This Week in Worship
Sunday, December 31, 2017 – New Year’s Eve
December Worship Theme – Intention
NEW YEAR’S EVE, December 31 @ 10:30 a.m.
“Beginning Without Ending: The Impossible Dream”
Worship Leader: Rev. Martha Niebanck
Beginning anew without a conscious ending of the old will not sustain even the best of intentions.
Come join in a communal release from outworn commitments and beliefs so that we might honor the best of our intentions.
About Rev. Niebanck
Rev. Martha Niebanck is the Minister Emerita of First Parish in Brookline having served our UU household of faith at the Doolittle Home, South County Rhode Island, and First Parish in Waltham.
Prior to her ordination she worked with infants and families in early intervention first as an occupational therapist, and then as a Family Therapist.
In retirement from parish ministry, Rev. Martha has a coaching practice of spiritual friendship with religious professionals as certified Immunity to Change Coach. She and her husband Josef enjoy living next door to their two grandchildren in Roslindale.
Holiday Week Notes:
- The nursery will be closed on December 31.
- No announcements in the Order of Worship on December 31.
- No Religious Exploration Classes, Coming of Age, Community & Activing Time on December 31. Activity resumes on Sunday, January 7th.
- No Yoga Classes – and January 1
- Deadline for The Link Thursday, December 28 (today) for email on January 4
- Office Closed Friday, December 29 – Monday, January 1
- Kathy Tracey will be on vacation the week of January 1, returning on Monday, January 8.
Check out our January Events flyer available in the narthex and Parish Hall foyer.
Minister Rev. Lisa Ward
Here we are coming into the New Year, with the varied rituals of celebration and aspiration. The New Year is a classic time to mull over the previous year, shed what doesn’t serve our growth and well-being and steer intentions toward health giving behaviors and attitudes. One UU colleague has a “cradles to grave” ritual in the New Year service, where the attitudes or behaviors that one wants to end are deposited in the grave and the aspirations for future endeavors or changes are placed in the cradle. This Sunday we have a visiting minister, Rev. Martha Niebanck, who will offer avenues for such discernment, through Buddhist sensibilities.
When we look at our lives through the lens of New Year’s resolutions, I offer a couple cautions. Watch the hints or even tyranny of perfectionism: set sights toward improvement or progress rather than perfection. Give whatever you have experienced or chosen in the past some credit for teaching you and give yourself some credit for having arrived this far. And third, believe in your ability to transform, inch by inch, toward the wisdom of well-being.
Blessings Be. Happy New Year. Rev. Lisa
January Events
Time to Mark Your 2018 Calendar
Wednesday, January 3
Vespers Service for Healing and Resilience
6:30pm – 7:15pm – Children’s Church
Please note updated time.
Friday, January 5
Spaghetti Dinner & Karaoke Night
6:30 pm – Parish Hall
Friday, January 5, will be a fun-filled night with a spaghetti supper, beginning at 6:30pm, and karaoke, beginning when the first person steps up to the mike! There will also be activities for all, as well as plenty of opportunity to chat and unwind after the busy holiday season. Bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring your voices and enjoy!
A $5 dinner donation per person is suggested. Proceeds will help fund a spring youth service trip. This evening will be co-hosted by the Youth Group and the Hospitality Committee.
Saturday, January 6
Green Team Film & Potluck Discussion
4:00pm – 7:00pm – Parish Hall
“an inconvenient sequel Truth to Power”
A decade after Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth brought climate crisis into popular culture, this follow-up film shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution and how we can get involved. The film will be followed by a lively discussion and potluck dinner.
Saturday, January 13
Fair Foods – 10:00am
Meet at First Parish
Fair Foods Inc. rescues surplus fruits and vegetables from Boston industry source and distribute the food to those in need. (
Saturday, January 13
Green Team Workshop
1:30pm – 4:30pm – Parish Hall
“Our Place in the Web of Life”
led by Rev. Lisa Ward
This is the first workshop in a highly engaging series offered through the spring that can help us discover what environmental justice means to First Parish Milton and our community. Participants look deeply at the consequences of their actions on people and their environment through – music, participatory research, visual mapping, ethical reflection, mediation and ritual. If you are volunteering at Fair Foods in the morning, join us for hot soup served at 1:30
Monday, January 15
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Events planned by:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Projects to be announced.
6:30pm – Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration and Courageous Conversations, Concord Baptist Church in Milton
Saturday, January 20
First Parish Orientation
9:30pm – 12:30pm – Parish Hall
. Come learn more about Unitarian Universalism broadly and First Parish specifically. This is a good way to learn more about our 7 principles and the path to membership at First Parish. Facilitators: Rev. Lisa and Kiki
Saturday, January 21
All Church Council
noon – 2 pm
Parish Hall
What’s happening at First Parish? What we are doing, where we are going? Come share in the experience as we build our collective vision of the future. Each standing committee will report on their activities, success, and work to be done and plans to be made for the future. All are welcome
Saturday, January 27th
10 am – 1 pm
Bystander Intervention Training
First Congregational Church of Milton, 495 Canton Avenue, Milton
Sponsored by:
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
“Brevity Matters” – Peter Bowden, Social Media Guru and wise UU
Deadline for submissions is Tuesdays. You need to address email to both and to assure your announcement will be included in the weekly Link. Written announcements for the Sunday Order of Worship are derived from the announcements for The Link. We, from time to time, will also publish non-church events with a connection to a member of the church. Your submission may be edited due to space requirements. We recommend that you submit no more than 1 – 2 paragraphs.
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
Tuesday – Thurday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Other times by appointment
The Church office is closed on Fridays
June 25 – September 3
Worship, 9:30 am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 8:30 am in the Children’s Church
No Religious Exploration Program , Nursery Care, Choir Rehearsal
Beginning Sunday, September 10
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 6:30pm in the Children’s Church
SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)
The link to SignUp Genius is: