Table of Contents
- This Week in Worship
- Message from Rev. Lisa
- This Week in Religious Exploration
- News and Announcements
- Events and Meetings
- Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC)
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Beyond First Parish
This Week in Worship
Multigenerational Workshop
“Dirt and Stars“

Guest Minister: Louise Smith-Erb
Worship Assistant: Amy Kavadlo
Greeters: Sheldon and Julie Blackburn
Chalice Lighter: Jennifer Pinkus
Audio: Nina Truog
Social Hour: Jonah Beukman & Kaitlyn Pedotti
Please join us for service at 10:30am.
Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.
This week’s offering will go towards the service and ministry of First Parish.

Many travelled far to witness the solar eclipse in totality. It was a time when people divided by politics, religion, identities and cultures experienced a mutual feeling of awe. There is more than us, offers an astounding cosmos, that once in a while dances for our recognition of its magnificence. And if this brought a sense of transcendence, perhaps kindness, curiosity and willingness to open to a wider perspective gained a bit of advocacy in our cells.
However, I add a caution in the seeking of a “once in a lifetime” event. Mystical connections are available every day. The sunrise will never be the same as it was this morning. It was a once in a lifetime event. I have in my mystical toolkit memories of feeling a larger presence when a loved one died, being touched by the ocean one morning in practicing tai chi that felt like a vast gentleness, the sighting of a seagull flying across the sky with a magenta belly because of the momentary angle of the dawn’s early light. Sometimes we need astonishing things to wake up our ability to see the miraculous moments in everyday life.
One cartoon, that may be familiar to you, is Charlie Brown and Snoopy sitting on the doghouse. Charlie Brown says to his dog companion, “Snoopy, you only live once.” “No Charlie Brown,” Snoopy replies, “You only die once. You live every day.”
Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa
P.S. Be sure to check out this Sunday’s worship led by our Family Ministries Director, Louise. “Dirt and Stars” will be further exploration of the wondrous dynamics of living and growing.

Music This Week
This Sunday Hunsaker soloists Elaine Daiber will be offering a solo called “It’s in Every One of Us”, by David Pomeranz. Mr. Pomeranz has composed extensively for film and television, and his songs have been performed by Barry Manilow, Freddie Mercury, Bette Midler, and the Muppets. Karl Pastore, Ann Hunt, Marie-Laure Brown, and Pat Neves will sing “You Are Not Alone” by Allison Russell .
On Sunday, April 28 at 3pm Milton Community Concerts presents “In Community: A Concert Celebrating LGBTQ+ Stories”, a benefit concert to support the Transgender Emergency Fund. You will hear musical theater favorites, jazz standards, concert songs, arias, and cabaret songs by LGBTQ+ composers. Featured singers include Alexis Peart, Morgan Mastrangelo, Nick Fahrenkrug, and Michael Alexander Aoun. Tickets, available at the door only, are PAY AS YOU CAN, with a suggested donation of $20 general, $10 senior, and free for 18 and under. Additional donations will also be accepted. Visit

RE This Week

UU Summer Fun Registration!
It’s time to formally register for our UU summer fun! Follow this link to register. Per the recommendation of the Religious Education Committee, we are shifting our age range to also welcome preschoolers whose older siblings will also be attending our summer fun and/or who attend Spirit Play but may not be entering first grade. Please reach out to Louise ( with questions about this new policy. We continue to want to be flexible and accommodating, while still prioritizing safety and a quality experience for all involved.

Sunday, April 14, 2024 6:00pm
Interfaith Seder with members from Congregation Beth Shalom
First Parish, Parish Hall
Please contact the office if you plan on attending. We need to know numbers for food preparation. This event is potluck.
Email to RSVP

Sunday, April 21st 3:00pm – 6:00pm (come anytime)
The Milton Muslim Neighbors invites us to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, which commemorates the end of Ramadan.
Cunningham Hall: 77 Edge Hill Road, Milton
Both Events are for all ages
News & Announcements
The Auction Committee would like to thank all of those in the FPM community who donated items or services to auction, as well as those who bid high and often!
With your assistance, FPM swung into spring, and wasn’t eclipsed by the eclipse. We exceeded FPM’s financial goal for the auction by over $2,000.
See you all at the Yard Sale in June!

The Committee Fair is back! Please join us on Sunday, April 14th during social hour (11:30 – 12:30) in the Parish Hall.
Committees are essential to the life and growth of First Parish. At the fair, you can find out more about our committees and decide which ones you may want to join. Joining a committee is a wonderful way to deepen your engagement to church, make new friends and do great work. Come and share your talents or try something completely new. We need you! Committees are now forming for the next church year beginning in July.
Committee Chairs – please plan to staff a table at the fair!

