This Week in Worship
10:30 a.m. in the Meetinghouse on Sunday, April 30, 2017
This month’s theme: God
Message from Rev. Lisa
Around 600 UU faith communities have signed up for the grassroots initiative: “UU White Supremacy Teach-in”. Congregations and organizations have been asked to devote a Sunday or focused gathering, preferably around April 30th or May 7th, to addressing the dynamics of white supremacy and institutional racism within our faith structures. I have signed up to preach on this issue at first Parish this Sunday.
This call to action and worship grew out of the networking of religious professionals, lay leaders and organizations (e.g. Black Lives of UU and the Liberal Religious Educators Association) in response to a recent hiring controversy – a kind of “last straw” to create this opportunity of deeper understanding.
To get an overview of how this came about, you can visit and read the article “Critics see white supremacy in UUA hiring practices.”
“White Supremacy” is a triggering phrase and one that most liberal religious folk would resist. It is used in this context to address the dynamics of white supremacist culture – the continuing structure of white privilege, paternalistic assumptions of value and preservation of limited access to positions of power. Much of this remains unconscious, especially amongst religious liberals who pride themselves, generally, in the principles of interdependence, justice and compassion. We cannot know what we do not see until we are willing to see differently. This is a large part of the call; of the confidence UU people of color have expressed toward white UU’s, to do the work of expanding our consciousness to help transform our culture.
This is an on-going conversation and commitment that will not be solved by a worship service, but, as is expressed on the Black Lives UU’s website: “Everyone has to start somewhere, and it takes a commitment to disrupt business as usual.”
So may it be.
Rev. Lisa
Religious Exploration
Laurel Whitehouse
Director of Religious Education
What’s happening in religious exploration?
Last week the Spirit Play class helped beautify the campus in preparation for Rev. Lisa’s installation service by planting colorful pansies in front of the Children’s Church. They turned out to be excellent gardeners!
On April 30 nursery care will be available from 9:00 am to noon for infants and toddlers. Preschool children through grade 7 will attend the first part of the worship service in the Meetinghouse and then move to their classrooms. Please note that classes end at 11:40 am. Children will be walked over to join Social Hour in the Parish Hall after class and need to be met there by a parent.
- Preschool through grade 1: Spirit Play in the Preschool classroom
- Grades 2 through 5: Spirited Adventure in the Activity room
- Grades 6 and 7: Friends and Neighbors trip to theMuseum of Fine Arts today. Carpool departs from the shed parking lot promptly at 9 am.
- Grade 8 and 9: Our Whole Lives class (parental permission required) will meet from 10:30 to noon in the Children’s Church
- Youth Chat and Youth Group will not meet this Sunday. Everyone will be catching up on sleep after their CityReach Boston service trip this Friday to Saturday!
News and Announcements
ROOTS AND WINGS: Unitarian Universalist History and Theologies
When: Wednesday, May 3rd, 7 – 8:30 pm, Parlor
How did Unitarian Universalism (UUism) come about? What do UU’s believe? What is a UU faith journey? Open to people interested in becoming a member of First Parish and to those who have been here for some time, we will spend an hour and a half getting a glimpse of our centuries old faith tradition and the evolution of thought to present day Unitarian Universalism. Come with questions, comments, and wonderings. Child care on request by April 30th.
Please email if you are planning to come to this program by Monday, May 1.
When: Sunday, May 7th.
When: 4:00 P.M. in the Meetinghouse
Reception Immediately Follows
As the Installation celebration quickly approaches, we encourage those of you who have not yet signed up on SignUpGenius to bring a contribution. If you have trouble using Sign Up Genius, please let Ursula know.
