Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 11/2/2018

Weekly Link 11-2-18

Gather NOW

In Witness and Solidarity with our Jewish Neighbors

In the aftermath of the attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the Milton Interfaith Clergy Association invites, indeed calls, all in our community to gather in witness and solidarity with our Jewish neighbors on Saturday, November 3 at 11:45 am at Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills located at 18 Shoolman Way—just off Lodge Street).


This Week in Worship

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Worship at 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
“The Hour of Separation”

Freshly ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister in June, Jo is looking into a myriad of next options for her ministry including Parish Ministry, Chaplaincy, Doctoral Programs, and a Fulbright! Currently, she is a full-time nanny, a volunteer for an immigration accompaniment network hotline, and teaches a class on building a resume and interviewing skills at a minimum security prison in Norfolk.

The Hour of Separation

Khalil Gibran when speaking of love in the Prophet notes “Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” Transformation for many of us in the current climate has served not just as a concept or descriptor, but as a call. A call that asks us how we are going to transform our beautiful but suffering world into a more just space for all. As a current volunteer for an immigration hotline, my ideas on transformation have focused on immigration and how we in the United States are treating those who seek sanctuary here. We are consistently urged through our UU values and principles to see our dignity as tied to the dignity of others. Through answering the hotline it has become more and more apparent to me that truly learning and feeling someone’s dignity as tied to yours is not something to mull over, preach, or write about, but something to act on. This morning, we will delve into how to act on this call, the call to truly and deeply recognize our dignity as a dignity tied to others, a call to welcome in the stranger as a friend.


Rev. Lisa Ward

It was a joy to attend the special meeting of First Parish this last Sunday, as members deliberated building maintenance and governance issues. A community’s vibrancy is measured by participation, which was in abundance at this meeting. The more we engage in visioning together, the more we will find grounding in our shared endeavors.

What naturally emerged from the meeting was the query about the long and short term plans which ever helps in institutional viability. This is, indeed, a part of the Parish Committee’s focus for the year. What will parallel and inform the planning is the discernment we will engage together around a mission statement for First Parish.

Who are we? Why do we exist? What voice and gift(s) do we give to the world?

A mission statement helps a faith community prioritize its energies, deepen its heartsong, and strengthen its agency. It helps both in describing what we are about and in guiding leadership towards its visioning.

Several years ago First Parish members fashioned a beautifully written covenant, which is a naming of the relationship principles agreed upon by the community. A covenant speaks of how we are faithful together. A mission guides its membership toward its agency. A mission describes what we do with our faith and in our shared lives. In this tumultuous world, the clarity of a mission can ground us in what we want to see in and of the world.

Tony Dutzik, Brigitte Miller and I are the ad hoc committee charged with creating a process for this discernment together. Stay tuned for more details to unfold throughout the year. Feel free to contact any one of us with comments, questions and suggestions.

It is good to be in community together.

Blessed be, Rev. Lisa

Rev. Ward will be in Toronto at the World Parliament of Religions from October 31-November 7.

A call to Unitarian Universalists from our fifth principle, “the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large”, PLEASE VOTE IN THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS.

Religious ExplorationReligious Exploration

Nursery care will be available from 10:15 to 11:45 am in the Link hallway for infants and toddlers up to age 3.

On Sunday, November 4, all children from preschool through grade 8 will begin in the Meetinghouse and then move to the Children’s Church for a multi-age worship service on the practice and value of gratitude across various faith traditions.

Our Whole Lives Program (Grades 8 and 9, parental permission required): The Our Whole Lives class will meet on Sunday, November 4, from noon to 1:30 pm in the Children’s Church. Please drop off and pick up your youth from the front of the building so they can use the Children’s Church entrance as all other external doors will be locked.

Register your child or youth! The Religious Exploration Committee requests all families to register your child or youth before attending classes. Please use this link to our online form: RE Registration Form (or paper registration forms are available on the RE bulletin board in the Link hallway).

Youth Yacking

Youth Yaking

Thanks to everyone for the wildly successful Halloween party and Haunted Hallway last weekend! It was as spooky and fun as we could have hoped for. Thank you.

Youth Chat, 10:30am – 11:30am

This week’s youth chat will center on discussing social action and faith. How does our faith call us to do good? What kind of social service do we do in our communities? Remember to come early to get yourself a snack and settle in!

Parent Meeting, 11:45am – 12:15pm

Parents of youth are invited to join for a quick parent meeting to discuss volunteer needs and upcoming events for the upcoming year. Please bring your calendars!

CAT, 12:15 – 4pm

Youth are invited to attend the 2pm Milton High showing of Les Miserables together to support the many youth members a part of the production. Tickets are $10 and individual are responsible for buying their own ticket. We will be hanging out at the church until about 1:30pm, driving over for the show, and then meeting back at the church when the show is done around 4pm.

Link for tickets:


Pat Neves will be our vocalist this Sunday for the well-known Grammy-winning song from 1965, “Turn, Turn, Turn” by Pete Seeger​.

Peter Smith will also offer an arrangement of Joyce Poley’s song, “All of Life is Calling Me”, arranged by Dwayne Harder.

Events, News and Announcements

Reminder: Pot Luck Social Hour this Sunday!