Celebrate spring in the Parish Hall!
Social Hour Hosts needed for:
Sunday, April 28; Sunday, May 5, 12, 26.
CLICK HERE to sign up [sign up genius]
Haven’t hosted before or need a refresher? No worries! A Hospitality Committee member will reach out to you the week before to answer questions and provide instructions.

Dear First Parish Friends,
Mother’s Day is on the horizon and I hope you can join us for this important annual event right in our neighboring Dorchester area; it is a longstanding tradition at First Parish. Participating with my kids has been a great way to live into our faith and values, and it was by coming to First Parish that I learned about the history of Mother’s Day and how it is rooted in a movement for peace. The walk usually takes several hours, so probably good for ages 10 and up.
Click on the register tab. Join our team by search for FP Milton UU team to join our team. Once registered, you will be given your own fundraising page to send out to friends.
Warmly, Jennie Mulqueen
Events & Meetings

Two More Circle Suppers
Our first two Circle Suppers filled up and were a big success. There are two more opportunities to socialize with First Parish friends and acquaintances in an informal setting. These potluck gatherings, April 26th and May 4th will include facilitator-led discussions of the proposed changes to Article II, which we’ll be voting on at Annual Meeting in May so that our delegates to General Assembly can represent our wishes.
Sign up for your preferred date and food contribution here:
April 27th at 4:00 pm
Do you have a story you want to share? Come join us at 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 27, in the Children’s Chapel. Our gathering will be like the Moth Radio Hour with a five minute limit for each story – but it’s not a competition. You can just listen if you want. The theme will be “Beginning.”
Questions? Contact Dan de Angeli ( or Penny Partridge (
Social & Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC)

April 17th is the next date!
S&EJ (Social & Environmental Justice committee) is looking for volunteers the first and third Wednesday of each month to contribute lunches. We hope to deliver 70 lunches twice a month to support shelter guests.
See updated instructions on the Mainspring SignUpGenius page and signup whenever you can help out.
We are counting on your support!

Climate Action@HOME
SUNDAY May 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm Chase Parlor
Climate Action at Home wraps up our year-long series of discussion. Come learn more about Carbon Footprints!
A small FPM group has been meeting for several months learning how to calculate our own Carbon Footprints. We would like to share what we learned and see if others are interested in learning more about their own carbon footprints. Please join us.

Bikes not Bombs Tour:
Saturday April 27th
10:00 am-11:00 am
Bikes Not Bombs uses the bicycle as a vehicle for social change to achieve economic mobility for Black and other marginalized people in Boston and the Global South.
Join us for a BNB tour in Jamaica Plain with Dnaye Kanonga on Saturday April 27 from 10-11am. All ages welcome!
Register on Sign-up Genius. Please include note in signup if you want to carpool.
Contact Tracey Robinson at if questions.
Beyond First Parish

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 — two options for participating:
In person: “Watch Party” Soup Potluck in Parish Hall 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Virtually: by pre-registered Zoom 7:00 pm-8:00 pm
Join Social & Environmental Justice/Racial Justice Task Force folks to learn about MOVEMENT VOTER PROJECT [MVP]. Its non-partisan Fund supports local door-to-door organizations, especially in swing states, doing trusted work to empower local voters. ACTION — NOW — EARLY — is one way to feel hopeful and self-empowered. FYI: every registered attendee unlocks a $25 donation by “Anonymous”
Tucker Smith and Deb Larson-Venable welcome questions.
Contact or
Town wide Green Fair 2024
Saturday, May 4, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
To be staged in front of Town Hall, on Gazebo Green, and at both churches
First Parish Volunteers needed to:
set-up and activities (bell-ringing, drumming, crafts, Freecycle tables, GreenUp Teams, EVs, scavenger hunt, etc.).
More information to come!
Tucker Smith & Sita Cochran, First Parish liaisons

Courageous Conversations Towards Racial Justice’s next read will be “The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America” by Richard Rothstein.
We will meet on Zoom on Tues 5/14/24 and 5/28/24 from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
For 5/14/24 we will read through Chapter 7 and we will finish the book on 5/28/24.
It is not readily available at the Milton Library or the Boston Library (online at least) without a wait, but used copies are available at BooksRun and new and used at Amazon.
Ibram X. Kendi in “How To Be an Antiracist” pointed out that policy is either racist or antiracist. This new book seems to add support of this concept.
For Questions and or the Zoom link please reach out to Debbie Alsebai at
Sponsored by
Milton Interfaith Clergy Association
Thursday, June 27th 1:00 pm-6:00 pm
Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills
18 Shoolman Way
Milton, MA 02186
The blood drive will be live and ready for scheduling by March 18th.
To schedule appointment on or after Mar 18 please visit and enter sponsor code: MICA Or call 1 (800)-Red-Cross
Stay Connected
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
Sundays through mid June
- Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
- Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is:
You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.