Worship Theme: Wrestling with Evil
This Week in Worship
Sunday, April 13, 2014
10:30am WORSHIP
By Faith Made STRONG
Rev. Parisa Parsa
with music by Emma Jean Moulton and the Meetinghouse Choir
with SPECIAL GUESTS performing “I Will Run Again” by Kathy Ready
How do we walk through heartbreak, as individuals, as a congregation, as a community? As our metro area is enveloped in reflections on last year’s marathon bombing, we take time this morning to mourn and to celebrate the way our story connects with the ancient stories of Jesus entering Jerusalem and the Egyptians fleeing Pharaoh.
Do you have a story you would like to share about what it was like to complete your service pledge? If so, please send an email with “Service Pledge” in the subject line to Rev. Parisa – She would like to include testimonials in upcoming worship services.
Do you have a new infant you would like to dedicate to the care of the First Parish Community? An older child who is new to the community or never had a dedication whom you would like us to welcome formally into the spiritual care of this congregation? Please send an email to Rev. Parisa (subject line: Dedication) – we will have our annual child dedication ceremony on Sunday, June 8.
Religious Exploration
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Children will start at the Meetinghouse before being dismissed to their classroom.
Passages and Neighboring Faiths will go directly to their class room.
Youth chat will gather in the youth room. NO youth group this week.
Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office.
A gentle reminder that for safety reasons, our policy for pick-up from Religious Exploration classes is that children will not be released until a parent has come to get them. After worship is finished, please make your way to your child(ren)’s classes to pick them up. We want to make sure that all children are accounted for and parents know where they are. Thanks for helping us with this!
Dear RE Parents,
Easter is fast approaching and we need some help!
Parents this is what we need from you: Easter eggs filled or unfilled as well as content for the Easter eggs.
Also Kids Participation needed!
At the end of the service on Easter the kids will be singing a song (Flash mob style!) lead by Joel Hiller and Jen Leggett.
We need your kids! Only one rehearsal required. So if your kids are interested please stay after church on this Sunday, April 13.
Practice will begin promptly at 11:45 in the Meetinghouse.
All you need is yourself and be ready for lots of madness and fun!
Pass the Matzoh & Join Us for a Seder
Wednesday, April 16 at 6:30pm
Please join us for Passover Potluck Seder celebrating old and new traditions. Featuring an overview of the holiday, fun songs and good company. All ages are welcome but childcare will be available should someone in your family need a break.
Bring a salad, entree or dessert to share, recall that the Israelites did not have time to use flour, so chicken, beef, vegetables, potatoes, salad, egg dishes, fruit, pudding and ice cream items are all good choices (but bread and pasta are not good choices.)
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Committee Chairs
Please submit your submittal of committee slates and your annual report. Deadline April 13, 2014.
Reminder to all – Annual Meeting is Sunday, May 18, 2014
The Art/Creativity Salon- Next meeting – Friday, April 18, 7PM
A monthly gathering for people to explore different kinds of art in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. This group meets the third Friday of the month. Mark your calendar!
The Run Again Project was organized by Brian Kelley and his sister Kathy Ready. Check out the website, www.therunagainproject.com. See Pierce Middle School Students sing “I Will Run Again”.
Saturday, April 26 at 3:00pm
May 1st marks an important point in the Magical calendar, our wheel of the year. As the signs of winter recede from the landscape, you may notice mighty changes sweeping over all of us. There is an abundance of raw power in the atmosphere and Earth energies are at their strongest and most active as Beltane honors Life. It is at a “between times”, midway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Beltane is engrained in the consciousness of our culture. Its disguises are manifold: Spring fever, summer holidays, all night parties, fires on the beach, flowers in hair, jasmine in gardens, love is in the air in high spring. Remember children’s rhymes, like Jack be nimble, Jack be quick? Jack jumped over the candlestick? Yes, that’s referring to Jack o? The Green, a Beltane nature figure, and the jumping of the Beltane fires. I was walking through the woods one day, In the merry merry month of May? Yes, that’s about Beltane, too. All these things and more are Beltane, the third and most powerful of the three great spring festivals.
Join the Earth-Centered group as we jump our symbolic Beltane Fire and dance around our Maypole with its many colored ribbons, merrily weaving the spiral of Life between the Goddess of Fertility and the Green God, the union between Earth and Sky. Merriment begins at 3:00PM, Saturday, April 26 in the Parish Hall and Courtyard.
Save The Date!
May 10, 2014 Annual Mothers Day Walk
Please join us as we put our faith in our feet and walk to support the amazing and vital work of the Louis D Brown Peace Institute. This is a First Parish tradition.
We encourage all to honor mothers or other caregivers by participating in this walk in any way you can. Please visit our team page to sign up or with questions? Please talk with Elise Henricks, Ruth Hannon, Pat Gallivan or Tammy Tai.
Denominational Coming Events:
Clara Barton and Mass Bay Districts Annual Meetings
Saturday 4/26 Time: 1 – 4:30 PM
Location: First Parish Framingham, UU
Annual meetings of congregations within Clara Barton and Mass Bay Districts.
This year, we welcome Jim Key, our new UUA Moderator! Join us in celebration of the Great Awakening already underway and which includes us all. Help us take stock of the governance choices that support our associational covenant.
We look forward to a powerful experience of being together beyond our own congregations.
General Assembly 2014
June 25-29, Providence, RI
The theme for General Assembly 2014 is Love Reaches Out.
General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates. Early Bird registration ends April 30, 2014. Some financial assistance is available. Contact Kiki for more information.
Kiki’s Corner
We are looking to add babysitters to our pool for Sunday mornings! Has your child recently completed the Certification for Babysitting? If he/she is interested in either being considered for helping in the nursery or getting on our list of babysitting referrals for parishioners, please let me know. The first step is to send a copy of the certificate to the office. Please contact me for more information.
Follow First Parish on Facebook! “Like” our page www.facebook.com/FirstParishMiltonUu and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. The link to SignUp Genius is: