Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 11/2/2023

Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 11/2/2023

Table of Contents

  • This Week in Worship
  • Message from Rev. Lisa
  • This Week in Religious Exploration
  • Events and Meetings
  • News and Announcements
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Beyond First Parish

This Week in Worship

“Packing a Backpack for the End of the World”

Guest Minister: Rev. Jo Murphy

Worship Assistant: Lisa White

Greeters: Steve Yakutis & Guy Pugh

Flowers: Dianna Wilson

Audio: Nicholas Miller

Social Hour: Ellen Barr, Elise Henricks & Tony Dutzik

Sunday’s offering will be given to UU Mass Action. Director Rev. Jo Murphy will remind us why we support this organization which has been organizing and mobilizing UU congregations since 2006.  

Please join us for service at 10:30am.

Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.

Each year our Milton Interfaith Clergy Association (MICA) gathers the entire community together in gratitude for our many blessings and to honor extraordinary volunteers from our many communities of faith and civic organizations. The theme for this year’s service is: Creating A Culture of Civility.

We, at First Parish, will be hosting the event, which takes place on Sunday, November 19 at 4 pm. Jen Pinkus is coordinating the volunteer effort to be service support and organize a reception afterwards. If you are interested in helping meet and greet, please contact Jen at

The Parish Committee’s affirmation for our volunteer to be lifted up is a perfect choice for this year’s theme: Pat Gallivan

Pat, a longtime leader of First Parish’s Social and Environmental Justice Committee, is recognized as an exceptional, reliable leader. Pat’s advocacy extends to organizations addressing food insecurity, the unhoused, green climate initiatives, immigration reform and refugee support. His kindness, wit, unrelenting compassion and tireless advocacy inspires us all.

Congratulations, Pat! Thank you for all you are and all you do.

Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa

Rev. Jo Murphy is the Executive Director for UU Mass Action and is busy mobilizing and organizing with the many UU Mass Action campaigns. She previously worked as a chaplain at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, in addition to being a case manager supporting people living with brain injuries. She is a volunteer organizer with the Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network and loves runs that end in brunch.

RE This Week

Music This Week

This Sunday the Meetinghouse Choir will be singing an arrangement of a traditional spiritual called “In the Storms of Life, Stand By Me”. This anthem is arranged by Benjamin Harlan, a professor of church music at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Grace Allendorf will also be singing an art song by Charles Brown called “Caring”.

Memorial Service

Andy Strang’s Memorial Service will be held this Saturday, November 4th at 11am in the Meetinghouse with a reception in Parish Hall immediately following. Friends and family are invited to attend.

Events and Meetings

Harvest Supper Saturday, November 11, 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall 

Coming soon! The annual Harvest Supper, Saturday, Nov. 11, 6pm in the Parish Hall.  Check your email for the invitation and RSVP, and please indicate on sign up genius your potluck contribution.

Our First Parish session musicians will strike up the tunes. We look forward to a wonderful evening of fellowship and good food!

Childcare will be available.

Climate Action@HOME – upcoming discussions

The Climate team is planning monthly updates after worship for those who want to learn more about climate action. If you have topics you would like to discussion please contact Tracey Robinson tdr02186@gmail.

November 12 More about ELECTRIC VEHICLES – discussion led by Eric Miller

December 10 How can I reduce PLASTICS? – discussion led by Mary Blanchette

Join us November 12 and December 10 at 12 noon after social hour in the Chase Parlor.

First Parish Orientation! November 14th 7:00 pm

FP Membership Committee has scheduled our next Orientation session. If you’ve been coming to First Parish and are ready to sign the Membership book to become members, this is for you.

Our meeting will be via Zoom on Tuesday evening, November 14th at 7 pm

Anyone who is interested is welcome to join 

Please email Leslie if you would like to attend:

Milton Interfaith Clergy Association invites you to attend the Annual Thanks for Giving Service on:

Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 4:00 pm hosted at First Parish in the Meetinghouse

We are honoring Volunteers of the Year from Milton Faith and Civic Organizations at this celebration.

Mark your calendars for a Holiday Fair you will not want to miss!  On Sunday, December 17 after the church service until 4:00 PM, the Membership Committee is envisioning a Holiday Fair where people of all ages can be in community, nosh on tasty treats, shop for meaningful gifts, listen to holiday music and support worthy causes. But we need your help to make it a reality! Look below to see how you can help. Maybe your committee can sponsor an activity? 


– Coffee, Tea, Hot Cider and Healthy and tasty treats prepared for after church hunger

– Vegetarian and meat chili’s, salad and cornbread for sustenance

– Holiday bake sale table


– Caroler’s for hourly opportunities for sing alongs

– Provide background Holiday music, either on CD or streamed.


– Kids table or room: Where kids can purchase gifts for family and friends for a $1 or less.

– Holiday Resale table or room: Holiday Gifts or Decor you are ready to pass along to another family. (What does not sell will be given to the Refugee ministry.)

– Crafters: are you or someone you know a crafter that would like to present at our fair for $25 a table?)

– Holiday Gift Wrapping Station

– Fair Trade Products and Gifts


– Holiday Movies in the Basement Function Room with popcorn. Short fun seasonal movies where kids and adults alike can relax and take in some holiday cheer. At 2:30 come see Tom Kemp in the Hallmark Holiday movie “The Spruces and the Pines”. 

Worthy Causes

– Holiday tree to be set up the first week of December (Church, Foyer?) to be decorated with hats, gloves and scarves to be donated to the Refugee Project. Gently used winter coats, boots and outdoor attire are welcome too. 

– Coordinate donations to the Refugee Project

Pre and Post Event Opportunities

– Make a flyer

– Post on Facebook and other Social Media

– Distribute and Post flyers

– Make Crafts or Bake

– Sunday Morning set up at 9:00 AM and Clean Up at 4:00 PM

Contact Debbie Alsebai at or 617-821-9460 for more information or to offer to help.

News and Announcements

The official time to set clocks to standard time is 2am Nov. 5

We sincerely thank you for your generous gift to the organizations below. We are so lucky to have your support.

9/19/2023 IFSI $ 1,003.00

10/01/2023 UU Urban Ministry $642.00

The Milton Resident’s Fund gratefully accepts financial or gift card donations throughout the year to assist families and individuals who are experiencing a financial crisis.

We especially need gift cards during November and early December to respond to holiday gift requests for those requesting additional assistance with the purchase of food or basic necessities, and teens/young adults/parents and seniors who have requested help with a holiday gifts, sneakers, or winter clothing. The following would be particularly helpful: grocery (Shaws or Star Market work best), $25 target (as they sell everything), or Amazon. Gently used snow boots for teens and young adults as well as gently used snow jackets are also welcomed (leave in FP library marked MRF). Gift card donations can be left in the grey box in the church hallway. Provide the donor name and mailing address if a tax donation letter is requested. The goal is to distribute all gifts and items b 12/15/23.”


Noreen K Dolan, MSW, LCSW

Fund Coordinator

November 15th is the next date!

S&EJ (Social & Environmental Justice committee) is looking for volunteers the first and third Wednesday of each month to contribute lunches. We hope to deliver 70 lunches twice a month to support shelter guests.

 See updated instructions on the Mainspring SignUpGenius page and signup whenever you can help out.

We are counting on your support!

Beyond First Parish

Join Mary Blanchette on Tuesday, November 14 for a talk by Byron Rushing at the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry (UUUM), First Church Roxbury. This is part 1 of a series of Community Conversations. The theme for the year is how housing has contributed to racial inequity, especially in Boston, examining public housing, affordable housing and new models of housing. 

The Social and Environmental Justice Committee, FP Milton is co-sponsoring this event. Please let Mary Blanchette know if you are interested, and we can carpool. This will be a nice opportunity to become familiar with the campus of the UUUM and their work. It also honors the 8th principle.

Bridging Dinner

Mark Your Calendars! Friday, November 17th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM the next Bridging dinner with First Parish and Church of the Holy Spirit will be held at Restaurante Cesaria at 266 Bowdoin Street, Boston 02122.

There is parking to the side of and back of their building. There will be traditional Cape Verdean cuisine that will be set up Buffett style so we can try many dishes for $25 per person. For those interested in staying longer there will be live music at 8:00 pm.

Please email Debbie Alsebai at or call/text her at 617-821-9460 to sign up.

Stay Connected

Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.