Hospitality – how we greet the stranger – is a central part of religious and cultural practices all over the world. The promise of “radical hospitality” – hospitality as a way of being, that in fact grounds our being – is one we have sometimes talked about in this church. What forms does hospitality take when we are willing to go deep with it? How can we know ourselves in the stranger, and how can we make peace through this practice?
This Week in Worship
Sunday, November 10, 2013
10:30am WORSHIP
Entertaining Angels
Rev. Parisa Parsa
Tim Steele, accompanist with special music by Franc Graham, Claudia Wellington and Jennie Mulqueen
Have you ever opened the door to a stranger and been forever changed? We begin our month of reflection on radical hospitality with a meditation on what we let in when we open our hearts, our homes, our hearths, why it can be so hard, and why it’s worth the risk.
Parents, we know your kids want to help out with worship, either in the Children’s Church or the Meetinghouse.
Sign them up to sing, play an instrument, act out a story or do a reading here:
Please don’t make us have only voices of boring old grownups in worship!
Are you a parent of a teen who could use some extra support? Please contact Rev. Parisa to discuss some upcoming possibilities here at church. or 617-698-6329 x102
Religious Exploration
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Spirit Play I & II (Pre k – 2nd grade) will meet in their classrooms.
3rd – 6th Graders will begin in the Meetinghouse before being dismissed to their Religious Education classes.
7th Graders will meet in the Library.
Youth Chat will meet in the youth room
NO OWL class Tuesday, Novemer 12
We are cancelling OWL due to 1/3 of the class attending a concert at the HS.
Children’s Church Service Project
Sunday, November 24, 2014
After a lively and thoughtful discussion, the children who attended Children’s Church on October 6 voted to have a bake sale to raise money for the poor. They are very enthusiastic about this gift they will give to the community. The bake sale will be held during social hour on November 24. Typical social hour fare will be lighter on that day, so please consider supporting the children in RE classes as they fulfill their service pledge.
News & Announcements
Friday, November 15, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Cultural Exchange Potluck/Meet the Augusta, ME Leap of Faith Team
Parish Hall
The Parish and RE Committees invite you bring a potluck dish that reflects an aspect of your heritage, or has meaning to you. This will also be a great opportunity to share your personal or cultural significance of the dish you bring as well as welcoming the Augusta, Maine members of the Leap of Faith team. A great evening of good food and good company.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Follow the link for more information, click here.
Leap of Faith
From Friday, November 15 through Sunday, November 17, we at First Parish will be hosting visitors from the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Augusta, Maine, as part of the Leap of Faith program. Leap of Faith pairs healthy congregations that face challenges in meeting their aspirations for growth with congregations that may have experienced similar challenges in the past – all with the goal of creating opportunities for mutual learning and support.
What does this mean for you? First, it means that you are personally invited to join in the two congregation-wide events we’ll be sharing with our Augusta friends: the Cultural Exchange Potluck scheduled for Friday, Nov. 15 from 6:30 to 8:30 in the Parish Hall, and worship and social hour on Sunday, Nov. 17. Please be there to welcome them and make them feel at home at First Parish.
A Lotsa Helping Hands
For The Harnden Family
There has been a Lotsa Helping Hands website set up to support Kevin Harnden (our First Parish sexton) and his wife Barbara, as Barbara receives treatment for recently diagnosed cancer. Please consider signing on at the following link: . Kevin and Barbara are very grateful for the support of our community during this difficult time.
Friday, November 15th, 2013
Milton Community Blood Drive
Milton Public Library Keys Room
476 Canton Ave.
Milton, MA 02186
Sunday, November 24th from 4- 5:30pm
The Milton Interfaith Clergy Association (MICA) invites the Milton community to its 7th annual, “Thanks for Giving” Celebration at St. Mary of the Hills Church, 29 St. Mary’s Road, Milton.
The highlight of this celebration will once again be the presentation of “Thanks for Giving Volunteer of the Year” Awards by Milton’s community and religious organizations. MICA is proud to host an event that honors the service of those who make their lives a testament of generosity by giving of themselves. At the same time, with Thanksgiving approaching, the gathering will also serve as a reminder of the ongoing issues of poverty and hunger by raising funds for the Milton Residents’ Fund, which benefits families in need in Milton and collecting food for the Milton Food Pantry.
The celebration will be followed by a simple supper of soup (meat and vegetarian) and bread hosted by Milton’s Faith Communities.
We hope that many will attend as it is an honor to acknowledge all of our community’s volunteers.
Save The Date!
December 7th is a big day at First Parish!
Handcrafting Justice Fair-Trade Sale, 9am- 1pm
Handcrafting Justice is an international project that empowers woman in the developing world to lift themselves out of poverty through the creation of unique handmade goods. Sale features 100% Fair Trade products from Africa, Asia, & Latin America: toys, Home Décor, Pottery, Cards & Gifts, Bags, Purses & Indigenous Art.
First Parish volunteers are needed for this sale. If you are able to help out, please contact Elise Henricks,
Membership Breakfast
While doing your shopping, enjoy some time for fellowship and brunch host
ed by the Membership Committee.
Christmas Tree Sale
Pick up your grade A1 premium Fraser Fir Christmas trees. Trees must be pre-ordered and prepaid. Forms are available around the church to order a tree.
Kiki’s Corner
We have had a table set each Sunday with a variety of materials on it. This week features: Service Pledge materials and pledge card, Cultural Exchange Pot Luck reminder and Christmas Tree Order form. Every week you can request a permanent name tag, return a completed yellow newcomer card, update your email address. Our brochure rack is also on the table. If there are other regular items you would like to see or if you want to showcase for a few weeks, let me know at
Volunteers needed for Sunday Participation around Worship and Social Hour on December 29. And of course, it is not too early to sign up for 2014. Please use SignUp Genius (aka The Planner) to confirm your date to help. There are many opportunities for 2014 as well. Click on this link (or copy and paste to your browser) to access SignUp Genius.
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Meetinghouse Choir Rehearsal, 8:45am in the Parish Hall
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice.