Table of Contents
This Week in Worship
- Message from Rev. Lisa Ward
- RE Info
- News and Announcements
- Events
- Social & Environmental Justice
- Beyond First Parish
This Week in Worship
January Worship Theme: UNITY “Coalition”
Worship Assistant: Chris Clifford
Audio: Nicholas Miller
Social Hour Hosts: Jennifer Pinkus & Amy Kavadlo
Please log in at 10:20, to give some lead time for the service at 10:30. You will be muted, but you can communicate through the chat box. If you do not have zoom on your computer, please download it ahead of time. It is free.
This week’s offering will be given to the Granada House. Granada House is a residential rehabilitation service in Allston. Their mission is to help residents live productively and achieve long term recovery from addiction. They use a holistic approach: physical, mental, and spiritual with a strong emphasis on social inclusion with regards to racial, ethnic, socio-economic status, disability, health, and sexual orientation. Deb Larson-Venable will speak on their behalf.
The offering will go towards the service and ministry of First Parish.
It’s cold, flu and covid season!
In order to keep our community healthy, we encourage the wearing of masks at worship services if you have cold symptoms or have been exposed to a communicable illness. Masks and Hand sanitizer will be available at all church entrances if needed.
In November 2024 the East Congregational and First Congregational Churches of Milton both voted overwhelmingly to become “better together” as one United Congregational Church in Milton,” reads the announcement of this local consolidation. “We are overjoyed to begin birthing a new church with two physical locations and a variety of online portals of engagement.”
So now our neighbor church on the town green has a new name: United Congregational Church. I have watched with admiration the coalition work between Rev. Shelly Davis and Rev. RG Wilson. They, along with strong leadership from both churches spent nearly two years working through many aspects of building a consolidated faith community, let alone the bureaucratic dance of state laws and denominational requirements.
A generative coalition calls for shared values, an earnest vision, lots of listening, authentic response and a willingness to participate in its health. Much like our aspirations here in this faith community.
“We welcome all’” reads our mission statement, “to build a healthy world with faith, love, and compassion.” This doesn’t happen all at once, nor for all time. It takes dwelling together, learning together, finding meaning together and believing in each other. I see us deepening as a community more and more, which bodes well for the furtherance of a healthy world.
Blessings Be, Rev. Lisa
Music This Week
This Sunday the Meetinghouse Choir will sing an anthem based on traditional Native American wisdom in a text by Chief Seattle, “All Things Are Connected”. Tom Kemp will provide spoken narration during this anthem. Three of our Hunsaker soloists will also be singing in a trio called “How Good It Is” by Tony Alonso, based on Psalm 133.
Religious Exploration
Spirit Play will learn about “Follow the Drinking Gourd”, based on the African American song about escaping slavery.
Students in first and second grade will participate in the UU Passages over 13 weeks and share with the congregations what they learned about the UU values on May 18. Students will take concrete actions to show how they live by those values.
Crossing Paths will continue its study of Christianity.
News & Announcements
Keep the coffee percolating!
Please click here to sign up on Signup Genius.
Haven’t hosted before or need a refresher? No worries! A member of the Hospitality Committee will contact you the week before with instructions and to answer questions and provide support.
Thank you for your hospitality!
We don’t have anyone signed up to greet at church for the next three months. Please take a look at your calendars and see when you can take a Sunday. It’s an easy way that we contribute to our First Parish community.
Please reach out to Leslie, if you have any questions:
Friday, January 10th 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Open to ALL!
Please join the Committee Chairs to discuss priorities for the remainder of the church year. A light supper will be served. Please let Jen Pinkus ( know if you’ll be attending
Navigating the Political Climate Next Meeting is Tuesday, Jan 14th at 7 pm by zoom.
Contact Rev. Lisa at if interested.
Keynote address by James Hills Founder of #JavawithJimmy “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”
Monday, January 20, 2025
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS and click on live stream
Please mark your calendar for the evening of Saturday, January 25 when Milton Community Concerts presents the tenth annual “Sing For Their Supper” benefit concert. There will be free admission for this 7pm concert which will raise money through donations for the Milton Food Pantry and Milton Residents Fund. For more information visit
Social & Environmental Justice
Blessing bags offer grace that is small but love-filled! They contain personal care items for people who are un housed / unstably-housed in downtown Boston, and will be distributed to a number of downtown communities on Monday, January 20th. Join with your community to pack these items in bags, or drop them off at the event !
Each bag includes…
- white unscented bar soap
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- comb
- shampoo
- deodorant
- hand lotion
- sunblock
- tissues
- small hand sanitizer
…all sized to be packed into a gallon-sized freezer Ziplock bag.
Event Details
Monday January 20, 2025 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Cunningham Hall located at
77 Edgehill Road, Milton (masks provided)
Bring already prepared bags for drop-off by 11:00 am that day to St. Michael’s
Church located at 112 Randolph Avenue, Milton, MA 02186
Next date: January 15th
S&EJ (Social & Environmental Justice committee) is looking for volunteers the third Wednesday of each month to contribute lunches. We hope to deliver 70 lunches a month to support shelter guests.
Please sign up whenever you can help out by clicking on button below.
We are counting on your support!
Beyond First Parish
Watch Party at First Parish January 9th 6:00pm-7:00pm
Place: Library at First Parish
There is an interesting Urban Ministry Community Conversation coming up. It is about the Stories of African American Veterans. It promises to be interesting and include many facts you’re not aware of. Please join me for a Watch Party in our church parlor on Thursday, January 9th. We’ll have snacks starting at 5:30 and the talk is from 6-7. We can stay and have dis to follow.
Please let me know if you plan to attend. Mary Blanchette Community Conversations: Hidden Heroes – Stories of African American Veterans Jan 09, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Virtual via Zoom Join historian Thomas Plant and educator Cheryl Brown-Greene (Roxbury Collaborative) as they tell the stories of African American veterans and the often unsung role they have played in U.S. history.
Church of the Holy Spirit Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast Jan. 18th 9:00am
Church of the Holy Spirit on River Street in Mattapan is holding their annual Martin Luther King breakfast on January 18, at 9:00. The tickets are $25.
If you are interested in joining please email Debbie Alsebai at or text me at 617-821-9460.
Join the Women’s March/People’s March in Boston!!!
Jan. 18th 11:00am-1:00pm
For those of unable to attend the People’s March in Washington DC on January 18, please consider adding your energy and your presence to the BOSTON Women’s March/People’s March on Saturday January 18th. Starting at the Boston Common Parade Grounds at the corner of Charles St and Beacon St the event runs from 11am-1pm on 1/18.
Sign up here. For those interested in walking as a FPM team, email Tracey ( and we can plan to meet up at Ashmont Station at 10:15am on January 18th!!!
FREE Performance followed by refreshments
UU Urban Ministry, 10 Putnam St, Boston, MA 02119, USA