This Week in Worship
Sunday, October 25 — Worship @ 10:30 am in Parish Hall
Theme: Kinship
I want to start this week’s article by thanking everyone for coming to the Beyond Categorical Thinking program last week. I know it was informative and will aid your church in getting the best minister possible. This Sunday we’ll be wrapping up our monthly theme of Kinship with a sermon on our relationship with all who suffer and our duty to assist their relief.
On Sunday November 1st we will spend time remembering those people in our lives who have died in this past year. On this day you are invited to bring with you some token of that person that will be brought up during the service. Assisting in the worship will be members of our own Great Blue Hill CUUPS (Coven of UU Pagans) chapter.
See you in church,
Religious Exploration
Sunday, October 25
- Spirit Play Pre K – 2nd grade go directly to their class room at 10:30am
- SGM 3rd – 6th Graders will begin in the Meetinghouse before being dismissed to their Religious Exploration class. The classes will all meet downstairs and be split into two groups (1) Grades 3 and 4 and (2) Grades 5 & 6.
- Junior Youth Group 7th – 8th Graders meet in the Parlor at 10:30am
- Youth Chat will meet in the youth room at 10:30am
- The Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger
News and Announcements
Halloween Dance Party — Friday, October 30th — 7pm – 9pm
The RE Committee is hosting its 6th annual Spooktacular Dance Party
All ages are welcome to enjoy DJ music, a haunted house, and scrumptious desserts. Bring a dessert if you’d like to contribute one. Add to our Dia de los Muertos altar of remembrance with a picture or memento of a loved one who has passed. Wear a costume and come join the fun! Contactplease email Jen Leggett or Miriam Saavedra with any questions.
Our Own Pat Neves to preform at Milton Art Center — Friday, October 23, 7-9pm
Milton Residents Concerned about Airplane Pollution, Thursday October 22
An important meeting in Milton concerning airplane air pollution and noise. It is taking place Thurs. Oct. 22, at 7p.m. Cunningham Hall, 75 Edge Hill Road. All Milton residents and those concerned are welcome. Contact here.
Thanks to all who came out on Sunday to support the Milton Public School music programs
by attending the concert “Right on Your Doorstep”. Through your help and generosity Milton Community Concerts was able to raise $1174 for this worthy cause.
If you are interested in learning more, Rev. Rebecca Hinds will be at the Social Action Committee Meeting Sunday, October 25 at noontime in the Parlor. Urban Ministry is best known to First Parish through the Jericho Road Project.
November 1 – Installation of the Rev. Mary Margaret Earl as Senior Minister and Executive Director of the UUUM. Sunday, November 1st at 3pm at the UUUM at First Church Roxbury. Reception to follow.
November 8 – Please join us for the 2015 Mendelsohn Lecture on Sunday, Nov. 8 at 3pm. Shay Stewart-Bouley, the first African American Executive Director of Community Change Inc., a Boston-based anti-racist organization and Debby Irving, the author of “Waking Up White” will offer a presentation called: “Tell Me the Truth: Exploring the Heart of Cross-Racial Conversations.”
Calling all Unitarian Universalist Teens! Join with the youth in the Roxbury Youth Program for Environmental Justice in the City, a year of learning, sharing, and justice making as we explore the intersections of environmental and racial injustice. Facilitated by ACE (Alternatives for Community and Environment), a Roxbury-based non-profit. ACE builds the power of communities of color and low-income communities in Massachusetts to eradicate environmental racism and classism, create healthy, sustainable communities, and achieve environmental justice. 2nd Wednesdays: Dec. 9, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 9, April 13, May 11, 6:00-7:30pm, Dinner Included.
News from the Ministerial Search Committee (MSC)
Let’s Talk Among Ourselves
We’ve accomplished a lot in the past few weeks!
Almost 75% of the congregation has responded to the Survey, and the Ministerial Search Committee is working hard to transform the results into digestible morsels.
40 members participated last Sunday in a spirited workshop on moving Beyond Categorical Thinking in our search for a new minister.
Now we’d like to promote some sharing of our visions of an ideal next minister through Cottage Meeting conversations. Here are the current meeting date options and the spaces that still exist for each:
- Sunday, October 25th at 12:15pm in the Stebbins Parlor (just outside the Meetinghouse door going down to the link), led by Charlie Franich and Brigitte Miller—8 spaces left.
- Thursday, October 29th at 7pm, Coffee and Dessert at Charlie Franich’s home—45 Morton Road in Milton, led by Charlie and Debbie Alsebai—2 spaces left.
- Sunday, November 1st at 12:15pm in the FP library, led by (to be announced)—10 spaces left.
- Sunday, November 1st at 6pm, Supper at Brigitte Miller’s home—175 Lyman Road in Milton, led by Brigitte and Elise Henricks—6 spaces left.
And here are the two questions that will guide our conversations:
How do you see us finding a balance between caring for one another and caring for the larger community?
What are the “sacred cows” at First Parish and how will our new minister learn what those are?
Finally, if you are interested in signing up for a Cottage Meeting or just want to share your thoughts on our questions, you can contact Charlie Franich.
Thank you,
The Ministerial Search Committee
Debbie Alsebai, Charlie Franich, Franc Graham, Elise Henricks, Jim May, Brigitte Miller, and Tracey Robinson
Art Wall in The Link
Enjoy the paintings of our own Myrtle Flight.
Kiki’s Corner
Missing – Our 10 foot step ladder. If you have used it in the past few months in the building, please let us know where you stashed it. We haven’t found your hiding place. If you borrowed it to use outside the church, please return it to us. It is stored in the Sexton’s Closet. If we don’t have it back within the next couple of weeks, we will need to buy another one.
Thanks Tucker Smith for the gorgeous fall arrangement that graces
the front of the Meetinghouse.
We have wonderful resources right in our own backyard. The New England Region UUA offers worshops and other services to member congregations. They have harnessed the techonology so some programs are virtual (aka webinars). Anyone that has been to one of their programs, always has good things to say about the quality of the program. Check out the website here.
Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!
Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse
Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church
Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!