This Week in Worship
Sunday, March 8 @ 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse led by Rev. Hank Peirce
Do you remember the five stages of Interim Ministry that I talked about when I first arrived? Let me refresh your memory.
1. Coming to Terms with History
2. Discovering a New Identity
3. Shifts of Power/Leadership Changes
4. Rethinking Denominational Linkages
5. Commitment to New Leadership and to a New Future
You may be wondering where we are, and maybe I should ask, where do you think we are? Because it is true that some people are still wrestling with the loss of Rev. Parisa Parsa and others might not think that the church understands where it is and what it is called to be. However, I think that most of you understand that the church is you, the folks in the pews, the folks reading this e-mail right now, it’s not the minister. Though of course I think that a minister is very important, but this transition time is about you recognizing who you are and how you want to be as a community.
It is a very exciting time!
See you in church,
Rev. Hank
The Worship Theme for March is Brokenness
March 8th – Maggi’s Son
The Ten Commandments say to honor our parents, yet Jesus tells us something very different. As most of our formation occurs in our families of origins, it is often from those experiences of childhood where we need to heal ourselves and from there go and affect the world around us.
March 15th – UU Urban Ministry The Rev. Susan Chorley
This Sunday we will be blessed with the preaching of the Rev. Chorley who is the Senior Program Director at the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry. Our church has long been associated with this important ministry in the city of Boston most recently through the Jericho Road Project.
March 22nd – The Art of Wrestling
“The scriptures tell of Jacob spending all night wrestling with and angel. How many nights have you spent awake struggling with issues that seem to have a hold on you? And how do you know when you are through?”
March 29th – Palm Sunday: From Nomads to Pilgrims
How do we transform ourselves from individuals to a religious community? How do we put together our broken lives in a way that not only serves us, but God? This is the journey we are on from nomads to pilgrims.
Religious Exploration
Sunday, March 8, 2015
- Spirit Play (Pre K – 1st grade) will meet in their classroom.
- Passages 2nd graders will go directly to their classroom.
- Small Group Ministries 3rd – 6th Graders will begin in the Meetinghouse before being dismissed to their Religious Education class.
This week’s class is combined and will be meeting in the Parlor. - Neighboring Faiths 7th Graders No Class this Sunday, students are invited to attend the worship service.
- OWL 8th Graders will meet in the Children’s Church (Class runs from 10:00am – 11:30am)
- Coming of Age Youth will be attending the worship Service followed by class from 12:00pm – 2:00pm.
- Youth Chat will be hosting Social Hour and will meet in the Parish Hall.
- The Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger.
Music News
Raising the Roof!
On Sunday, March 15th at 4:00 we hope you’ll plan on attending “Raising the Roof”, a free benefit concert put on by Milton Community Concerts in the Meetinghouse.
Along with the First Parish Meetinghouse Choir this concert will also feature the Sanctuary Choir and Celestial Ringers from the United Church of Christ in Norwell, MA. The UCC Norwell groups, under the direction of Karen Harvey, include members who are singing this year for concerts in Rome and at Lincoln Center in New York.
We also welcome special guest choir Luminaria, an acapella women’s ensemble based on the South Shore dedicated to performing for people who are too ill to attend a live musical performance.
In support of its mission an offering will be taken to support The Conversation Project, a collaboration with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
News and Announcements
Volunteers needed!
Need folks to sign up for hosting Social Hour and USHERING during services. Take a minute, look at your calendar and sign up.
It’s as easy as following this link, and adding your name to an open slot.
Let’s work together to do our part and help Sunday’s run smoothly. This is an easy way to provide service to the congregation.
Missed the February 22 service and discussion after worship about the Ministerial Search process?
Don’t worry we recorded it. Find it on our Facebook page or the Members page of our website (password miltonuu). Laura Graham is our Ministerial Settlement Representative and did a wonderful job with both the sermon and after worship discussion.
Ostara is a celebration of the Spring Equinox. It marks the time when days and nights are of equal length and the sun begins to win out over the dark. Many religions celebrate holidays during this time of year, including the Hindu Holi, Jewish Purim, Sikh Hola Mohalla and Christian Easter. Ostara or Eostre is the Anglo-Sazon goddess of dawn, the coming of spring, new growth and fertility.
Join the Great Blue Hill CUUPS circle as we celebrate the end of winter (at least astronomically) with song, prayer, blessings and ritual planting.
Ostara will be held in the Parish Hall on Saturday, March 21st at 7:00pm. All are welcome to join in the ceremony and in our traditional pot luck social hour following. For more information, contact Mark Whall.
First Parish Milton Orientation/New Member Class
Saturday, March 14 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Please join us for First Parish Milton Orientation. You will learn more about Unitarian Universalism, historic First Parish Milton (including a tour), and hear more about the path to membership here as well as your sharing of your experiences so far. Evites were mailed to those of you who recently completed a yellow visitor card. Check your email. Please email Kiki if you are interested in attending or need more information. Rev. Hank Peirce and Kiki Giatis will be facilitating the program.
Kiki’s Corner
The New England Region of the UUA does wonderful work for congregations. I am highlighting two upcoming events they are sponsoring. I encourage you to think about attending one or both of them!
Saturday, April 18 from 9:00am to 3:00pm
The Future of Small to Mid-Size Congregations
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading, MA
This program is designed for team participation. Let me know if you are interested in being part of a team from First Parish Milton.
Save the Date: Combined District Annual Meetings Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the First Parish Church in Weston,Massachusetts, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.(Laura Graham is the current Mass Bay District President)
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!