February Worship Theme
Bonds of Love
We often invoke the power of love as a religious theme. Sometimes we’re talking about affection, sentimentality. And often we use it as shorthand for the power of that which ties us to one another and is more powerful than just a fleeting “good feeling.” This month, we reflect together on the different kinds of relationships through which we experience the divine: marriages, friendships, parent/child relationships, and mentorship.
This Week in Worship
Sunday, February 16, 2014
10:30am WORSHIP
“Woven Together”
Rev. Parisa Parsa
with music by Tim Steele, Claudia Wellington and Jeff Stoodt
Our lives are an endless stream of loves, from the moment of our birth through the many relationships we have, first with parents then with friends and lovers, coworkers and eventually our own children and grandchildren. How we live those connections and what we learn from them can shape how we choose to share our love and our own light with the world. This morning we explore those connections and honor them in song, word, and witness.
Rev. Parisa will be away February 16-23. She will return to the office on February 24. If you have a pastoral need during this time, you may call her cell phone or email her to be put in touch with a local colleague.
We can also be found on Twitter at @FPMilton
Religious Exploration
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Multigenerational Service
No RE Classes
Children will be in the Meetinghouse.
No Youth Chat or Youth Group.
Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office at office@fpmilton.org.
Chocolate Auction
Thanks to all who participated in this year’s Chocolate Auction – those who provided the fabulous items we bid on, those who got into he spirit of the bidding, those who stayed to the bitter (bidder?) end. A great time was had by all, and we raised a whopping $1506 for the Louis D Brown Peace Institute!
Your humble Auctioneer,
Chris Pitt
Annual Budget Drive FY15
Goal $260,000.00
Raised to Date $138,340.00
% of Goal to Date 53%
We are grateful to the following people
who have already made their pledge for next year.
Debbie Alsebai
Mike & Tasha Bello
Mary Blanchette & Jim May
Bob & Anne-Marie Buckland
Chris & Karla Clifford
Harris & Melinda Collins
Nancy & Dan Devine
Mallory Digges
Donna Drewes
Frances Field
Charlie Franich & Ruth Hannon
Andrea Geyling & John Moore
Dale Golembeski & Amy Kavadlo
Beth & Keith Greenawalt
Ann Hallett
Ruth Heiden & Marsha Maurer
Elise Henricks & Tony Dutzik
Tom Hess
Deborah Larson Venable & Richard Venable
Laurie Macintosh
Ursula & Bill MacMillan
Brigitte & Eric Miller
David Morse
Gillian & Matthew Najarian
Amy Norton
Mark & Patricia Ostrem
Glenn Pavlicek & Anita Penta
Sue Phillips & Tandi Rogers
Jennifer Pinkus & Jay Beaulieu
Chris & Dottie Pitt
Tracey Robinson
Jeff Stoodt & Lisa White
Andy Strang
Russ Tremaine
Bebe Williamson
Thank you for your generosity.
If you’ve received a pledge form, please turn it in or mail it to the church office!
Pledges all due by February 28!
News and Announcements
Meditation meets weekly Sundays and Wednesday
Meditation continues Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-7:30pm as well as Sunday from 9:00am-9:30am both meet in the Children’s Church. All are welcome to join us and enjoy some peaceful, restful quiet.
Separated and Divorced Support Group – Next Meeting in Chase Parlor from 12 noon – 1:30 pm on Sunday, February 16. This group will be meeting the first and third Sundays of the month.
New Member Orientation Class part two will be meeting on Sunday, February 23 (noon – 2pm)
We will be meeting in the Chase Parlor after the Chocolate Auction Sunday February 9. Lunch and childcare provided. Please email Kiki Giatis at director@fpmilton.org with any questions.
It’s back! The first art/creative salon of 2014 is Fri, February 28, 7pm.
So put that date on your calendar!
Agenda includes brainstorming artist/material/technique ideas for the future, discovering each other’s talents/aspirations for the group, and Superfun surrealist art games!
- http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/exhibitions/Modern/resource/1049
- http://startstudioarts.si.edu/2010/12/surrealist-games.html
- http://sourceryforge.org/index.php/Surrealist_games
A Home-Grown Café Blue Hills
Saturday, March 1st, 7 to 10pm in the Parish Hall
Please join us on Saturday, March 1st from 7 to 10 pm for a night of home-made music by members of our own First Parish congregation. We’ll have some light refreshments, and donations will be gratefully accepted to help with repairs to our First Parish organ.
If you are interested in performing or willing to help with set up, please see Charlie Franich of the Membership Committee or send him an email at pemaquid@aol.com.
Caring Committee
Our Caring Committee helps connect and respond with compassion to the expressed needs and concerns to members of our community. Please consider ways you might help out when needed. Volunteers may help drive someone to doctor’s appointments, church or church events; make a meal and deliver it, help with simple home repairs. Check out all the possibilities, including joining the Caring Committee. Forms are available on the information table located in the Parish Hall. We are grateful to all those that already have been a great help with a variety of needs including those on short notice.
Kiki’s Corner
Office Closings for Snow. We follow the lead of the Milton public schools to close because of snow. We typically will make note of this on our website and Facebook page. I do work remotely from home. So keep sending your e-mail to director@fpmilton.org, I am checking and responding to e-mail even while it snows.
Office hours during school vacation week. The office is closed Monday, February 17 for President’s Day. Miriam and I will be around Tuesday through Thursday. We will be adjusting the hours we are actually there. If you are planning to come to office, just let us know ahead of time to make sure one of us is there to let you in. The office is closed on Friday and Saturdays throughout the year.
Nursery hours: The nursery is open on Sunday mornings from 10 am – 11:45 am to take care of children ages 4 and under. It is also open during First Parish events when childcare is provided. The nursery is staffed by two babysitters each week. The nursery room is locked at all other times.
Annual Budget Drive – There are blank forms outside the office on the bulletin board and on the Information Table in the Parish Hall. In late April/early May, you will receive a letter from the office confirming your pledge amount and updated information on automatic payment options. Please remember to return a pledge form by February 28. Thank you for giving generously.
Follow First Parish on Facebook! “Like” our page www.facebook.com/FirstParishMiltonUu
and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. The link to SignUp Genius is: