This Week in Worship
Sunday, October 26, 2014
10:30am in the Meetinghouse
James Joyce wrote in Ulysses “God is a shout in the street,” I must admit I always liked that understanding, it is of course not theologically orthodox, but I think that is the point. Ours is a faith that calls us to find the Divine not in books, or libraries or even in churches, but out in the world. As Emerson said in his famous Divinity School Address “Acquaint Thyself at First Hand with Deity.” Yet how we understand that Deity, differs from one to another, which in turn means how we understand what faith and all the other aspects of religion may differ as well.
This week the anthem that will be sung contains this description of what faith is, and perhaps this is a something we can agree on.
To sing when fleeting breath and truant hope forbid,
to stand when gusts of fear at cyclone strength prevail,
to act, when blanket-heavy apathy surrounds,
to roar when falsehood, clothed in silence over whelms:
this then is faith:
“the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen,”
and in God’s good grace to sing, to stand, to act, to roar.
We are called to live this faith. – Prophet’s Song by John Thornburg
See you in church,
Next week, November 2 – REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY
For Remembrance Sunday, we will be assembling an altar of mementos of loved ones we wish to bring into into loving memory in this community.
Please bring a small dish of your loved one’s favorite food, flower, or any kind of memento of them to the Sanctuary on November 2.
Items should be taken home after the worship service.
Religious Exploration
Classes Sunday, October 19, 2014
Pre-k – 2nd grades Spirit Play students go directly to their classrooms.
3rd – 6th Graders Small Group Ministry will begin in the Meetinghouse before being dismissed to their Religious Education classes.
7th Graders Neighboring Faiths will be traveling to Christian Science Center meeting at First Parish at 9:15am.
8th Grader Owl Program participants go directly to the Children’s Church at 10am. (OWL meets Sundays from 10am – 11:30am)
NO Youth Chat or Youth Group
8th – 12th are invited to attend the service
The Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger
A Call for Legos
We are looking to add legos to our Spirit Play room. If you have any pieces that are no longer being used and would like to find them a good home please bring them in.
Thank you,
The RE Committee
Coming of Age
We are shaping our Coming of Age class and will have details soon!
Coming of Age marks the transition from childhood to adulthood and an important time of discernment for youth in between. This program is open to all 9th and 10th graders and this year’s classes will be held on Monday evenings. If you are a parent of a 9th or 10th grader and have any questions please contact Lisa White or Miriam Febres. We are also in need of Mentors so please let us know if you can help.
Babysitters Needed
The Nursery at First Parish in Milton is looking for babysitters. If you have a teenager who has taken the babysitting course and is available to work Sunday mornings please contact me.
Halloween Dance Party
Friday, October 24, 7pm-9pm
It’s a Halloween Party you’re in for a scare, our treats will delight you, be there if you dare! A night for all ages, much fun is in store so put on a costume and don’t be a bore. The RE Committee is hosting its 5th annual Spooktacular Dance Party. Hope to see you there! $5 suggested donation at the door. If you would like to help setup, cleanup, or providing Halloween-themed desserts, please email Jen Leggett or Miriam Febres.
We are in need of Halloween-themed desserts, please email Jen Leggett or Miriam Febres if you are planning on bringing some.
The transition team will be organizing over the next several months’ opportunities for people to ‘Hang out with Hank’. The first will be this coming Friday evening, October 24th, for those adults who attend the First Parish Halloween Party. While teens are engaging with the kids, we’ll create time and space for parents, guardians, and other kid-like adults to join him in the parlor for an informal chat.
The following week, Wednesday the 29th, we’ll be hosting a lunch for those who are in town or close by and would like to stop in for some soup and conversation. Please contact Patricia if you are planning to attend. Other ‘Hangouts with Hank’ are in the works, and we encourage people to avail themselves of these moments to get to know him, and help him get to know us.
Invitation to Rev. Robin Bartlett’s Installation on Sunday October 26.
The First Church in Sterling
Invites You to Join Us to
Celebrate the Installation of
The Reverend Robin Bartlett
On Sunday, October 26, 2014
At 4 O’clock in the afternoon
6 Meetinghouse Hill Road
Sterling, Massachusetts
Reception to Follow
Please RSVP to:
Or by calling 978-422-6657
Sunday, October 26 at 5:00pm
Bright, cool days. Warm cider and donuts. Dazzling landscapes. Amid the beauty of autumn we feel the life around us begin its decline, for now comes the season of barrenness.
The celebration of Samhain (SAH-win) is the beginning of the dark half of the year. It is a time for letting go, letting go of summer and of those things in our lives we are ready to leave behind. It is also a time for remembering and honoring those who have passed from this life.
Join the FP Great Blue Hill CUUPS chapter in an earth-centered Samhain service on Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to bring photos and mementos of loved ones for the altar.
As usual we share a potluck feast after the ritual. For more information, contact Pam Dorsey at 617-980-6079 or Mark Whall at 617-282-4075.
The Milton House Party
The Milton House Party will benefit Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. An invite from members Tucker Smith, Bebe Williamson, and Jen Erbe Leggett:
We are proud to be committee members for an upcoming House Party to raise funds for Planned Parenthood of MA. The event takes place on November 6th, 2014 at a local home, and we’d love to have you there! Please contact any of us to find out more and buy a ticket! Hope to join you there to support a worthy cause!
Saturday, November 15,2014
The First Parish Fun Raiser
The First Parish Milton Fall Funraiser is less than a month away! Your chance to bid on and win fabulous vacations, exquisite works of art, delectable gourmet items and highly sought after services. Or, just come to marvel at the offerings and support our faith community. We still need contributions but most of all we need you and your friends. Festivities begin at 7PM
Silent Prayer & Meditation
Sundays, 9:00am & Wednesdays, 7:00pm
Children’s Church
Each week we offer a brief reading on a spiritual theme, followed by 30 minutes of silence. Whether you are new to silence or a longtime practitioner, you are welcome to join us for this restoring practice.
Kiki’s Corner
First Parish is a happening place. We have a variety of activities over the next weeks. Please mark your calendars for the First Parish Fun Raiser on Saturday, November 15th. The Committee is still looking for auction items big and small. And of course, you want to come join the fun. The Halloween Party and Samhain Ritual occur this weekend. The Transition Team has created two opportunities for you to Hangout with Hank including next Wednesday (10/29) and plan for a couple of others. The Parish Committee is organizing and planning for all of the congregation to participate in transition activities. Stay tuned.
Have you liked our Facebook Page? If not, You should. Rev. Hank has been sharing some historic photos, others are sharing RE news, FP upcoming events, and photos from this fall.
First Parish is refreshing its public relations materials and will be undertaking more photography and videography of church activities, including religious education events, classes, and children’s church. These images may occasionally be shared with the broader community, e.g. through local media. If you do not want your child’s or your image to be shared beyond the First Parish community, please contact the office.
Items for The Link are due Tuesday at 5 pm. Please email both Miriam and Kiki at the office to make sure your item is included.
To quote Peter Bowden, social media guru and UU, “brevity matters”. Please keep your announcement limited to one paragraph. We may limit or edit text.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!