Your Weekly Link – News and Updates 10/10/2014

Weekly Link 10/10/2014

Love radically

This Week in Worship

Sunday, October 12, 2014
10:30am in the Meetinghouse

This Sunday we will celebrate the annual Animal Blessing. I have never taken part in an animal blessing, and to be honest I am nervous about it. Not for the reasons you may think, I don’t think I’ll be bitten or have to handle some really slimy invertebrate, its more that I’m not sure why it is so important to so many people. I know that we love our pets, they are companions who express the purest form of loyalty. My issue isn’t with our animals, it’s us.

We don’t bless people in our church. Oh we practice child dedications, and I will say a blessing at other life passages, coming of age, weddings and funerals to name a few. But we don’t normally ask people to come forward a receive a blessing. There are a lot of reasons for this, some style, many of them are theological, some are about governance and even historical. So this week as we welcome our pets imagine what it might be like if we blessed each other as well.

See you in church,


Note: Please bring your well behaved pet to church this Sunday, you can also bring a photo or if you live in a pet free environment you can bring a stuffed animal (think teddy bear) to receive a blessing. Also if you have a beloved pet who has died in the past year you are invited to bring a photo, or a memento of them and to add to the table at the front of the sanctuary.

The Worship Theme for October is FAITH

19 The Expectations of Faith Rev. Hank Peirce
My mother expected that we would go to church each Sunday, and she got her wish, as I rarely miss a Sunday. What is it you expect from this faith, and are your expectations reasonable, or even achievable? What do other members of this church community expect of us and how will those beliefs affect the future of First Parish?

26 When I Say God Rev. Hank Peirce
The great minister of the Free Church John Haynes Holmes once wrote: “When I say ‘God’ it is poetry and not theology.” What does that word mean to you? What is your relationship with it, and how is your relationship affected by the beliefs or non-belief’s of others?

Religious Exploration News

Sunday, October 12

Blessing of the animals

Multigenerati​onal Service

Blessing of the Animals

No RE Classes including:

OWL, Neighboring Faiths or Youth Chat ​

All children are invited to attend the service

The Nursery is available for children ages 4 and younger

News and Announcements

halloweenHalloween Dance Party

Friday, October 24, 7pm-9pm

The RE Committee is hosting its 5th annual Halloween Dance Party. This is a party for all ages and you won’t want to miss it!
If you would like to help setup, cleanup, or providing Halloween-themed desserts, please contact Jen Leggett or Miriam Febres.

Party-DancingSaturday, November 15,2014

Save the date! Why?

The First Parish Fun Raiser of course.

Your chance to bid on and win fabulous vacations, exquisite works of art, delectable gourmet items and highly sought after services. Or, just come to marvel at the offerings, share a libation with friends and support our faith community. We are really hope you will come!

The Tree

Many of you have noticed that the maple tree near our back entrance has been removed. This tree was a part of our church grounds for decades, providing shade and cover and welcoming us every Sunday. Pam Dorsey, from our Earth Centered Spirituality Group, CUUPS was able to give the tree a blessing before it was cut down and honor its life during this year’s Mabon celebration.

The Milton House Party to benefit Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

An invite from members Tucker Smith, Bebe Williamson, and Jen Erbe Leggett:

We are proud to be committee members for an upcoming House Party to raise funds for Planned Parenthood of MA. The event takes place November 6th, 2014 at a local home, and we’d love to have you there! Please contact any of us to find out more and buy a ticket! Hope to join you there to support a worthy cause!

KikiKiki’s Corner

Office Updates:

NO PARKING ON THE OFFICE SIDE OF THE LINK FOR THE NEXT WEEK. The lot is being repaved and needs a week to set up properly.

Your generosity serves our mission of growing deep faith and taking bold action. The Contribute button on the website is available for you to pay your pledge electronically or pay RE fees. Pledge reminders will also be sent out in October. We are grateful for your financial support of the work of the church.

CameraFirst Parish is refreshing its public relations materials and will be undertaking more photography and videography of church activities, including religious education events, classes, and children’s church. These images may occasionally be shared with the broader community, e.g. through local media. If you do not want your child’s or your image to be shared beyond the First Parish community, please contact the office.

Items for The Link are due Tuesday at 5 pm. Please email both Miriam and Kiki at the office to make sure your item is included.
To quote Peter Bowden, social media guru and UU, “brevity matters”. Please keep your announcement limited to one paragraph. We may limit or edit text.


Follow First Parish on Facebook and get updates, poems, announcements and more. You’ll be glad you did!


Worship, 10:30am in the Meetinghouse

Silent Prayer & Meditation, 9:00am in the Children’s Church


Please consider volunteering for important Sunday worship positions like ushering, hosting social hour, providing flowers for worship, and lighting the chalice. Sign Up Here!