Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 5/19/2016

Weekly Link 5/19/2016


This Week in Worship

Sunday, May 22 @ 10:30 am in Meetinghouse

Ralph Waldo EmersonA few weeks ago I posted on social media a meme, a photo of Ralph Waldo Emerson and one of his quotes along side the picture. I didn’t create the image, in fact I took from another friend’s page, posted it and forgot it. Then something strange happened, I started getting friend requests, lots of friend requests. Requests from lots of people I didn’t know, from lots of people who didn’t even know any of my friends. I was puzzled. Was this an elaborate trick, was I being hacked? No these folks were just average old Americans, not princes from Nigeria. So who were they and why did they want to be my friend?

I started to try and track them down and I discovered that they had seen the meme that I had posted. I checked and discovered that this meme had been “shared” over 5000 times! Once I realized this I wondered not only why did they want to be my friend, but why did this meme speak to them? Heck why did it speak to me?

I suppose that I and maybe everyone else who posted this quote were attracted to this because of the actions of others. People who we thought were either over-acting or claiming victim hood when they were the people who were persecuting others. I had in mind certain politicians who have become very concerned with bathrooms recently. In looking at some of the pages of the folks who wanted to be my friend, they had a different set of people they thought were claiming to be victimized, maybe even someone like me. But look at the quote Emerson is not talking about someone else, he’s talking about himself. “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.” May we all be so humble and introspective.

See you in church,

ps. If you have a senior graduating this year, please let us know so that we can recognize them on June 12th.

Religious Exploration

Regular Classes on Sunday, May 22

The nursery is open for children 4 and under.

On the Walls:

On The wallsOne day this spring, Myrtle Flight introduced our temp religious educator, Anne Principe, to one of our youth, Henry Anderson. Since Myrtle knew the two of them were photographers, she (clearly and strongly) suggested that they do a “joint art

show” by hanging some of their photos on the wall. They gladly agreed and the results are on the wall. With Henry taking the lead in offering six of his photographs, Anne matched the theme or idea within with her own pieces. Visit this gallery show!

Henry’s hobbies include singing in his choir, sketching, and listening to 60’s rock. Anne’s hobbies are sometimes her work and include photography, assemblage, writing, speak up, games and wandering.

Henry is on Instagram @major_bagels”

Anne is on Instagram @frizzyedges and on Youtube as “Divign Thinker”

News and Announcements

This Saturday, May 21st

“Sing For Their Supper II”

Don’t miss out on the final Milton Community Concert at First Parish on Saturday, May 21st at 7pm. This free benefit concert will raise money through a free-will offering to support the Milton Food Pantry and Milton Residents Fund. Following the success of last year’s concert this year’s will feature ten new opera singers singing favorites from opera, operetta, and musical theatre.

Friday, June 3 – 6pm

The Parish Committee invites Committee Chairs, committee members and everyone with in interest in our shared future to the next All Church Council Friday June 3, 2016 from 6-8:00PM. This is a great event if you are new to committee work or would like to participate in a single project. If you want to know what is ahead for First Parish in the exciting months to come, this is the one forum not to miss. We will take time for each hard working group to update the community on activities, successes, goals and yes, dreams. Please share with anyone interested in getting to know others who do so much for FP Milton. We will have a light supper available but unfortunately will not be offering childcare.

Sunday, June 5th ~ 11:30am-2:00pm

It’s time to celebrate Hank and all of his gifts he’s given to our community during our transition. Please join us for a covered dish Sunday supper, which will happen inside or out. Please bring something yummy to share (if you are able) according to this guideline:

A-P: Entrees, hearty salads, sandwiches, hot or cold

All others: appetizers or dessert side dishes (fruit, cookies, etc; we’ll have a cake already!)

We realize that this is MHS graduation weekend, and are so sad there is a conflict– hope as many folks as possible can attend to have a great end of our transition celebration, to send Hank off with great appreciation, and in true FP style. An evite went out, please let us now if you have not recieved it.

Jen Erbe-Leggett and Team

Still Time to Participate!

A note from Jennie:

I would like to thank over thirty folks, including Elise Henricks who has really carried this effort for years! – from First Parish Milton who joined in the Mother’s Day Walk for Peace. Walking with my own children was one of the richest Mother’s
Day experiences I have ever had.

For those who are yearning for a way to “show up” for social justice but were unable to participate in the walk, there is still time to donate online. Most of you know of the Black Lives Matter campaign which has heightened awareness of the very same issues LDBIP has been working on for twenty years. First Parish has raised approximately $1750 towards our $2k goal. As of May 16, the Louis D. Brown Institute for Peace has raised $360k towards a $600k goal. Let’s help them get there. Donate HERE.


The Caring Committee is looking for some help to provide meals on Wednesdays from May 18 through the end of June. Please contact Walt Hagenbuch for sign up instructions for the website “Take them a Meal”. We will be adding more information on Caring Committee activities and needs on the Member’s Page of the website shortly.

Family Friendly Volunteer Opportunity!

Next Date: May 21

Please join us the 3rd Saturday of every month (May 21, June 18) at 9:00 AM at First Parish Milton’s parking lot. We will then caravan into Roxbury to help unload, sort and distribute fresh produce to an underserved community. This is a family-friendly event… kids of all ages are welcome. Feel free to stay for 30 mins or 3 hours!”

“Choose or Be Chosen” for next year September 2016- June 2017

SIGN UP IN THE PARISH HALL through MAY 22 — You may choose now or be assigned later

Please sign up for the following Sunday morning volunteer jobs.

Flowers, Ushers, Social Hour and Chalice Lighters

During the year, one detail that the Worship Committee got feedback about was a lack of children and families lighting our chalice on Sunday mornings, which we are addressing in the sign-up for next year. We are including chalice lighting in our slate and ask that next year, families and couples light our chalice as a group at the start of worship.

Please sign up in the Parish Hall during Sunday social hour for one Sunday each of ushering, providing flowers, being a Social Hour host, and lighting the chalice. Sign-ups will continue through May 22. Any spots not filled by that date will then be “drawn” by members of each committee and the entire calendar will be posted. Like last year: first come, first served. If you choose your Sundays in the next month, you should be able to pick the weeks that will work best for you. e. If you have any questions, please speak with Leslie MacPherson Artinian or any member of the Worship Committee. Thank you all for everything you have done this year!

Leslie MacPherson Artinian, Chair, Worship Committee


Kiki’s Corner

I am out of the office May 17 – May 25 and June 21 through June 27.

Monday Office Closings

May 23, May 30, June 6, June 27, July 4


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse

Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!