Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 10/6/2022

Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 10/6/2022

The Office will be closed on Monday, October 10th in observance of Indigenous People Day

Table of Contents

  • This Week in Worship
  • This Week in Religious Exploration
  • Events and Meetings
  • News and Announcements
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Beyond First Parish

This Week in Worship

“Learning from Our Animal Friends”

Worship Assistant: Chris Clifford

Usher: Penny Knight

Greeter: Steven Yakutis

Bell Ringer: Ana Marquez

Chalice Lighter: Elyse Dahl

Social Hour: Mary Blanchette & Jim May

Music: Dzidzor Amorin

Story Tellers: Ana Marquez & Leona Sitkoff

Audio: Sophie D’Allessandro

Sunday’s offering will go to the service and ministry of First Parish.

Masks are optional for vaccinated people in the meetinghouse; masks are still required for those who have not been vaccinated. Respect and consideration should be given to all regardless of their masking choice.

It’s that time of the year again for our

Annual Animal Blessing.

This Sunday, October 9, 10:30 am

All pets- leased, caged or otherwise safely restrained- are welcome! 

Stuff animals are welcome! 

Photos of beloved deceased pets or those beloved but whom you’d think are better left at home are welcome! 

This multi gen service will focus on what our animal friends can teach us, and will conclude with a blessing of each animal. For those worshiping from home, you will be invited to include your pet or a photo of your pet during the blessing.

Join us this Sunday as we listen for what animals have to teach us.

The worship theme for the month of October is courage. What does courage

mean to you? I’d be interested in hearing.

Courage comes in countless forms, often unlike the high stakes, highly visible

forms of courage we see in the movies or novels, (and occasionally in real life).

I’m grateful for those brave folks who run into burning buildings to save lives, or

rescue a drowning person in rough waters. Such a person is never forgotten by

those whose lives they saved, and rightly so.

More often, though, courage is less dramatic, and unheralded.

Two examples that I recall from many years ago.

The first is a young boy speaking up in the schoolyard against a bully. I can still

recall the shaky voice of my 10 year old classmate, his face reddened as he yelled

“Stop, stop, stop being so mean!” I thought he was very brave to speak up like

that, not knowing if the bully might turn on him next.

The second are my parents, heading out from home one night to be with their

friends who had just lost their baby to what we now call SIDS- Sudden Infant

Death Syndrome, but at that time didn’t even have a name. What would they say,

I wondered, what would they do? It seemed both an impossible thing to do- to

show up in a home devastated by such loss, yet a very good thing. The stuff of

true friends.

I like to think that both those examples of courage that I witnessed when I was

young, and that I remember clearly to this day, helped me to be braver in my life.

I do think other inspire us to be brave.

The third example is Rosa Parks. She is remembered for her courage in refusing to

give up her seat at the front of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. She

was a brave, strong woman, of this there is no doubt. And it is important to

remember that she drew her strength in large measure by being part of a

movement of thousands of other committed brave people willing to risk much for

freedom and human dignity. Being in community, knowing we are not alone, can

make the difference between silence and speech, staying home and showing up,

or risking much for justice. The current day Rosa Parks can be found in the brave

women of Iran, fighting at great risk to themselves for freedom and human

dignity, knowing the power of solidarity.

This faith congregation is a place where we strengthen our courage muscles, and

find inspiration and sustenance from one another. What happens here matters, in

ways large and small.

See you in church,

Rev. Tricia

An Important P.S. This Sunday is Animal Blessing!! Do bring you pets, – leashed,

caged, or otherwise restrained- to church this Sunday. Stuffed animals are

welcome too, as are photos of beloved pets who live on in your memory, or those

you think might be better kept at home. Like a horse, for instance. Yes, I do know

of one church where someone brought their horse to Animal Blessing….

Music For Sunday

This Sunday Dzidzor Amorin will be playing music that goes along with the theme of the Blessing of the Animals, including music by Herbie Hancock, Survivor, and The Tokens.