Security Committee Seeks Additional Members

First Parish recently implemented the first stage of its efforts to improve overall security on our campus by installing an electronic lock system with security cameras on the doors in the link, the Parish Hall and the nursery school. There are other sections of the campus to consider, along with security policies and protocols to develop. We need additional members to help us address these issues. If you are interested, please contact Jim May or 617-838-0600.

Social Action Committee

Fair Foods

The Social Action Committee needs volunteers to help with Fair Foods, which provides healthy produce to low income familites in the greater Boston area. We compile bags of donated produce to distribute.

Meet to carpool in the First Parish lower parking lot, Saturday, November 10, 10 AM

MainSpring in Brockton

Sunday, November 18 from 3pm – 6pm.

In this season of giving, please consider helping our neighbors at Main Spring in Boston. The Social Action Committee needs more volunteers to be able to serve full meals to those in need. Please join us November 18th, 3-6pm to serve dinner for the clients at MainSpring. Sign up at the Social Action table during social hour or email Peter.

Volunteers Needed

The Caring Committee is looking for volunteers to assist with a transportation request. Robert Johnson’s wife, Sandra, has medical appointments several times each month. On Wednesdays, she needs to be picked up at their home in Milton at 9 AM and dropped off on Brookline Ave in the Fenway area. She also needs a return trip at 2 PM back to Milton.

View the schedule and sign up here.

Or contact Amanda Tobey. Thank you for helping us support this wonderful family.

Holiday Craft Fair

On December 1st, we will be once again having our World Market Holiday Craft Fair! We are in the organizational process now and are looking for folks who are interested in helping with sales that day. Time commitment is minimal. The Fair is happening on Saturday, December 1st . We are looking for two or three people to help sell the merchandise from about 8 am until 1:30 or 2. Also, if you are an artist and would like to sell your own items, we will have a limited number of tables to rent for $30. Please reach out to Leslie if you are interested in helping.

Circle Socials

Circle socials are back! Sign up to share a potluck dinner with fellow members in a members home, or a young-child-friendly brunch with other parents. Look for sign-up sheets during social hour, or contact Richard Venable. Hosts are also needed.

Hunsacker Soloist Jennifer Sgroe is offering a recital in the Meetinghouse on Wednesday, November 7th at 7:30 pm. A freewill offering will be collected at the recital to support her audition tour of Germany and Austria.

Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations is a monthly series of dialogue-centered programs on racism and privilege designed to address racial healing and justice in our town. Each month the Courageous Conversations leadership team in partnership with the Milton Interfaith Clergy Association brings together a diverse group of people representing a wide array of life experiences, circumstances, and choices. All events are open to the public—anyone can attend a meeting whether or not they have attended in the past.

Monday, November 19th, 6-9pm, Milton High School (25 Gile Rd., Milton). Conversation with Debby Irving author of “Waking Up White.”

Gratitude Sanctuary

Friday, November 23

Time: 1-5

Facilitator: Jennie Mulqueen

Following Thanksgiving Day feasts and festivities, First Parish invites all in our community to continue the powerful practice of gratitude in a quiet afternoon of reflection around the fireplace in our Parish Hall. When we create the space to deeply contemplate the blessing of life, our humble hearts can be filled with deep joy for being. Bring one item for a Gratitude Altar as well as journals, dream/vision boards, or any other contemplative project that makes your heart hum. Materials for collage will be on hand. We will begin and end with singing and sharing, and the heart of our time together (3 hours) will be a silent time for project work. All ages welcome. Please let the church office know if childcare is needed by Thursday, 11/15.

Milton Community Concerts

On Saturday, February 2nd at 7pm MCC and First Parish of Milton is proud to present Charlie Chaplin’s “The Kid” with live organ accompaniment by virtuoso organist Peter Krasinski. Mr. Krasinski is known the world over for his live improvised accompaniments to silent films. Following a recent tour of Japan he now comes to Milton to celebrate the 60th installation anniversary of First Parish’s beautiful Schlicker pipe organ. Tickets are $25 general/$15 seniors/free for 18 and under. (Snow date: February 16)

  • On Saturday, March 16th at 7pm the Fifth Annual “Sing For Their Supper” free benefit concert. (Snow date: March 23)
  • On Sunday, April 28th at 3pm the Boston City Singers Tour Choir presents “A Message of Music”.
  • On Sunday, May 26th at 3pm the British, Nigerian writer, actor, and baritone singer Tayo Aluko presents “Paul Robeson—The Giant, in a Nutshell”.

Mark your calendars! More details to follow.

Pre-Order your Christmas Tree!

Reserve now and come pick up Saturday December 1st between 9am-12pm

Frasier Fir 6-7 Feet in height from Granite State Farm in New Hampshire

Trees cut down last week of November; cannot get any fresher!

All proceeds benefit First Parish Milton

$65.00 Per Tree

Forms are posted on the bulletin next to grey box by the church office.

Please put your completed form in the grey box or deliver it to Susan or Megan in person.

Deadline to submit forms is Sunday, November 25, 2018.

You can attach a check to the pre-order form or bring one with you on pick up day, 12/1/18.

Make $65.00 check payable to First Parish Milton with “Christmas Tree” written in the memo section.


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 10:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am
  • Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Silent Prayer & Meditation, 7:00 pm in the Children’s Church (Note new time)

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.