There are still plenty of slots available including the following, and most of which can be purchased in bulk at BJs or Costco:
- White wine/Red wine
- Mini quiches
- Scallops wrapped in bacon
- Kielbasa sausage bites
- Fruit salad
- Vegan stuffed mushrooms
- Crostini Gluten free pita chips or crackers
- Sparkling Water/Soda
If there is something that is not listed on SignUpGenius that you would like to bring, you can add it to the “Other” section that appears at the end. Please be advised that our event will feature small bites and finger foods. We will not be using cutlery so please keep that in mind when deciding what you would like to contribute. Items that do not require refrigeration can be dropped off on May 5 or May 6. We ask that all other items be brought on the day of by 3pm at the latest. Please email Ursula Macmillan at, by Friday, 5/5, with preparation instructions and allergen information so that a plan can be made for the servers. Please direct any questions to Patricia Ostrem at 617 696-4186 or Ursula Macmillan at 617 838-3828. We look forward to celebrating this momentous occasion with you. It promises to be an uplifting event.
Louis D. Brown Peace Institute – Mother’s Day Walk for Peace
The 21st Annual Mother’s Day Walk for Peace: “In Unity, There is Healing: Invest in Peace”
The Mother’s Day Walk for Peace is a celebration of our potential to create more peaceful communities. Every year families from across the state and region walk together toward peace because in unity, there’s healing! Join us on Mother’s Day to demand dignity and compassion for all families impacted by murder.
All walkers must register. Registration cost this year is $10 per walker, however no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Town Field Park, 1520 Dorchester Ave, Fields Corner, Dorchester
- Opening Remarks: 8:00 am—meet us at the backstop on the baseball field
- Walk Begins: 8:30 am
- Walk Ends: about 1 pm at City Hall (you can do all or part of the walk)
How can you sign up?
Go to to register as a participant and join our team, First Parish in Milton Walks for Peace. As this is a fundraiser, please consider donating toward our goal of $2000.
Questions? Contact Elise Henricks 617-306-1608 (cell)
May Day! May Day! May Day!
Join us on Sunday, April 30th at 3:00 PM in the Courtyard at First Parish
The wheel has turned again. Six months ago at Samhain we witnessed the start of winter and the death and decay that is part of the natural cycle of nature.
It was a liminal time, a time when many of us paused to strengthen our roots for the growing season to come, much like the plants and wildlife did over the winter.
Now at Beltane we celebrate the start of the summer season; Spring is fully realized, and new life is all around us.
Join us on Sunday, April 30th as we light the Beltane Fire and dance around the May Pole to celebrate this joyous Sabbat. Pot luck social in the Parish Hall to follow.
Upcoming Events
Courageous Conversations
When: Sunday, April 30, 2017
Where: St. Michael’s Church in Milton MA
Milton Rally Against Hate: Joining Our Voices for a Better Tomorrow
When: Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 7:00 – 7:45 pm
Where: Pierce Middle School, 451 Central Ave, Milton
Who: All Milton residents and all who stand with us
Flyer available on information table.
Follow us on Facebook
Social Action Meeting
The next Social Action Committee Meeting is on Sunday, May 7 at 8:30 AM in the Parlor
Last Volunteer Day
The last volunteer day of the program year is May 13! Meet at FP Milton at 10:30 am
Save the date! Sunday, June 11, 2017 after coffee hour in the Meetinghouse
How Can First Church Become a Greener Congregation? The Social Action Committee invites you to join us in exploring this very question and start planning a green initiative for next year. We will host guest speaker, Reverend Fred Small, co-chair of Religious Witness for the Earth, a national interfaith network dedicated to public witness on environmental issues, especially global climate change.
For more information contact Jennie Mulqueen.
Kiki’s Corner
Most years the month of May is busy and fun time at First Parish Milton. This year is no different and we are juggling many balls in the air. This year it includes including Membership Sunday, the Installation Ceremony and Reception, the annual Mothers Day Walk for Peace and the Annual Meeting process including the warrant and the annual report. Al of these events will occur between April 30 and May 21 and there is more to come in June! Given the amount of activity, it is helpful to get any requests for the office visa email. Please be mindful of the ongoing Tuesday deadline for information to be in the Link and written worship announcements.
Big thank you to all the committee chairs and co-chairs for their timely submittal of their annual reports. And a special shout out to Walt Hagenbuch of the Parish Committee for his reminders. If you have changes in you committee makeup for next year, please let me know at
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!
- Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 3 pm
- Other times by appointment
- Tuesday – Thurday 10:00 am – 3 pm
- Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays.