Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 2/28/2014

Weekly Link 2-28-14

We Welcome All

March Worship Theme


How we move forward after a break or hurt in a relationship makes all the difference. How do we ask for and seek forgiveness? How do we let go of past hurts so we can move forward ourselves? And what happens when what happened will never be “okay”? The wisdom of the season of Lent, the spiritual preparations for the Persian New Year, and the stories of our lives intersect powerfully this month for our shared reflection.

This Week in Worship

Sunday, March 2, 2014

10:30am WORSHIP

“Spiritual Superpowers”
Rev. Parisa Parsa
Music by Emma Jean Moulton and the Meetinghouse Choir with guest flutist Susan Conant
Jeff Stoodt, worship assistant

Certainty, being right, and never admitting an error are popularly considered signs of strength and authority. The life of faith demands confession, repentance, and humility. How can we find strength in the practice of what is known to be ‘good for the soul’?

Religious Exploration

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Childrens Church

Passages will go directly to their class room.

Youth chat will gather in the youth room. NO Youth Group this week!

Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger.

All other children should go straight to the Childrens Church

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office at

Cafe Blue Hills

A Home-Grown Café Blue Hills


7pm – 10pm in the Parish Hall

Please join us on Saturday, March 1st from 7 to 10 pm for a night of home-made music by members of our own First Parish congregation. We’ll have some light refreshments, and donations will be gratefully accepted to help with repairs to our First Parish organ. Admission is free but please come prepared to donate generously to help with the repairs to our First Parish organ.

If you are interested in performing or willing to help with set up, please see Charlie Franich of the Membership Committee or send him an email at

News and Announcements

Separated and Divorced Support Group

Sunday, March 2 in the Chase Parlor from 12noon – 1:30pm

This group will be meeting the first and third Sundays of the month.

Circle Suppers are back!

Would you like to attend a circle supper? The Membership Committee is organizing 4 circle suppers in March: Saturday, March 22, Sunday, March 23, Saturday March 29 and Sunday March 30. The purpose of a circle supper is very simple—to join in fellowship with fun people from church. This is a great way to meet new friends and see your old friends.

To attend a circle supper, all you have to do is RSVP and then show up with a potluck dish. You can RSVP by signing up on the Membership bulletin board beside the Library in the Link or by e-mailing Kiki Giatis at

MusicMusic Lovers…Take Note!

It was recently discovered that our beloved First Parish organ is in need of a fairly major repair. In order to help get this costly job done without breaking our bank, the Music Committee is cooking up some opportunities for you to participate in this cause – beginning with Café Blue Hills on March 1st. Stay tuned for more!

Luminaria, a woman’s a cappella group originally formed from a First Parish small group ministry, has now been singing for nursing home and hospice patients for about two years. If you know of anyone who might benefit from this caring music ministry, we’d love to offer our services. Call Patricia Ostrem at 617-696-4186.

“By building relations we create a source of love and personal pride and belonging makes living in a chaotic world easier.” Susan Lieberman

If you belong to a First Parish group that meets informally and have space for additional members, we’d love to know. We’re interested in the focus of your group, when you meet and whether or not you might have room for others. If you have information to share, questions to ask, or would like to chat, please contact Melinda Collins at or (617) 852-6389.

Annual Budget Drive FY15


There are blank forms outside the office on the bulletin board and on the Information Table in the Parish Hall. In late April/early May, you will receive a letter from the office confirming your pledge amount and updated information on automatic payment options. Thank you for giving generously.

We are grateful to the following 52 households for making their commitment to the Annual Budget Drive FY2015. We have raised $165,770.00 (63%) of our goal of $260,000. Thank you for your generosity!

Debbie Alsebai
Mike & Tasha Bello
Mary Blanchette & Jim May
Bob & Anne-Marie Buckland
Chris & Karla Clifford
Harris & Melinda Collins
Robin Coyne & Rob Savage
Nancy & Dan Devine
Mallory Digges
Donna Drewes
Frances Field
Charlie Franich & Ruth Hannon
Leah & Pat Gallivan
Andrea Geyling & John Moore
Dale Golembeski & Amy Kavadlo
Beth Gray-Nix
Beth & Keith Greenawalt
Walt & Sandra Hagenbuch
Ann Hallett
Ruth Heiden & Marsha Maurer
Elise Henricks & Tony Dutzik
Tom Hess
Wayne Johnson & Diane Fallon-Johnson
Deborah Larson Venable & Richard Venable
Laurie Macintosh
Ursula & Bill MacMillan
Scott McIsaac & Suzanne Durrell
Brigitte & Eric Miller
David Morse
Gillian & Matthew Najarian
Amy Norton
Mark & Patricia Ostrem
Glenn Pavlicek & Anita Penta
Kimberly Perez Gern & Kent Gern
Sue Phillips & Tandi Rogers
Jennifer Pinkus & Jay Beaulieu
Chris & Dottie Pitt
Tracey Robinson
Tim Steele and Elizabeth Steele
Jeff Stoodt & Lisa White
Andy Strang
Russ Tremaine
Bebe Williamson
Allison Zippay & Jim Kelly
Susan Batson & Paul Casaz
Marie Laure Brown
Barry Hume and Miguel Rodriguez
Brian Kelley & Hilary Black
Carolyn Newman & Rick Malmstrom
Cynthia Guise
Laurie & Tat McCorry
Leslie MacPherson Artinian

Pledges all due by February 28!



Meditation meets weekly Sundays and Wednesday

Meditation continues Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-7:30pm as well as Sunday from 9:00am-9:30am both meet in the Children’s Church.

All are welcome to join us and enjoy some peaceful, restful quiet.


Kiki’s Corner

REMINDER – PLEASE RETURN YOUR PLEDGE FORM NOW!! There are blank forms outside the office on the bulletin board and on the Information Table in the Parish Hall. In late April/early May, you will receive a letter from the office confirming your pledge amount and updated information on automatic payment options. Thank you for giving generously.

Ready to become a Member of First Parish? Please submit your Membership Application by Friday, March 7 to me or email it to The Parish Committee will vote in new members on March 9 and we celebrate Membership Sunday on March 16.

Nursery hours: The nursery is open on Sunday mornings from 10 am – 12:00 am to take care of children ages 4 and under. It is also open during First Parish events when childcare is provided. The nursery is staffed by two babysitters each week. The nursery room is locked at all other times.

To Parents of our nursery babysitters. Please remind your babysitting child to pick up their paycheck from the Babysitter Mailbox in the Library this Sunday. We are no longer mailing checks home.


Follow First Parish on Facebook! “Like” our page and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!

Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse

Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. The link to SignUp Genius is:

Sign Up Here!