Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 10/10/2024

Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 10/10/2024

The office will be closed on Monday, October 14th in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day

Table of Contents

  • This Week in Worship
  • Message from Rev. Lisa Ward
  • RE Info
  • News and Announcements
  • Events
  • Social & Environmental Justice
  • Beyond First Parish

This Week in Worship

October Worship Theme: Facing Fear

“Praising Animals”


Worship Assistant: Dottie Pitt

Greeters: Kaitlyn Pedotti and Joanna Dahl 

Flowers: Richard Venable

Audio: Sofia Nitolo

Social Hour: Marie Laure-Brown- Coffee Service only

(Note: on weeks when we have no social hour volunteers we will have a coffee-only social hour.)

Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.

This week’s offering will be given to The Prison Book Program. The mission of the Prison Book Program is to support people in prison by sending them free books and print resources that meet their specific needs and interests. Member Katie Vhay will speak on their behalf.


I’m thinking about the power and danger of echo chambers. How misinformation can direct people’s lives toward their own demise. If we choose to believe a certain logic and world view, we then become susceptible to othering all else.

How is it possible that the very idea that one political party can control the weather and direct a hurricane’s path gets any airtime? Because each varied echo chamber is strengthened by affirming or disclaiming this kind of othering.

Competitive tribalism then becomes a practice of increased division and demonization. This compelling power over others has an addictive quality to it: we think it is vital to our survival.

Ironically, our ability to increase communication networks with tools like algorithms is being turned against a healthy practice of the interdependent web.

A discussion group is starting up next week. Every other Tuesday on zoom we will spend an hour looking at the divisiveness of our political climate, in ourselves, with loved ones and in our ways and walking. Feel free to join the exploration (see details below).

I so value the gift of shared wisdom we give to one another.

Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa

Music This Week

Music This Week

As we celebrate the Blessing of the Animals, the music will recognize the animals among us. The prelude and postlude music will provide portrayals of a butterfly, monkey, and a lark. Carina Digianfilippo will sing a beautifully written song about a cat, from OF GODS AND CATS by Jake Heggie. Owen Hartford (mandolin) and Karl Pastore (guitar) will be playing “Lady Mary Anne” by Robert Burns.

Religious Exploration

Reminder: this Sunday is a Multigen service- no RE classes will be held. Childcare will still be available in nursery.


Trunk or Treat has been cancelled, but there’s still plenty of Halloween inspired fun. Please join us on 10/25 from 5-7pm for the Haunted Halloween Hang-out in the Parish Hall. Details are below in Events section of newsletter.

Childcare will be provided.

First Parish is organizing a field trip to the UU Arlington Church to participate in a UU Youth Corps event-. event details below. Trip is for youth age 12+. If interested in attending, please contact Tracey Robinson at

Crossing Paths Parents- please note that this trip is separate from the field trip scheduled at 11am that day to the UU Arlington Church.

Save the date

News & Announcements

SOCIAL HOUR hosts needed for Sunday, October 13th!


If you are available to help, please contact Marie-Laure at

Available other dates?

Click here to sign up

Haven’t hosted before or need a refresher? No worries! A member of the Hospitality Committee will be in touch to answer questions, provide instructions, and stop in on Sunday morning. 

Thank you for your hospitality!


MCC Musical Marathon Saturday, October 26th

Be sure to “Save the Date” on your calendar for Milton Community Concerts free Ten-Year Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, October 26, beginning at 2:00. MCC will present “A Musical Marathon Fundraiser: Celebrating Ten Years of Milton Community Concerts.”  This will be a full day and evening of music for the entire family, featuring outstanding performers from the past nine years of concerts. Come as you are, and come and go as you please. From 2:00-5:00 will be a series of “mini-concerts”:

2:00-3:00 — soprano Yoonjeong Yoo and baritone Philip Lima

3:00-3:30 — jazz/folk pianist and world-class juggler Stuart Ryerse 

4:00-4:30 — sopranos Sarah Callinan and Jane Shivick

4:30-5:00 — jazz accordionist Cory Pesaturo

From 5:00 until 6:00 there will be dinner available in the Parish Hall, with a chance to meet some of the performers. 

From 6:00-9:00 will be a concert called “Showstoppers”, during which many of our past performers will get a chance to shine with their one favorite aria, musical theater selection, or instrumental piece. 

 For more information visit


Navigating the Political Climate

We will be meeting by zoom from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm every other Tuesday: October 15, 29 and Nov 12, 26. Contact Rev. Lisa at for the zoom link.

How Goes It With Your Spirit?

Please find below possible programs to be facilitated by Rev. Lisa this fall. Please contact the office ( if you have an interest in attending. Scheduling will follow according to interest. More information can be found in the email that was sent out on September 24th

Grief Support Group

Four sessions, once a week.

 Caregiver’s Support Group

Two Wednesdays a month, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm

  Parenting As A Spiritual Practice

Fridays 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, with a light dinner and childcare (either once or twice a month)

 Plan Your Own Memorial Service

Half Day Workshop, Date TBD with those interested. Please let us know.


Halloween Hang-out

Friday, October 25th 5:00pm-7:00pm

First Parish Friends ~ It’s spooky season and the Membership Committee wants you to come and have a low-key seasonal good time.

On Friday, Oct 25th, we will be in the Parish Hall from 5-7. We will have pizza, salad, treats and drinks plus spooky music and craft projects for all. Costumes encouraged but not necessary. 

Please RSVP with this easy link

or email Leslie with any questions

Don’t be scared — it’s just for FUN


Harvest Supper

November 9th 6:00 pm-9:30 pm

We invite you to the annual First Parish Harvest Supper, Saturday, November 9, 6pm-9:30pm. It’s a potluck!  

Click here to RSVP and to sign up to bring a favorite dish. 

 This is a much-beloved First Parish tradition of fellowship and good food.  We look forward to seeing you there.


First Parish HOLIDAY FAIR – crafters wanted 

Saturday, Dec 14th from 10 am-2 pm We will have our amazing Holiday Fair again. More information will be coming but if you know crafters who might like to rent a table, please ask them to email me for information. We are lining them up now. Leslie at:

If you want to get involved again, let me know! December will be here before you know it!

Social & Environmental Justice


Next date is October 16th

S&EJ (Social & Environmental Justice committee) is looking for volunteers the third Wednesday of each month to contribute lunches. We hope to deliver 70 lunches a month to support shelter guests.

Please signup whenever you can help out by clicking on button below.

We are counting on your support!

Signup Genius

Prison Book Program

For over 50 years, the Prison Book Program, a non-profit in Quincy, has been sending free books to people in prison, because everyone deserves the freedom to read. Volunteers write personal notes to offer connection to a community outside the prison walls. There are several ways to support this important program: 

Book Drive: Between Oct 19-Nov 10, we are collecting gently used paperbacks in the following categories:

Nonfiction: language learning, trade skills, exercise, business, history, hobbies, self-help, science, sports, spirituality and books by LGBTQ authors and people of color. 

Fiction: Westerns, thrillers, mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, young adult

Drop off books through the office mail slot or bring them to church and put them in the collection boxes.

Buy a special request: visit their wish list to buy the exact book someone asked for.

Donate: share the plate on October 13th.

Beyond First Parish



The scale of destruction in the wake of Hurricane Helene has been utterly devastating to many communities in the southeastern United States. Some Unitarian Universalist congregations have been seriously impacted and others are still trying to assess the damage. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover from this storm by giving generously to the UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund. 

Sunday plate collections are an important way to support this fund and we encourage all congregations that are able, to consider taking up such a collection. Disaster Relief Fund donations become grants to Unitarian Universalists, their congregations, and their communities. All gifts granted in the course of immediate crisis response will be extended directly to impacted communities. While an immediate collection is ideal given the immediacy of the need, please consider a gift or dedicated collection at any point, now or in the coming months.

Our hearts are with everyone struggling to get through these days and begin recovery efforts, especially our siblings in LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities, who have consistently been the least supported by local institutions. We know that some UU communities experiencing lesser impacts have already been organizing support for more directly-impacted folks. Thank you for being a beacon of hope for so many.



Sat, Oct 12th 9:30 am-11:00 am

UUUM Tours: Trees of John Eliot Square: A historical perspective

Join historian Thomas Plant to enjoy a stroll around the neighborhood focused on Roxbury’s agriculture and horticulture and how these shaped the neighborhood over the years.

The Trees of John Eliot Square; A historical perspective walking tour

Join historian Thomas Plant to enjoy a stroll around the neighborhood focused on Roxbury’s agriculture and horticulture and how these shaped the neighborhood over the years.

RSVP or Questions

To secure a spot on the tour, or if you have any questions, email:

All tours begin promptly at their start time in front of First Church in Roxbury.

Click To Register

Stay Connected

Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Other times by appointment


Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other times by appointment

The Church office is closed on Fridays

Sundays through mid June

  • Worship, 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Rehearsal (most Sundays) at 8:45 am

SIGN UP GENIUS (formerly known as the Planner)

The link to SignUp Genius is:

You can sign up for one our our Sunday volunteer positions.