This Week in Worship
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Bringing It Home
Our RE service this week will focus on the theme of “Bringing It Home,” finding ways for folks of all ages to experience religious exploration and spiritual moments outside the Sunday morning worship experience.
Last Saturday I spent a couple hours volunteering for the Neponset River Spring Cleanup. We lucked out – the tide was low. Volunteers from Milton, Dorchester, Hyde Park, Quincy and Mattapan gathered to venture into the muck to pick up trash and wood debris. “Styrofoam is a priority” advised an organizer, clad in a neon vest, “’cause styrofoam lasts forever.” He offered this as we purveyed the area, littered with countless varieties of trash. With a large garbage bag (of which we filled many), I went off on my scavenger hunt for that which needs to get out of the river for health and safety of all beings enjoying the ecosystem. One of my priorities was items that would hurt the fish and other water life, and I felt a surge of hope each time I found something and got it out of the river bank.
Of course, I thought about how little a difference my actions might impact the vast challenge of clean water, clean air, and thriving ecosystems. I also reminded myself that any action affirming stewardship of the earth adds to the growing consciousness of our responsibility, our calling to be mindful of our impact on the environment: changing habits, embodying priorities and generating hope.
It is mind boggling, when seeing the enormity of senseless disregard for how our actions impact our environment. The shift needs simply to be a way of being in the world, mindful of the interdependent web of existence. As each person becomes more aware of the intricate relationship of the earth and our being, the hope and the health grows.
Too many of us turn away from the enormity of the task, yet all we need do is one more thing which will lead to the wisdom of the next thing to do. A favorite chant of mine used often in justice circles: “Together we can move mountains. Alone we can’t move at all.”
In Faith, Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Nursery care will be available from 10:15 to 11:45 am in the Link hallway for infants and toddlers up to age 3.
Religious Exploration for Sunday, May 5: Preschool children through grade 8 will attend the full multigenerational worship service in the Meetinghouse this week. The service will focus on religious exploration for all ages with ideas on ways to include spirituality in your daily routine. Our Spirit Play class will be lighting the chalice and singing their special chalice song!
Youth Yacking for May 5, 2019
Youth Chat and CAT (Community Activity Time): Do not meet this week because Sara Elizabeth is away completing her facilitator training for high school OWL. Yes, Our Whole Lives is a lifespan curriculum with content for the upper high school grades as well as grades 8 and 9! Youth are encouraged to attend the RE Sunday service in the Meetinghouse.
Last Week! CityReach Boston Donations Needed! Last Week!
In preparation for the Youth Group’s social justice service trip in May, we are seeking donations for the unhoused population that CityReach Boston serves year round. We are collecting the following:
NEW Socks! Need lots!
NEW Underwear! Larger sizes preferred!
New or Gently Used Bags! (Backpacks, fanny packs, tote bags, etc)
Donations will be collected until noon on May 5th. There will be a sign and collection box in the entry outside the Parish Hall. Please contact us at if you have any questions.
Stuart M.V.S. Ryerse will again be the guest musician this Sunday. Stuart plays the piano, folk guitar and recorder, and he is also a skilled improviser and composer.
Events, News and Announcements
Summer is coming! And that means lay-led summer services at 9:30 am in The Children’s Church. Is there some aspect of your spiritual journey that you have wanted to share with the congregation? Is there some part of your social action work that you would like to present to others? This is your chance! Please email Mallory Digges ( if you have interest in leading a service.
This Sunday’s social hour is our monthly potluck! Bring a dish to share.
Green Gleanings
MILTON SPRING BIKE-FEST & FIRST PARISH RIDE-IN Saturday, May 4, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Cunningham Hall
Milton Bicycle Advisory Committee & Sustainable Milton
Annual kids’ bicycle sale and safety training; snacks; EV display; rain barrel and composting demos; more! Family-centric fun.
Sunday, May 5, First Parish Church
Ride your bike to church — decorated helmets and wheels welcomed!
Dedication of our bike rack at 11:45 (after church service).
The Mother’s Day Walk is a beloved Boston tradition and celebration of our potential to create more peaceful communities.
Every year families from across the state and region walk together toward peace. Join us on Mother’s Day to demand dignity and compassion for
all families impacted by murder.
All walkers must register. Registration cost is $10 per walker, however no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Town Field Park, Dorchester Ave, Fields Corner
Dorchester, MA
Registration Begins: 7:00 am—Meet at church 7:30 am to drive over together, or meet us there
Opening Remarks: 8:00 am
Walk Begins: 8:30 am
Finish at Government Center: approx. 1pm. You don’t have to walk it all!
How can you sign up?
Go to and register as a participant to join in our team, First Parish Milton. As this is a fundraiser, we are also seeking donations.
What is our fundraising goal?
We’d like to be a TEAM OF FAITH and raise $1500 for the Louis D Brown Peace Institute.
Please join us to build a just and healthy world with love and compassion!
Questions? Contact Elise Henricks 617-306-1608 (cell)
Silent Meditation Cancellation
Silent Meditation is cancelled 4/25-5/14 on both Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings before worship.
Mission Statement
Having considered all the feedback received, the Mission Composing Team has arrived at a final version of the mission statement to be voted on in an up or down vote at the Annual Meeting on May 19th.
We welcome all to build a just and healthy world with faith, love, and compassion.
If adopted by the congregation, we will then have a frame as a community to develop action steps.
Spokane, Washington
June 19-23, 2019
“The Power of We”
General Assembly is the annual business meeting of our denomination, and it’s a whole lot more. Inspirational worship services, informative workshops, entertaining programs, and a bustling exhibit hall help make GA an unforgettable experience for the thousands of Unitarian Universalists that attend. Attendees leave with a renewed sense of energy, inspiration, and innovative ideas to take back to their congregations and communities.
Visit for
• Programming Information
• Registration and Housing
• Financial Aid Information
• Volunteer Opportunities
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
- Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00 pm in the Children’s Church (Note new time)
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.