Religious Exploration

This Sunday, children and youth are invited to participate in the worship service as we bless the animals!  No separate classes are scheduled for our children or youth this week (including Coming of Age) so that everyone can enjoy this family-friendly service.

Next Sunday, children will participate in a workshop on meditation and mindfulness with Mary Beth Callahan.  Coming of age youth and potential mentors should plan to attend a get to know you gathering during social hour.

Still need to register your child? The registration form can be found here.

Events and Meetings

11th Hour Calling

Monthly Stand Out for Climate Action & Justice

Tuesday, October 11, 6-6:30 p.m.

535 Canton Avenue (next to Town Hall)

Celebrating one year of standing out together! Show up, drum, chant, learn. BYO posters and percussion. Next month’s 11th Hour Calling coincides with Veterans Day, Friday, November 11.

We continue to care about the climate emergency and community resolve, about environmental justice, about elimination of fossil fuels from our lives, and about municipal response planning locally wherever you live. We will share community updates at this gathering. Honor the practice of standing out: all welcomed.

Save the Date

October 14th

6:00 pm-8:00 pm

Trunk or Treat at First Parish!

Saturday, October 29   4:00 pm–5:00 p.m.

First Parish is holding a fun Halloween activity

for members, friends, and the community.

Halloween is just around the corner!

On Saturday, October 29, bring your car to First Parish, decorate the trunk, and give

out candy to trick-or-treaters !

Prizes for trunk decorations include gift cards for Stevie’s Pizza, the Ice Cream Smith, and the Friends of the Milton Public Library Bookshop. 

Ways you can participate:

• Decorate the trunk of your car and give out candy

• Donate candy

• Help out at the event (set up, direct cars to spots, clean up, etc.)

• Bring your kids and their friends in their Halloween costumes

 to trick-or-treat from car to car

If you’re interested in helping, please let Lisa White know

News and Announcements

You CAN try this at home!

As part of our Getting to Zero initiative, we are developing ways to become better “ecological citizens” — at church, at home, every season, and every day. Back in July we published our first ECO TIP which we are sharing again, because we know that some of you may have missed it during your busy summer!

“An ecological citizen possesses a strong sense of ecological-consciousness, recognizing the ways we are inextricably connected to each other and the world around us. In addition to possessing rights within our world, an ecological citizen embraces the responsibilities of an active, expansive citizenship, one which includes changing private behaviors to promote the public good and engaging in collective action to push for responsible, systemic change.”

One major use of fossil fuels is driving combustion engine cars! Learn some old and new ideas about ECO-DRIVING below – and stay tuned for future ECO TIPS. If you have an idea for an ECO TIP or questions about First Parish’s “Getting to Zero” initiative, please contact Tony Dutzik, Lynne Stack, or Tracey Robinson – or better yet, come to the next 11th Hour Standout on the First Parish green on October 11th at 6:00 pm.


Gas prices are through the roof and climate chaos is ramping up around the globe. The good news is that there’s one thing we can do to address both problems at once: save gas.

If you haven’t yet made the leap to an electric vehicle, there are still ways you can reduce your gasoline consumption by as much as 15% through what’s known as eco-driving. Saving gas not only saves you money and reduces pollution, but it also helps keep demand (and prices) down for everyone.

There are dozens of ways to save fuel and many resources out there to help. Here are few quick tips:

  • Plan your trips – Combine trips when possible and share rides with friends when you can. 
  • Steady as she goes – Speeding, aggressive driving and stop-and-go driving waste energy. Fuel economy drops off at high speeds, especially above 65 mph. Drive at a reasonable, steady speed. 
  • Keep it light and airy – Unnecessary extra weight and unused roof racks reduce mileage. Remove them when not needed.
  • Keep your car happy – Check tire pressure once a month and keep tires properly inflated and the engine in good working order. 
  • Try something new – Ever wonder what it’s like to walk or bike to the store, or want to try the bus or train? Now is the time to give it a try. Even swapping out one trip a week (maybe to church?) can make a difference.

