Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 5/18/2023

Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 5/18/2023

Table of Contents

  • This Week in Worship
  • Message from Rev. Lisa
  • This Week in Religious Exploration
  • Events and Meetings
  • News and Announcements
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Beyond First Parish

This Week in Worship

“Inward Springs”

Worship Assistant: Tom Kemp

Music: Tim Steele

Audio: Colin Glazer

Sunday’s offering will be given to the Mattapan Food & Fitness Coalition. The Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition (MFFC) is a collaborative organization, bringing together Mattapan residents, organizations and others to work on improving the food and physical activity environments in Mattapan.

MFFC promotes healthy behaviors through its networks and its partnerships with other organizations. MFFC provides leadership through community engagement.  ELM board member Hank Bell will speak.

We have quite a meaningful Sunday coming up. Worship will be our annual Religious Exploration service. And after service we will convene our first in-person Annual Meeting in three years, including an important vote on the 8th Principle. It is a day that demonstrates much of who we are together.

As educator Maria Harris reminds us, the curriculum of the church is the entirety of our congregational life. The “curriculum” for all ages in Unitarian Universalism is an endeavor to draw out the wisdom, truth and way of being about us, with humility, curiosity, bold affirmation and persistent love.

Our approach to religious exploration was given shape in the early twentieth century by the innovations of Sophia Lyon Fahs, teacher, writer, theologian and education advocate. 

Ms. Fahs argued that the wisdom of life’s worth and truth is already within the child’s inborn knowing. Religious exploration, then, encourages that individual wisdom through creativity, dialogue, shared experiences and open-minded study of religious texts. 

 What we do for one another when we share in spirit, in community building and mindful stewardship is teach each other the value of being our full selves together. Much to learn, much to share, much to celebrate.

Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa

The Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, May 21st at 11:45am in the Parish Hall. Lunch will be provided by the Hospitality committee.

The meeting is in person only. Please check in with the clerk, Tracey Robinson, when you enter Parish Hall so your attendance at the meeting can be counted.

The Annual Report (click on the underlined section to download the PDF) is also available on our website for your review. On the homepage, please go to the top right corner and click on the tab that says “members”. From there, click on congregational meetings, and then Annual Report 2023.

Printed copies will be availabe for all attending Sunday.

Music For Sunday

This Sunday the Meetinghouse Choir will be singing an anthem called “Will You Teach Us” by Victor C. Johnson. Guest soloist Elaine Daiber will also be singing a song by American composer Ben Moore called “I Am in Need of Music”.

Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration

This Sunday’s Worship will be our annual service celebrating our Religious Exploration Program, teachers, mentors, and children.

Middle School Youth Group Program

Middle school aged youth (5th-8th grades) are invited to gather for an occasional junior youth group program. This spring, based on youth interest, we will be offering four sessions of gaming (Dungeons and Dragons) and an outdoor hike.

If your registered junior youth is interested in the Sunday evening gaming group, please email Friends are welcome, but will need to register with the RE program (at – choose Youth Group or Junior Youth Group as your program option).

The group will meet from 5:30pm – 6:30pm this week in the Youth room at First Parish. First Parish youth mentor Xyla Sophinos will facilitate and two RE adults will be present at each meeting.

May 21st

June 4th

Events and Meetings

From the Membership Committee

Walking Group

Like to walk and chat? First Parish Membership is starting up our walking group again. Dianna Wilson will gather interested walkers at 12:15 pm on May 28th at the entrance to the Pope John Paul Park in Dorchester.

And afterwards if there is interest, going to lunch at a nearby spot!

Contact Dianna for more information:

News and Announcements


All performers from this past weekend’s “Sing For Their Supper” wish to extend their gratitude to you for such an uplifting and overwhelming audience response during the concert, which was also reflected by your generous donations. The unofficial total for donations raised to support the Milton Residents Fund and Milton Food Pantry is $1246. Thanks to all who were able to attend this final Milton Community Concert for 2022-23!

Walking with you is our prayer!

Thank you to Marie Laure Brown, Atticus and Sophie D’Alessandro, Jennie Mulqueen, Rev. Lisa Ward, Pat Gallivan, Jen Pinkus, Amy Kavadlo, Claudia Wellington, Becky Warner, Elise Henricks, Tony Dutzik, Ellen Barr (in hat behind Jennie!!), and Pat Neves for joining our walking team for the 27th Annual Mother’s Day Peace Walk. 

We have raised approximately $1300 towards our $1500 goal, including the funds collected on April 30. There is still time to donate to Team First Parish UU Milton. Click here to donate.

Standing for Racial Justice: Adopting the 8th Principle

On Sunday, May 21st, at the annual meeting of First Parish Milton, congregants will, in addition to other issues, vote on adopting the proposed 8 th Principle, which focuses on pursuing racial justice. The principle reads:

“We covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

For background and additional details please click here.

Racial Justice Task Force: Debbie Alsebai, Dottie Pitt, Elise Henricks, Ellen Barr (co-chair), Jim May, Katie Vhay, Rev. Lisa Ward, Pat Gallivan, Pat Neves (co-chair)

We’re having another Yard Sale!

Start your spring cleaning ! The First Parish Yard Sale is happening again. We’ll be collecting items in June, specific dates and times TBD. The yard sale date is:

June 24th, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Much more to come…

First Parish Milton volunteers provide bagged lunches to MainSpring adult shelters in Brockton twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Members of the Social & Environmental Justice committee will make the delivery to Brockton.

Volunteers are needed to acquire food and pack 10 lunches and deliver to the church between 12:45 pm-1:00 pm on Delivery day. One team lead drives all the lunches to the shelter in Brockton. Please note how many meals you are making in comments. We are looking for 70 lunches for each delivery day. Lunches should include sandwich, fruit, drink, snack/chips and sweet/cookies.

The next delivery day will be on Wednesday June 7th and then every other Wednesday throughout the year. We will meet in the lower parking lot between 12:40 pm and 1:00 pm.

If you haven’t made lunches in a while OR if you are a new volunteer, sign up on MainSpring Sign Up Genius or contact Pat Gallivan at for more info.

Thanks to all the volunteers that have made this program a success for more than two years !!

Sign up here

Fair Foods is a non-profit program that rescues fresh produce that would otherwise be wasted and uses it to feed our communities. We volunteer together unloading and sorting food and packing bags once a month.

The next volunteer date is Saturday, June 3rd.

If you want to volunteer, please sign up on Sign up Genius by Thursday

evening before the event. Start time and locations vary depending on Fair Foods’ needs, but typically start at 8:30 a.m. at their warehouse at 70 Amory Street in Roxbury.

Sign up here!

Other volunteer opportunities are also available at Fair Foods, especially on Friday and Saturday mornings. Contact Tony Dutzik at or 617-291-4685 with any questions or for more information.

Beyond First Parish


Children’s Summer Clothing Drive

Sunday, May 7th – Sunday, May 21, 2023

Drop off bins: available outside of Temple

or Drop off in person: Monday – Friday 9am-3pm 

All types of clothing needed for children ages 1-12

tops, bottoms, shoes, sandals, bathing suits, etc. 

Please bring your new and/or gently used children’s summer clothes to:

Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills

18 Shoolman Way, Milton, MA 02186

For more information contact the CBSBH office:


or call: 617-698-3394


June Community Service Mitzvah Program

 Blood Drive – June 29th

Call or e-mail the office for further information or to register.


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.