Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 4/18/2014

Weekly Link 4-18-14

Easter Eggs
Happy Easter

This Week in Worship

Sunday, April 20, 2014

10:30am WORSHIP

“God of Surprises”
Rev. Parisa Parsa
Emma Jean Moulton, Joel Hiller, special musical guests and the Meetinghouse Choir

Come one, come all to this joyful celebration for all ages! There will be a special surprise at the end of worship, and an Easter Egg hunt for the kids immediately after.


Do you have a story you would like to share about what it was like to complete your service pledge? If so, contact Rev. Parisa with “Service Pledge” in the subject line – She would like to include testimonials in upcoming worship services.


Do you have a new infant you would like to dedicate to the care of the First Parish Community? An older child who is new to the community or never had a dedication whom you would like us to welcome formally into the spiritual care of this congregation? Please contact Rev. Parisa (subject line: Dedication) – we will have our annual child dedication ceremony on Sunday, June 8.

Religious Exploration

Sunday, April 20, 2014


NO Religious Exploration Classes or Youth programs.

All children are invited to attend the service.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office.

Dear RE Parents: We are still in need of some stuffed Easter Eggs. They can be dropped of at the office on Sunday morning. Thank you!

News and Announcements


No Social Hour Easter Sunday

Annual Mothers Day Walk

Sunday, May 11, 2014
(Please make a note, the date on last weeks eblast was wrong)

Please join us as we put our faith in our feet and walk to support the amazing and vital work of the Louis D Brown Peace Institute. This is a First Parish tradition. We encourage all to honor mothers or other caregivers by participating in this walk in any way you can. Please visit our team page: to sign up or with questions? Please talk with Elise Henricks, Ruth Hannon, Pat Gallivan or Tammy Tai.


Marie Laure Brown has won the Cunningham Elementary “Teacher of the Year” award.

artThe Art/Creativity Salon- Next meeting – Friday, April 18, 7PM

A monthly gathering for people to explore different kinds of art in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. This group meets the third Friday of the month. Mark your calendar!


Group PhotoBELTANE

Saturday, April 26 at 3:00pm in the Parish Hall Courtyard
This year we invite all indoor and outdoor gardeners to bring plant cuttings, seedlings, root divisions, heirloom seeds, or other bounty of mother nature’s abundance to swap and share. If you don’t have any to bring, no problem. Both green-thumbs and brown-thumbs will take home something new to grow as gifts from the circle.

Enjoy this rite and welcome the growing season and the generosity of spring greens with the ECSG circle.

For more information please contact Pam Dorsey at 617-698-0057 or Mark Whall at 617-282-4075
Please let Mark know if you think it likely you will attend.

Sign up for Circle Suppers in May!

Saturday, May 3 and Saturday, May 17 are the next circle suppers.
Look for the sign up sheet on the membership board or during coffee hour starting April 27.

Save the Organ Gala Celebration

Friday, May 16 at 7:00pm
Come for a unique evening celebrating two great women of the arts- Julia Child in a hilarious 25 minute opera, and Emma Jean Moulton in her farewell organ performance. Champagne and a selection of Julia Child inspired dessert make it a night not to be missed! Tickets are $50 per person sold at the door. Event hosted by the Music Committee.

SederThis years Seder was a great success! There were thirty people in attendance who were part of this Passover celebration.

Thanks to Donna Drewes and Bridget Sitkoff from the RE committee
and their husbands Jonathan Baum and Nathan Sitkoff
for such a wonderful job!

Denominational Coming Events:

Clara Barton and Mass Bay Districts Annual Meetings

Saturday 4/26 Time: 1 – 4:30 PM

Location: First Parish Framingham, UU

Annual meetings of congregations within Clara Barton and Mass Bay Districts.

This year, we welcome Jim Key, our new UUA Moderator! Join us in celebration of the Great Awakening already underway and which includes us all. Help us take stock of the governance choices that support our associational covenant.

We look forward to a powerful experience of being together beyond our own congregations.

General Assembly 2014
June 25-29, Providence, RI

The theme for General Assembly 2014 is Love Reaches Out.

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates. Early Bird registration ends April 30, 2014. Some financial assistance is available. Contact Kiki for more information.

KikiKiki’s Corner

We are looking to add babysitters to our pool for Sunday mornings! Has your child recently completed the Certification for Babysitting? If he/she is interested in either being considered for helping in the nursery or getting on our list of babysitting referrals for parishioners, please let me know. The first step is to send a copy of the certificate to the office. Please Contact me for further information.