Saving energy is important if you’re in an electric car, too. You’ll get more miles to a charge and reduce New England’s dependence on natural gas for power. You can find EV-specific tips here.


Milton Community Concert will be starting the season with an exciting choral concert on Sunday, November 6th at 3pm. The Meetinghouse Choir will be joining with the UCC-Norwell choir and choir members from other churches in the area. If you have sung in choirs in the past we invite you to join us. Just drop me a line at The featured piece on the program is a four-movement piece for chorus and four professional soloists called “Life”, by local composer Carol Koffinke (who will be in attendance at the concert). And to top it off, it will be a world premiere.

Please consider singing with us! I’ve even made some MP3 recordings which you can practice with if you like. Rehearsals will be on Saturday mornings from 10:00am-12:00pm on 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, and 10/29 (although you don’t have to attend all of them). The dress rehearsal will be on Thursday, 11/3 from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm.

If you have friends who are singers please let them know as well.

 Please contact Tim ( if interested or if you have any questions.

All rehearsals will be in the Meetinghouse.

Volunteer Opportunities

Fair Foods

Fair Foods is a non-profit program that rescues fresh produce that wwould otherwise be wasted and uses it to feed our communities. We volunteer together unloading and sorting food and packing bags once a month.

The next volunteer date is Saturday, October 15th.

If you want to volunteer, please sign up on Sign up Genius by Thursday

evening before the event. Start time and locations vary depending on Fair Foods’ needs, but typically start at 8:30 a.m. at their warehouse at 70 Amory Street in Roxbury.

Sign up here!

Other volunteer opportunities are also available at Fair Foods on weekdays from early morning until mid-afternoon.Any questions or for more information contact Tony Dutzik at or 617-291-4685.

Volunteers are needed to acquire food and pack 10 lunches and deliver to the church between 12:45pm-1:00pm on Delivery day. One team lead drives all the lunches to the shelter in Brockton. Please note how many meals you are making in comments. 

We are looking for 70 lunches for each delivery day.

The first delivery day will be on Wednesday October 12th and then every other Wednesday throughout the year. We will meet in the lower parking lot between 12:40 and 1:00 PM.

Any questions or for more information contact Pat Gallivan at

Sign up here

Beyond First Parish


Tuesdays, October 11th thru November 15th

7:00pm-8:00pm CT Offered on Zoom Free

The Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is excited to offer an online session of our UU History series for all congregations! This series is an incredible opportunity for all visitors, members, and friends to learn more about the rich and deep history of our faith. This series approaches history from the starting point of compelling stories and personalities; each session will focus on one or two people from our history. Participants explore the questions these people faced and make connections with their own lives and the world around them today. The overarching question is: how can history be translated into our religious life and practice? 

To register, just use this link


On Sunday, October 16 at 2:00 join members and friends of CCTRJ to attend the ArtsEmerson sponsored production of Step Afrika’s Drumfolk. Orchestra tickets are available for $35, Students $25 or Pay What You Can. The performance is 1 hour and 45 minutes and carpools are being arranged from First Parish UU Church in Milton or Walgreen’s Parking Lot on Morrissey Blvd. 

When Africans lost the right to use their drums, the beats found their way into the body of the people. Inspired by the Stono Rebellon of 1739 and Negro Act of 1740, Drumfolk is a thrilling, percussive exploration of American history, placing a spotlight on the rhythmic cycle of life that bonds all of us together.

Step Afrika! have been called “masters of stepping” by the New Yorker and “electrifying talents” by the New York Times. Through music, stepping, tap, and ring shouts these remarkable performers recreate histories too often left in the margins. After their celebrated prior visits to Boston (The Migration, Step Afrika!), the troupe returns this fall with a celebration of the human spirit perfect for the entire family.

To Register for event

Stay Connected

Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.