This Week in Virtual Worship
May 16, 2021
Sermon: “The Plusses of Subtraction”
Facilitated by: Rev. Tricia Brennan
Worship Associate: Penny Partridge
Faith Reflection: Christopher Clifford
Music: Tim Steele
Audio Engineer: Madeleine Miller
Virtual Social Hour Host: Jennifer Pinkus
Please see the zoom link below. Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.
Please be on the lookout for an Order of Worship which will be emailed to you on Friday, 5/14
Sunday’s offering will go to the UU Urban Ministry. Rev. Mary Margaret Earl, Executive Director & Senior Minister, UU Urban Ministry of Roxbury will speak on behalf of the organization.
We will continue having a social hour after services. Just stay on the Zoom worship call. It will be good to worship together. Do join us on Sunday if you can!
I spoke with a colleague the other day who is parenting two young children. I am in awe of the extraordinary juggle that parents are navigating, and have been for over a year now. I think it is important to recognize that as society opens up for schooling or camping or vacations, that “bouncing back” is a myth. It will take some time to recover and reconfigure our world after Covid-19’s hold has diminished. People will be tired, disoriented, trying to put pieces back together that no longer fit, and practice socializing again. Much will be liberating and joyful and refreshingly new as well. Let us keep in mind the whole mix and continue to be patient, flexible and kind with one another.
I was saddened to hear that my colleague’s parents have refused to get vaccinated, swept away by false information, and religious and political sensibilities. Because of this, they will not be able to visit their grandchildren. I find the manipulation of information for the sake of hindering the vaccination roll-out as such a cynical way to wield power. It demonstrates a grievous lack of regard for the blessing of our lives. There are grandparents and grandchildren who will not be in each other’s company and family and friends who will remain physically distanced, simply because the manipulation of rhetoric keeps fear, cynicism and distrust of others in the forefront. This is the danger of dogma: keeping communities apart by limiting possibility. And in this case, as in many, dogma can endanger our lives.
Simply put: get vaccinated if you can. Get help if you do not know how to get the vaccine. Do it for your own health and for that of the society at large: physically, morally, and spiritually.
Be well. Blessed Be, Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Family Spirit Circle: Family Spirit Circle packets were delivered this weekend on Ideas of God. Our last Family Spirit Circle topic was Prayer. This packet asks the next question, what or whom are you praying to? Is there a God? What is God? What does God look like? What is God made of? Where is God? What kind of things does God do? UU Principle 4 encourages each of us to search for what is true and right in life, such as exploring ideas of God.
Email if you need the family spirit circle newsletter or would like to be added to our distribution list of RE families.
Summer camp opportunity: Explore social justice issues for children entering grades 3 to 5 next fall (posted on the Milton for Social Justice FB page): Imagining More Just Futures. It is a virtual social justice summer camp run by Harvard grad students.
Middle and High School Youth: Calling all middle and high school youth to a Gathering on Sunday, May 16, from 3:30 to 5 pm to celebrate and lift up our graduating seniors, to create posters commemorating the one year anniversary (on May 25) of George Floyd’s death, and to rediscover community through playing some lighthearted yard games. The posters will be carried by marchers during the May 25 March for George and Justice parade being planned by the town of Milton and Courageous Conversations.
We welcome suggestions for youth programming opportunities, especially regarding possible social justice youth activities.
~ Our bodies may not be touching, but our hearts are still connected.
This week Claudia Wellington will be singing “Little Light” by Amos Lee.Owen Hartford will also be offering an original mandolin solo called”Improvisation”. Guest cellist Jeremy Harman will be providing the preludeand postlude.
May 16, 2020 at 11:30am via Zoom
Log-in Information is below.
The Annual Report is now available on the members section of the website.
To get to the members section of the website, go to, then at the top of the page, click on the “Members” tab on the far right. Type in the password, “miltonuu” if needed and then look for the warrant under “Congregational Meetings”.
We recommend downloading and/or printing the document so you can adjust the print size to your personal preference.
If you would like a copy mailed to you, or have difficulty getting into the members page, please email the office at and we will email or mail a copy to you.
The Annual Meeting will begin promptly at 11:30am on May 16th. Please log in a bit early so the clerk can check you in. Two people can be logged in to watch on the same screen- the clerk will give you instructions on how to make sure both of you have your names checked off on role call.
Topic: Annual Meeting
Time: May 16, 2021 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Thank you for your time in reviewing these documents and attending the Annual Meeting.
Table of Contents
For Events, News and Announcements
1. Guest Minister
2. MICA COVID Commemoration
3. March For George & Justice 4. Church Event: Weekly Meditation
5. Job Posting
6. PRO News: Reopening First Parish
7. Worship Committe News: summer worship
8. Environmental Committe News
9. Social and Environmental Justice Committee News
Events, News & Announcements
Rev. Tricia Brennan has been a UU minister for some 20 years, primarily serving as an interim minister to congregations in MA and RI. She is shifting into a ministry of spiritual direction and retreat leadership, and is studying spiritual giidance through the Shalem Institute. She lives in Jamaica Plain.
Commemorating our Journey through Covid-19
A Community Gathering of Loss, Healing and Hope
Presented by Milton Interfaith Clergy Association
in partnership with
BID–Milton Hospital, Town of Milton Select Board, and Milton Access TV
3:00pm-4:00pm on Sunday, May 16th
Town Gazebo, 525 Canton Avenue
Unable to attend? Join the livestream at or on Comcast 9 and RCN 3
Email us at if you would like to add a name to our COVID Commemoration Art Project
In the event of inclement weather, the service will be remote-only.
March For George & Justice
One Year Anniversary March and Rally
Milton and Mattapan
Blue Hills Parkway and Blue Hills Ave.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 route TBA
Join the sponsors and volunteers !
All are welcome to join for 30 minutes of silent meditation/prayer on:
Thursday evenings at 6:45 pm-7:15 pm
Sunday mornings at 9:00am-9:30am
Newcomers and friends welcome.
Please contact Tracey at if you have questions or want to join us!
First Parish is still searching for a part-time RE coordinator — please go to FP website more info. Spread the word!
Reopening First Parish
The Phased ReOpening task group is pleased to report that the Parish Committee has approved a proposal to begin the exciting work of planning for in-person events at First Parish in Milton! This will require planning by various committees, church staff, and YOU — so stay tuned to the weekly Link for more info on plans for a yearend picnic, summer worship, and more! As we enter this transition period, we will ask people to:
- Continue to wear masks when attending church gatherings
- Sign-in when joining an in-person church event (to enable contact tracing)
- Continue to avoid “COVID risky” activities such as public singing, public food sharing, hugs/kisses
- AND PLEASE continue to take care of your own safety and the safety of others by observing safe distancing and get a COVID vaccine as soon as you are “willing and able”!
We want everyone in our community to feel safe and welcome. This will be a challenging and emotional transition. If you have concerns, please feel free to reach out to Rev Lisa for a pastoral conversation.
Worship Committee News
LAY LEADERS FOR SUMMER SERVICES The Worship Committee is still looking for three more people to lead summer services. (They are shorter and more informal than regular services!) Before you dismiss the idea, isn’t there something you’ve been wanting to share from your life experience or your current thinking? Here is your chance to give it voice. Let Penny know, and she will give you your choice of the Sundays left. You will get a Worship Assistant, unless you want to ask a friend. You are likely to get Liz Alvarez playing the piano (unless you want to provide music some other way). And you will get huge appreciation from the Worship Committee. Thank you!
P.S. We think we’ll be livestreaming from the meeting house with people there responsibly distanced while others tune in from wherever they are.
From S&EJ Committee: Environmental News
“Getting to Zero”
Getting to
“Getting to Zero” is a series of workshops at First Parish Milton created to help prepare the congregation for a vote at our annual meeting on May 16, 2021. The congregation will vote on a proposal from the Social and Environmental Justice Committee which states our commitment to reduce carbon emissions at First Parish Milton by the year 2035. In our journey toward climate health we are continuously learning what it means to become “net zero” and how to live more sustainably. This is a critical issue, not only for our church but for our community, climate, and planet. If you missed the live conversations, check out the Recorded workshops on FP website. All three videos will be available on the website very soon. This is a critical issue, not only for our church but for our community, climate, and planet. Join us on this educational journey so that you willbe prepared to vote on May 16.
From your Social and Environmental Justice Committee
From S&EJ: Social Action Committee News
Fair Foods is a non-profit program that rescues fresh produce that would otherwise be wasted and uses it to feed our communities. We volunteer together unloading and sorting food and packing bags on the 2nd Saturday of every month. The next volunteer date is Saturday, June 12th. If you want to volunteer please signup on Signup Genius by Thursday evening before the event. Start time and locations vary depending on Fair Foods’ needs, but typically start between 8:00 and 10 a.m. at Fair Foods’ warehouse in South Boston. Please wear a mask and bring gloves if you have them. You can sign up to volunteer on Signup Genius. Any questions or for more information contact Tony Dutzik at
The Mainspring lunch squad is celebrating a year of delivering lunches to Mainspring shelters in Stoughton and Brockton. We deliver 100 lunches every other Wednesday – next date is May 19th. Join the fun-new volunteers always welcome.
Volunteers acquire food and pack 10 lunches and deliver to the church between 12:45-1pm on Delivery day. One team lead drives all the lunches to the shelter in Brockton.
If you can help, please contact Peter Schneider at for instructions or if you already know the drill, signup on our schedule Mainspring SignupGenius – please indicate number of lunches you will bring.
Looking to Make a Difference in a Students Life? Milton Interfaith Clergy Group partner church, Church of the Holy Spirit in Mattapan Square is offering remote tutoring on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM starting in May for students of the Mildred Middle School in Boston. For more information please reach out to Debbie Alsebai at 617-821-9460 or