heartfelt thanks to Pat Neves and Michael Chinman, our Our Whole Lives facilitators extraordinaire!
On May 21 the youth led a meaningful service on how their faith helps them face their fear. Isabella Scott sang a very moving solo, accompanied by Zachary Bennoui on piano. Zachary’s wonderful piano improvs during the Prelude and Postlude set a reflective tone for the morning. Four youth shared their reflections on the sermon topic, highlighting their recent CityReach Boston service learning overnight helping the homeless. It is always compelling hearing when youth share their thoughts and perspectives and speak from their hearts.
Sunday, May 28, will be a joint service held at First Congregational Church in Milton. Note that the service begins at 10:00 am. Nursery care will not be available at First Parish Milton this Sunday. Preschool through grade 12 are invited to attend the full service next door at FCC.
News and Announcements
Dishes left at the Installation ceremony are available in the kitchen near the back sink.
CHOOSE OR BE CHOSEN – Signups begin June 4
It is time to join in making our worship services and coffee hours for next year welcoming, staffed and yummy! Please sign up for at least one date for each of the following : FLOWERS, USHERS; CHALICE LIGHTING, and HOSPITALITY.
The “Choose or be Chosen” sign up sheets will be in the Parish Hall through the June picnic. If you are a member of church and have not signed up, you will be assigned a date over the summer and will be notified by email, through Sign Up Genius. We encourage everyone to take a look and select a date that works for you! This is an opportunity to share our ministry with each other.
Thank you for giving of your time for these important parts of our Sundays!
All Church Council
Potluck and Meeting
When: Friday, June 9 at 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Bring a dish to share and enjoy some conversation as we discuss and brainstorm about our plans for next year We encourage committee chairs and committee members to participate in this roundtable. Even if you are not on a committee, we encourage you to be part of the discussion. All are welcome.
Saturday, June 10th, 9:30 am – noon
Have a sermon within you that you’d like to explore? Each of us has at least one…Come to the sermon writing workshop to discuss styles of preaching, formats for presentation, and tips for public speaking. You don’t have to have a sermon scheduled — just come and work your ideas.
Please contact Rev. Lisa if you’re interested.
Sunday, June 18 after worship
Building & Grounds and Membership Committees are teaming up once again for our year end picnic. The grill has been rented and the shopping list is being prepared.
Think about what you might add to our bounty.
Upcoming Events
Save the date! Sunday, June 11, 2017 after coffee hour in the Meetinghouse.
How Can First Parish Milton Become a Greener Congregation? The Social Action Committee invites you to join us in exploring this very question and start planning a green initiative for next year. We will host guest speaker, Reverend Fred Small, co-chair of Religious Witness for the Earth, a national interfaith network dedicated to public witness on environmental issues, especially global climate change.
For more information contact Jennie Mulqueen at
The Next Courageous Conversation for Racial Justice has been set for Monday, June 12 from 7 to 9 at the Temple on 18 Shoolman Way, Milton, MA 02186.
Kiki’s Corner
More thank yous!
Thanks to Mallory Digges who put together those lovely planters outside the meetinghouse. She has been making sure they stay watered in our everchanging New England weather.
Thanks to our nominating committee – Jen Erbe Leggett, Jeff Stoodt and Chris Clifford for their superhero efforts in recruiting new Parish Committee members and talking to many members of the congregation. Well done!!
Office Closed for Memorial Day weekend.
The office will be closed May 28 and 29 for the Memorial Day Holiday. In case you haven’t heard, the worship service will be at First Congregational at 10 am.
Time to take your stuff home!
Please check around the Parish Hall foyer and kitchen to see what you might have left behind over the past couple of months. Anything that is still around after the picnic will be donated.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!
- Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 3 pm
- Other times by appointment
- Tuesday – Thurday 10:00 am – 3 pm
- Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays.