Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 11/7/2019

Weekly Link 11-7-19

This Week in Worship

Sunday, November 10th, 2019

“Wounded Service” a Veteran’s Day Sermon

Rev. Lisa Ward


Rev. Lisa Ward

When I served in Harford County, the chaplain of Aberdeen Proving Ground periodically invited religious leaders to attend presentations on “Ministry to the Military”.   The second presentation I went to focused primarily on PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).  There is a rise in the number of diagnosed cases amongst soldiers, both because we are more aware of its effects and because of the nature of the wars and number of campaigns we are calling on these soldiers to fulfill.  While listening the effects of PTSD,  I vacillated between admiration for the care and courage required for that difficult journey and anger at the fact that this brokenness occurs at all.  Why do we humans do this to one another – this drama of war – this spending of life – this attachment to devastation and harm’s way?  This is not a judgment on the military, but dismay – disgust — at this place that we are all still in, we humans, in our evolution, even with the powerful witness of  broken lives and wounded souls. 

On military holidays, there is much talk of heroism and sacrifice, of service and the cost of freedom.  But do we really look at the “cost” of freedom beyond framing war as a noble enterprise?  How about the cost of physical and mental disability, of families and loved ones bearing the psychic ravages with Veterans?  What about the nightmares and the self-medication of addiction?

To honor our Veterans we need to see the whole picture as much as we can and recognize, as well, that we cannot know their journey unless we’ve lived it ourselves.  We need to honor veterans by caring for the aftermath of serving in war.  We need to find ways to live our lives that honors their service and make collective choices until, in generations to come, no one has to bear the cost of war. 

So may it be.  Rev. Lisa

First Parish has a Podcast!

With many, many thanks to the talents of Eric Miller

You can listen to each week’s sermons via podcast! Podcasts will typically be made available within 48 hours of the service.  We will have podcasts available to download on both ITunes and Google Play! 

To subscribe to the First Parish podcasts on Apple devices, open the iTunes Store, click the Search button at the bottom of the app and type in “fpmilton” and tap “Search”. (This search should get you only one listing.)You will see available episodes as well as the Podcast itself, to subscribe to get every new Sermon, tap the bigger image instead of the episode and it will take you to the Apple Podcast app and you then click “Subscribe”.

To get the First Parish Podcast on your Android device, launch Google Play Music (you may need to download this app) and type “fpmilton” in the search bar. You will get a list of Videos at the top and, right below the videos, you will see the Podcasts section. The only podcast listed will be for First Parish. Tap the Podcast and then tap “Subscribe” on the next page.

Now every new sermon will automatically become available to you and you can catch up on ones you’ve missed or re-listen to your favorites!(You may have to download the Podcasts app if you don’t already have it on your phone.)

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The Restoration and Painting project on our beloved church has been completed! The church looks so beautiful!

The Milton Times took note and on 10/24 they reported “ The intensive restoration work on the 1787 Parish Church-Unitarian Universalist at 535 Canton Ave is nearing completion. The old paint has been shaved to bare wood, the glass replaced in the window, the holes caulked, and fresh paint applied. The church should now be ready for its next 200 years.” There was also a picture of the church and of the work being done.

We have wonderful financial news regarding the Restoration and Painting project. It came in exactly as projected, $145,390. As a reminder, the congregation had approved spending of $160,000  in case there were unexpected repairs, but that did not happen. In fact the company, Painter’s Pride was very impressed with the shape the church was in.

Please extend a grateful thank you to Susan DeMinco, our Office Manager who worked closely with Painters Pride over the months of this project as well as the rest of our office staff. We also want to thank Building and Grounds for their dedication as well.

Ruth Heiden, Parish Committee, Chair

Religious Exploration

Nursery and toddler care is available every week in the Link hallway from 10:15 to 11:45 am. Our caregivers will be Tanisha and Bella. Stop by and say hello!

Religious Exploration for Sunday, November 10: Preschool children through grade 7 will attend the first part of the worship service in the Meetinghouse and then move to the Activity room downstairs for a group program. We will be acting out the story of the creation of our sun and planet Earth. Please note that our activities end at 11:40 am. 

Please register your child or youth for RE classes! The Religious Exploration Committee requests all families to register your child or youth. Please use this link to our online form: Online registration form (or use the paper registration forms available on the RE bulletin board in the Link hallway).

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Create fun and decorative holiday crafts! Everyone of all ages can join in to make a flurry of handcrafted items from 5:00 to 7:30 pm on Friday, November 22. All materials will be supplied, just add your creative imagination! Homemade soups will be accompanied by bread and fruit. No cost to attend. Hosted by the Religious Exploration Committee.

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Few people have not been affected by the confusion and hell of war in times and/or places where peace is lacking. No one knows this pain better than those whose dear ones have died in war. As we remember them, may we cultivate peace in our hearts that we might honor their memory by building, each in their own small way, a better world around us. The songs I have chosen are pieces that address war and suffering, but more importantly point to the quieter and more profound revolution of peace that springs up within people’s hearts and spreads quietly to everyone around.

-Stuart Ryerse

Grief Support Group

Four Tuesdays: November 5, 12, 19, 26

7:00 – 8:30 pm

When we lose a loved one through death, the world is different, our lives shift in meaning, our ground is shaken.  We can feel isolated by our grief.  We can also feel a lack of strength or initiative to find a way through. One way to help adjust to the new reality and find our inner resources  is to share our journey with others who welcome time together devoted to the jorney of loss and recovery.  There are many ways that we grieve and many kinds of losses.  This group is focused on loss due to the death of a loved one.  We ask participants to commit to at least three of the sessions, no new participants after the 12th. Open to members and non-members.Feel free to tell a friend.

Please contact the office: if you can attend.

Christmas is coming!

Christmas Tree Order Forms can be found this Sunday in your Order of Worship. 

If you’d like an order form emailed to you, please email the office at

Trees are 6-7 Frasier Firs from Sibgo Family Farm in New Hamshire. Cost is $65. Pick-up times are Saturday, November 30th from 9am-1pm or Sunday, December 1st from 11:45am-1:30pm. Weekday pick-up’s can also be arranged with the office. Proceeds go to First Parish. Thank you!

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Parenting Teens As A Spiritual Practice

Friday, November 8th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Pizza and salad provided. Suggested donation toward dinner: $5.  Do not let cost prohibit you from attending.

 Facilitator: Rev. Lisa Ward

Parents encounter many issues living with teens that surprise, delight and challenge us. We all need support, encouragement and a chance to explore ways to navigate these precious years. We will enjoy a simple meal then share wisdom in a format that invites conversation, sharing ideas, and hearing each other’s stories.

Please contact the office: if you can attend. We need at least six people to attend.

Gratitude Sanctuary: A spiritual alternative to “Black Friday”

November 29, 1-5pm in Parish Hall.

When we create space to deeply contemplate the blessing of life, our humble hearts can be filled with deep joy for being. You are invited to bring one item for a gratitude altar as well as journals, dream/vision boards, or any other contemplative project that makes your heart hum. We will begin and end with singing and sharing, and the heart of our time together will be for silent meditation/individual project work. All ages welcome. 

Please let us know ( if childcare is needed by Thursday, 11/21.  617-698-6329

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Theology On Tap Returns

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Prime Pizza, 88 Wharf St.  Milton

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Join fellow First Parishioners for a lively and informative discussion around current challenges – moral, social, religious, etc.

This will be the second Theology on Tap offering.  Those who attended the gathering last June found it interesting, compelling, and delicious.  We enjoyed beverages and sustenance (Dutch treat) as well as conversation.

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Second and Fourth Wednesdays of the Month

11 am to 1 pm, (Bring a Bag Lunch)

Chase Parlor (next to the kitchen)

Open Meeting.  Come when you can.  Newcomers welcome.

Next Session: November 13th

What can we learn from each other as we age? We all have stories within us of facing the unknown and navigating changes, of adjusting to loss and appreciating what’s before us. We will meet twice a month to share our wisdom, our queries, our wonderings.  Each session will focus around a theme.  

More questions?  Contact Penny Partridge at

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Due to nasty weather conditions this Friday, we have decided to cancel Friday afternoon’s Peace March from Pierce MS to Town Hall,  We will reschedule in May/June when it’s warm and sunny.

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Fair Foods is a nonprofit organization that rescues nutritious wholesale fruits and vegetables about to be discarded for distribution to members of the community. Join First Parish’s Social Justice Committee for our monthly volunteer day with Fair Foods at the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry, 10 Putnam St. in Roxbury. Arrive in Roxbury at 10:30 or e-mail Tony Dutzik at if you’d like to join a carpool leaving from First Parish at 10 a.m. or if you have any questions. Upcoming dates include the following Saturdays: November 9, December 14 and January 11.

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World Market Holiday Craft Fair

December 7th, 2019


Parish Hall

Local crafters encouraged to contact the

church for an application. Crafts only,

no food or mass-produced items.

$35 per table




We’re missing this beautifully handmade runner from the harvest supper. If you know where it is or took it home to wash, please contact the office!

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June 24, 2020-June 29, 2020, Providence RI

Early Bird Registration is now Open!

Click here for more informaiton.

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Our office manager, Susan DeMinico, is changing her hours effective 11/1.

Susan will be in the office Mondays 10am-1pm, Tuesdays-Thursdays 8:30-4:30pm, and Sundays 9:30am-12:30pm.

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The church office will be closed on Monday, November 11th, 2019 in observance of Veterans Day

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Snow Cancellation Information:

If the Milton Public Schools close for snow, so does First Parish. Sundays we realize are trickier.  We will call it by 8 a.m. on Sunday.  Look for cancellations in three places.  If you don’t see cancellation information, we are open.

~Channel 5, WCVB television.  Look for First Parish – Milton.  Check their website if you want to get automatic, direct notification through the TV station.

~Check our Facebook page. First Parish Milton UU.  We will post cancellations there.  Our Facebook page also feeds our Twitter account @FPMilton.

~Check our website,  We put a banner on the home page with closing information.